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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 10:18:08 Edit(编辑)
Beijing storm blue alert has been issued, and there will be heavy rain and 6 winds

Beijing storm blue alert has been issued, and there will be heavy rain and 6 winds(北京发布暴雨蓝色预警,,将有强降雨及6级大风)

Storm blue alert has been issued in Beijing will have torrential rains and 6 winds | |-warning _ strong rainfall news

"Storm blue warning signals" Warning Center: City weather storm blue 17:45 publication warning signals before 20 o'clock western part of the city, and there will be 20 mm/hours of heavy rain and wind to about a 6, on guard.

  Previous message

"The evening there will be a thundershower note prevention" in current lightning yellow, cloudy, partly cloudy in the evening, most areas of thundershowers, have some effect for evening peak traffic, pay attention to traffic safety. Tonight will continue to cloud cover on top of the weather, and dispersion of showers, don't forget to bring your rain gear when, minimum temperature of 19 ° c. Cloudy partly cloudy during the day tomorrow, Dongfeng two or three levels, maximum temperature of 27 degrees Celsius.

18:08 on June 01, 2014
北京发布暴雨蓝色预警 将有强降雨及6级大风|强降雨|预警_新闻资讯



  【傍晚仍有雷阵雨 请注意防范】目前雷电黄色预警中,傍晚阴天间多云,大部地区有雷阵雨,对晚高峰交通出行有一定影响,注意行车安全。今夜还将持续阴云盖顶的天气,并有分散性阵雨,出行时别忘了带好雨具,最低气温19℃。明天白天阴转多云,东风二三级,最高气温27℃。


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