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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 7:47:48 Edit(编辑)
Firefox: the operating system more competitive than the browser,

Firefox: the operating system more competitive than the browser,(Firefox:操作系统比浏览器更有竞争力,)

Firefox: the operating system more competitive than browser-Firefox, Firefox OS, Firefox, Firefox-IT information Firefox: the operating system more competitive than the browser

From hundreds of domestic mobile phone market over the past couple of years continuously. However, as competing on the international market for more than a decade of established manufacturers, Mozilla Firefox developers seems very low-key on the mobile platform, but with more focus on Firefox OS Web-based mobile phone operating system.

At this year's CES, Mozilla announced Firefox OS smart TV with Panasonic joint production. Mozilla mobile device SVP, CEO of Mozilla China Gong Li in the General Assembly during an interview with the computer newspaper. He said that Firefox OS's greatest advantage is neutrality, and an independent browser vendors will be increasingly difficult in the future.

Advantage is not competing with anyone

PC news: CES from last year to now, Firefox OS cell phone come out for a year, how can these cell phone sales are now?

Gong Li: we don't know the number. Judging from the feedback from operators, there are a few very high market share, can probably account for all newly sold to 30% of smartphones. ZTE plans to launch this year a series of Firefox OS phone, repercussions because they feel good.

The computer reported: Firefox now focused on what market? When China and the United States and other markets go on sale?

Gong Li: the focus is on emerging markets in Latin America, Southeast Asia, India, but also we are interested in the Chinese market. Each market is different, such as China, demand is lower prices, features, but also have special needs in China, so it takes more time. India and South-East Asia there is no such special requirements of the Chinese market but at a lower price. United States is much slower, it is an after market, operators are very powerful, when Steve jobs can convince push iPhone AT&T is a special case.

The computer reported: you choose to work with our operators in many regions, and operators to bring Firefox OS what?

Gong Li: Yes, market is dominated by retail, while another is a leading operators in the market. Carrier's advantage can give us guarantees. Ourselves that something new is not easy to quickly get the trust of users, operators, especially the big operators select a custom unit is somewhat standard, could push them to give users confidence.

The computer reported: Firefox OS what is the goal of this year?

Gong Li: mobile phone production to have a real breakthrough. By the end of this year, we hope statistics statistics Mobile OS market share, Firefox OS is a single item, which means a breakthrough.

The computer reported: current Android won support from many manufacturers, Windows Phone is also in competition for markets, Firefox OS how to attract vendors?

Gong Li: we're truly neutral, not equipment, not competing with anybody. Google all customers and rival Microsoft, which will eventually have a problem. Why so many mobile phone operators will do Firefox OS, one reason is that they see Google competing with them, they stand no more Motorola high because Motorola is "the principal rooms". We think Android is a good food to eat or on the one hand, you can also continue to eat, but she was trying to eat he could not do. Carriers push Google bought bandwidth, virtual network operator, also worrying about competition. Microsoft is making hardware, hit it off a Surface contradiction OEM manufacturers.

More and more difficult to separate the browser

The computer reported: since last year, several Web OS has received a lot of attention. Compared with the traditional operating system, what are the advantages of the Web OS?

Gong Li: many businesses are doing different devices, cell phones, TVs, cars, refrigerators, they want to have a universal system, just do according to each different device screen adaptation, this is the most convenient for them. HTML 5 is the only tool to do this. Reviews Internet history, from 1995 began of ten years Internet are is HTML, later out has mobile equipment, some manufacturers on has many excuses, said HTML not mature, began go some back of road; this back for some manufacturers has benefits, such as Apple, and Google, they control has himself of ecological, but I think this just short-term of, future also will returned to real of Internet, only HTML is General of.

The computer reported: Samsung expressed the hope that the Web, with the OS before Tizen and Firefox OS compatible with each other, what do you think about it?

Gong Li: they want in terms of HTML 5 with us, and we think that HTML 5 is open, anyone can do it. Problem is Tizen is impure, Samsung with it, brought up locally, and Android's problem is somewhat similar. Just like LG made a TV-oriented Web OS, its own, Panasonic and Samsung will use it? All done by people who want the device's operating system is not a competitor, but in turn they wish their operating system to be used by others, this is contradictory. We are the only ones with people competing, so there'll be a lot of people with us.

The computer reported: many manufacturers over the past couple of years in the country attached great importance to a mobile browser, but Firefox has to focus on the operating system, not many voices about the mobile browser, why is that?

Gong Li: the browser is important, but the real deciding factor was the operating system, which is on two levels. Everyone is fighting for the two levels, and from a competitive standpoint, the operating system even more fundamental. Why can't IE? Not because IE is good, because there was Windows there. Everybody says beat Safari, iOS also hold there. Browser company alone do next will be more difficult. Because if the operating system's built-in browser is getting better and better, will affect the need for third-party browser alone. Domestic companies is the differentiation of the browser, because China's special situation, and abroad have no such thing, not Maxthon, 360, but built in. Domestic manufacturers have to take the edge, otherwise it will likely become smaller and smaller. They are now spending money to buy used, then sell it to other people flow; started out well in this business, can break even, or even to make a point, but traffic cost is more expensive.

The computer reported: so you feel they're not like desktop on mobile browser is so dependent on?

Gong Li: Yes. Android version of Firefox browser in Google Play in all browsers and ranks first in Chrome is good, but only about 50 million users. Why not? Because you lazy, do not want to download or use the APP, or use the built-in browser.

The computer reported: the future of mobile portal is what?

Gong Li: If the mobile phone operators as well as Apple, hardware and software can do, that the phone itself is the entrance. But most of the manufacturers do not soft, but to do it hard, then add some custom stuff on the mobile operating system, mobile phones and the operating system is the entry. If your browser can be installed on your phone, then it is imported, but it won't be easy.


Firefox:操作系统比浏览器更有竞争力 - 火狐系统,Firefox OS,火狐,Firefox - IT资讯

从百国内的手机浏览器市场在过去一两年里风云不断。不过作为在国际浏览器市场上拼杀已逾十载的老牌厂商,Firefox的开发商Mozilla在移动平台上却显得十分低调,而是把更多精力放在了Firefox OS这款基于Web的手机操作系统上。

在今年的CES上,Mozilla宣布将与松下联合生产Firefox OS智能电视。Mozilla移动设备高级副总裁、Mozilla中国区CEO宫力在大会期间接受了《电脑报》的专访。他表示,Firefox OS最大的优势在于中立性,而独立浏览器厂商未来会越来越艰难。


电脑报:从去年的CES到现在,Firefox OS手机问世已经一年了,目前这些手机的销量如何?

宫力:具体的数目我们也不知道。从运营商的反馈来看,有几个市场里面比例很高,大概能占到新卖出的智能手机的30%到40%都。中兴今年计划推出一个系列的Firefox OS手机,也是因为他们觉得反响不错。



电脑报:你们在很多地区选择与运营商合作,运营商给Firefox OS带来了什么?


电脑报:今年Firefox OS的目标是什么?

宫力:手机的产量能有真正的突破。到今年底,我们希望统计公司统计手机操作系统的市场份额时,Firefox OS会是单独一项,这就说明有突破了。

电脑报:目前Android得到了很多厂商支持,Windows Phone也在争夺市场,Firefox OS如何吸引手机厂商?

宫力:我们是真正的中立,不做设备,不跟任何人竞争。Google所有的客户都和他竞争,微软也是,这终究会有问题的。为什么很多手机商愿意做Firefox OS,一个原因就是,他们看到Google在和他们竞争,自己的地位再高也不会有摩托罗拉高,因为摩托罗拉是“正房”。大家一方面觉得Android这个饭吃着还不错,还可以继续吃,但心里在想哪天这饭吃不下去怎么办。运营商看到Google也在买频宽、推虚拟运营商,也会担心竞争。微软也是做硬件,一做Surface就合OEM厂商矛盾了。


电脑报:从去年开始,几款Web OS都受到了许多关注。相比传统操作系统,Web OS的优势是什么?

宫力:现在很多厂商都做不同的设备,有手机、电视、汽车,还有冰箱等,他们希望能有一个通用的系统,只是按照各个设备屏幕的不同去做适配,这样对他们来说是最便捷的。而HTML 5是唯一一个做这件事的工具。回顾互联网历史,从1995年开始的十年互联网都是HTML,后来出了移动设备,一些厂商就有很多借口,说HTML不成熟,开始走一些倒退的路;这种倒退对于有一些厂商有好处,比如苹果、Google,他们控制了自己的生态,但我认为这只是短期的,未来还会回到真正的Internet,只有HTML是通用的。

电脑报:三星之前表示希望同为Web OS的Tizen与Firefox OS相互兼容,你怎么看待这件事?

宫力:他们希望在HTML 5方面跟我们合作,而我们觉得HTML 5本来就是开放的,谁都可以做。问题在于Tizen是不纯的,三星想用它把本地的东西带起来,和Android的问题有些类似。就像LG发一个面向电视的Web OS,它自己做的,松下和三星会用吗?所有做设备的人都希望设备商的操作系统不是竞争对手的,但反过来他们又希望自己的操作系统能被别人使用,这是矛盾的。我们是唯一一个与大家都不竞争的,所以会有很多人用我们。




宫力:对。Android版的Firefox浏览器在Google Play上所有浏览器中排名第一,比Chrome都好,但只有大概5000万左右的用户。为什么大家不用?因为大家懒,不愿意下载了,要么用APP,要么就用内置的浏览器。




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