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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/23 8:59:31 Edit(编辑)
The SASAC: resolutely curb the momentum moved forcefully spreading corruption

The SASAC: resolutely curb the momentum moved forcefully spreading corruption(国资委:坚决遏制央企腐败蔓延势头)

The SASAC: resolutely curb moved forcefully corruption spreads | SASAC | moved forcefully | corruption spreads _ news

Website Beijing January 23 electric (reporter He Zongyu) state country funding Board Director Chang in 23rd held of central enterprise anti-corruption construction workshop Shang said, central enterprise to put punish corruption pendulum in more highlight of location, banner, really caught really check, always keep high pressure posture, strongly curb corruption spread momentum; to caught early caught small, on cadres body of problem early found, and early reminded, and early corrected, and early investigated, both put production operating got up, and cannot let cadres pour down.

He also requirements, central enterprise levels party organizations to real take up implementation party campaign of main responsibility, main is responsible for gay to set not caught party campaign is serious dereliction of of awareness, real fulfilled good first responsibility people of duties, leadership other members to duties range within of party campaign real commitment up leadership responsibility; to to commitment of campaign responsibility for signed endorsement, do be duty bound to defend the territory of one's country; to leadership ineffective, and not caught regardless of and led to unhealthy tendency long-term grows spread, Or major corruption problem and does not stop, I figure, not reported, to make a distinction between responsibility, serious reason.

He stressed that to ensure that supervision at all levels in relation to the right to independence and authority, seriously implement the Central Commission for discipline inspection on the "head of the discipline inspection and supervision in the party is not in charge of the other operational work" requirements, perform supervisory duties effectively.

(Edit: SN064)
January 23, 2014 The website

  新华网北京1月23日电 (记者何宗渝)国务院国资委主任张毅在23日举行的中央企业反腐倡廉建设工作会议上说,中央企业要把惩治腐败摆在更加突出的位置,旗帜鲜明,真抓真查,始终保持高压态势,坚决遏制腐败蔓延势头;要抓早抓小,对领导干部身上的问题早发现、早提醒、早纠正、早查处,既要把生产经营搞上去,又不能让干部倒下来。




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