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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:03 Edit(编辑)
Battery shares are strong: iPhone, Lumia tears can’t use,

Battery shares are strong: iPhone, Lumia tears can’t use,(电池共享很强大:iPhone、Lumia泪奔用不了,)

Battery shares are strong: can't share battery for iPhone, Lumia tears Ben-IT information Battery shares a very strong: the iPhone can't, Lumia tears used

I don't know if you had any embarrassing battery died when shopping? Although portable charger or charger can solve the problem, but in fact there are some troubles. But recently a company called MycooN Korea company launches mobile phone batteries-sharing service is probably a good solution.

Known, user as long as in himself of smart phone Shang installed a paragraph name for Manddang (Korean means for "power sufficient") of application, the program on can in power insufficient Shi push sent news told user which retailers or operators entity shop will provides power sufficient of battery, and user to do of is change Shang power sufficient of battery and left runs out of battery on can has, and runs out of battery will was again full of to for other user using, this is so-called of battery shared service.

MycooN shared services due to battery operation cost is not high, so the price for this service is relatively close to the people, for the average user is quite attractive. But if you're using these batteries for a long time, some extra to pay the costs. Data show that Korea currently has 35 million mobile phone users, most users to share their own batteries while the start and some shoulder, but taking into account the share service is really very convenient battery, they have come to accept this new type of service. Not only that, but MycooN team have received a 400,000-dollar angel investment and both Samsung and LG Korea major handset manufacturers have also joined the programme, one can imagine battery very great prospects for shared services, here also sincerely hoped that China would also launch similar services as soon as possible.


电池共享很强大:iPhone、Lumia泪奔用不了 - 共享电池 - IT资讯





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