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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:29 Edit(编辑)
Mozilla woman reflection: Firefox and funding

Mozilla woman reflection: Firefox and funding(Mozilla女强人的反思:火狐和资金,)

Mozilla superwoman: reflection on Firefox and-Mozilla of funds, advertising, Firefox, Firefox-IT information Mozilla woman reflection: Firefox and funding

Last Wednesday, in order to maintain operations, Mozilla decided to implant advertising, Firefox . But the move soon usher in Mozilla CEO before, the current chairwoman of the Mozilla Foundation Mitchell Baker protested, she thought that Firefox can not rely on advertising to make ends meet.

Mitchell Baker wrote in his blog last Thursday: "we clearly focused now routine for income generation and maintaining a Mozilla issue, the answer is Yes. Every Mozilla who has to bear responsibility. "

Mozilla on Wednesday announced its Directory Tiles (complete list of magnet) project, than Baker, the incumbent Chairman of the Mozilla Foundation, attracted the attention of outsiders and question.

Mitchell Baker said in his blog, the current Firefox (Firefox) user groups to the general public, many users willing to participate in Mozilla, such as employees or to share your code so Mozilla will be questioning and resisting the new project. We're talking about Mozilla source of revenue has been a source of confusion. Not only is Mozilla people, or our sponsors, are doubts the revenue. But one thing is for sure, Mozilla will continue to enhance the user experience, and delivering open source value to our users.

She also insisted that for Firefox and other Mozilla Foundation and its projects, funding is paramount. But don't undermine the position and reputation of the user setting Mozilla Organization subject to financing.

For example, we discuss ways to provide useful content for users, and will generate revenue, as does resentment among users is acceptable. For now, search engine advertising proved to be effective, is welcomed by users and to understand.

A member of the Mozilla Foundation is one of many small organizations, it created a mainstream browser: Firefox, which 18% per cent of the global browser market share.

Is currently the world's five largest browsers manufacturers respectively for Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera. Opera world's smallest share 2012 annual revenues of us $ 216 million, also is leading the Mozilla Foundation.

Therefore, the Mozilla Organization, funding remains the primary issue.


Mozilla女强人的反思:火狐和资金 - Mozilla,火狐内置广告,火狐 - IT资讯

上周三,为了维持运营,Mozilla内容部门决定对火狐植入广告。但此举很快迎来Mozilla前CEO,现任Mozilla基金会女主席Mitchell Baker的抗议,她认为火狐产品不能靠内置广告来维持生计。

Mitchell Baker在上周四的博客中写道:“关于目前我们是否明确关注创造收入以及维持Mozilla的日常工作的问题,答案是肯定的。对于每个Mozilla人都有责任去承担”。

Mozilla上周三宣布了Directory Tiles(目录磁贴)项目后,作为现任Mozilla基金会主席的Baker就引起外界的关注和质疑。

Mitchell Baker在博客中表示,目前Firefox(火狐)的用户群体为大众型,其中不少用户非常愿意参与Mozilla,例如成为员工或者分享代码,因此会对Mozilla新项目充满质疑和抵触。我们谈论的Mozilla财政收入一直令人困惑。不仅是Mozilla人,还是我们的赞助商,都在疑惑这个财政收入。但是有一点可以肯定,Mozilla会继续提升用户体验,向我们的用户传递开源的价值观。







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