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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 9:09:55 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang 49 H7N9 cases of 12 death cases, 3 days ago only 1 death

Zhejiang 49 H7N9 cases of 12 death cases, 3 days ago only 1 death(浙江49例H7N9病例已死亡12例,3天前仅1人死)

Zhejiang 49 H7N9 cases of 12 death cases only 1 death 3 days ago | H7N9| | Zhejiang _ avian flu news

CNS, Hangzhou, January 27 (reporters and and and)-during the last 18 days of people after H7N9 avian flu report new cases of infection, 27th health family planning Commission of Zhejiang province for the first time cases have been informed of the new date. According to its statistics, as of that date at 12 o'clock, total confirmed human infection H7N9 avian influenza cases in Zhejiang Province, 49 cases of 12 death cases, cured and discharged 1 cases, is now hospitalized in 36 cases.

This reporter learned that, in 49 cases in 41 cases had a history of exposure to poultry, and confirmed patients are located in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taizhou, Shaoxing, huzhou, jiaxing, Wenzhou, Jinhua and 8 to 24 counties (cities, districts).

Since January 9, new cases have been reported for 18 consecutive days in Zhejiang Province, while more than 2 cases within 2 weeks of the County (city, district), yinzhou, Xiaoshan, Yuhang district, binjiang district,, and, and, and, and, and of Yuecheng district, Cixi city, and the area, Zhuji city, keqiao, wuxing district, correspondence etc, deqing County 11.

Recent outbreaks have the following characteristics: a case of areas to further expand. New counties (cities, districts) are emerging, is spreading. Second is the percentage of cases in the rural areas there is an upward trend. Three is a crowd younger trend of the disease. Four is no basis for an increase in cases of the disease. Five cases exposure history is dominated by live bird or live bird market exposure.

Health experts advise the public against H7N9 avian influenza infection to many people to wash their hands, and writing exercises; waders places to wear masks to avoid contact with live birds, buy "kill white" poultry or poultry products.

Health experts hope the public can actively participate in infection H7N9 avian flu prevention and control and a live bird market is not cleaning and disinfecting at least 3 days in January and the rest of the day policy and the trading of live poultry in the market, or in the local Government announced the suspension of live poultry trading or rest during the transaction, to report to the local industrial and commercial departments in a timely manner. (End text)

  According to people's daily, January 24:

  16 days in a row a total of 43 people in Zhejiang H7N9 avian flu 1 killed 28 people in critical

People's daily Beijing, January 24 (Xinhua tongzongli) informed the Commission of health of Zhejiang Province and H7N9 avian flu since January 9, 1 confirmed case of human infection cases so far, Zhejiang new human infection has already occurred for 16 consecutive days H7N9 avian flu patient, gradual increase in the number of cases, the total number of cases to 43 cases, including 1 death, 28 were critically ill. January 5, Zhejiang has H7N9 avian influenza confirmed one case of human infection so far this year, Zhejiang has notified a total 44 cases.

In the 16 days since January 9, Zhejiang Provincial human infection H7N9 avian influenza cases every day, and the daily number of patients from the initial 1, 2 cases gradually increased. From January 17 to January 22, confirmed to this 6-day daily 3, confirmed on January 23 5, today confirmed the patient was 7.

43 cases occurred in 16 days, 1 dead, 14 belonged to critically ill patients, 28 are in critically ill patients. Deceased was informed on January 11 in Zhuji city, Zhejiang Province, Li confirmed.

Related news:

Zhejiang H7N9 49 cases of human infection case details

(Original title: 49 confirmed cases of human infection in Zhejiang H7N9 avian influenza deaths of 12 cases)

(Edit: SN095)
January 27, 2014 China News Network
浙江49例H7N9病例已死亡12例 3天前仅1人死|H7N9|禽流感|浙江_新闻资讯

  中新网杭州1月27日电 (见习记者 谢盼盼)在持续18天的人感染H7N9禽流感新增病例报告后,27日是浙江省卫生计生委首次未通报病例新增的日子。据其统计,截至当日12时,浙江共确诊人感染H7N9禽流感病例49例,死亡12例,治愈出院1例,现住院36例。







  浙江连续16天共43人感染H7N9禽流感 1人死亡28人危重

  人民网北京1月24日电(记者 仝宗莉)据浙江省卫生计生委通报,自1月9日确诊1例人感染H7N9禽流感病例以来至今,浙江已连续16天出现新增人感染H7N9禽流感患者,病例数呈逐渐增加态势,病例总数达到43例,其中1人死亡,28人危重。此前的1月5日浙江也确诊了一例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,今年以来浙江共已通报44例。





(原标题:浙江确诊49例人感染H7N9禽流感病例 死亡12例)


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