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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:06:46 Edit(编辑)
Waste regulation: office building of party and Government organs built ban landmarks

Waste regulation: office building of party and Government organs built ban landmarks(反对浪费条例:党政机关办公楼禁建成地标)

Waste regulation: office building of party and Government organs built office building of landmarks | |-ban against waste Ordinance | organs _ news

Announced yesterday that the party and Government organs economy waste Ordinance on official business abroad, Office space, corporate hospitality, respectively, making the "not allowed to make inspection visits", "office building of party and Government organs must not create urban landmarks", "implementation of total hospitality expenditures control systems" requirements. Experts believe that the regulations further from the systems power cage is tied on, on all party and Government organs, hangs a sword of the system, let it remain alert at all times.

"The trip"

Ban set to hot countries visited


Integrated annual business provisional programme of going abroad, strictly control the number and size of the group is not allowed to make compassionate and substance-free general visits is not allowed to make inspection visits, no concentrated arranging to hot countries and regions visited, is prohibited under various names disguised Sightseeing tours abroad on public funds.

Strictly enforced on official temporary abroad limited regulations, not as individual treatment abroad, arrangements for rotation to go abroad. Strict control of trans-regional and cross-sectoral groups.

Violation of regulations is strictly prohibited using budget funds as overseas funds abroad, refuses to subordinate units, enterprises, offices and other costs assessed or transferred abroad.

 Central Government departments went abroad last year (border) to spend 1.2 billion

2012 Central Department units published by the Audit Commission audit results show that the level 45 central departments last year go abroad on business (border) actual expenditures of 1.213 billion yuan. Among them, 13 departments without a budget, budget or excess expenditures abroad, Super range 39.0293 million Yuan, 20 departments receiving funds from enterprises and institutions or units assessed abroad cost 5.5013 million Yuan.


Public holiday-proof needed building supervisory mechanisms

"Now go abroad, schedule, itinerary, invite Parties, were announced. Back to report, if night comes back, or plan to go to other cities, must explain why. Significantly reduced the number of visits, training abroad, "last night, the National School of administration, said in an interview with the Beijing News Xu Yaotong, Professor.

Said Xu Yaotong, the "study visits" are major components of the business go abroad, but in fact, the "study visit" has largely completed its historic mission, set out in the regulations "do not arrange study visits", "non-centralized arrangement in hot countries and regions visited" and so on, can effectively prevent Sightseeing tours abroad on public funds. However, the Ordinance actually landed in urgent need of system requirements and oversight mechanisms, "system the most important overseas reporting, country standards, institutionalize the links, for supervision. Oversight mechanisms, the third plenum of the decision set out democratic supervision, supervision, supervision, supervision of Internet law. Low cost of past violations, serious implementation of the isolated regime will be penalized. Oversight mechanisms established will help to put an end to this phenomenon. "

"Corporate hospitality"

Total control over the central management


Party and Government organs should strictly enforce the domestic corporate hospitality standards, the implementation of system for total control over hospitality expenditures.

Reception units should be strictly according to the standard of accommodation arrangements for the reception room and assist in arranging meals meal charge on the standard, may not receive payments were charged cost should be borne by the host object, may not hold meetings, training on behalf of Liechtenstein, transfer, concealment, such as hospitality expenses.

Establishment of reception resource sharing mechanisms, promoting the organ belongs to the reception, centralized management and utilization of training venues. Health services management system, the implementation organization belongs to the reception, training on business management, and reduced operating costs.

National recreational activities using public funds a year spending 300 billion

Last year two sessions, on containment, proposal submitted by the JIU San society central lodge to the public funds for wining and dining recommendations, national public funds for wining and dining expenses had reached 300 billion a year. In 2009, China's share of administration costs to be incurred in fiscal expenditure reached 18.6%, education, science and technology, social security and employment, affordable housing, health care, environmental protection expenditures, expenditures on people's livelihood, the proportion is less than 38%.


Unified management of "Fight Club"

National School of administration, Xu Yaotong, professor who used to work in, he said, corporate hospitality management ideas of the Ordinance, that is centrally managed, receiving approval, inventory, social reform, available from plugging corporate hospitality for all aspects of corruption.

"Past a organ in of all sector, are has funding, treat dinner is easy", Xu Yaotong said, "concentrated management", and "reception approval", and "lists list", and "total control" Hou, all sector of corporate reception can by organ of Office unified is responsible for, whether the reception, and which people accompanied, and per capita consumption how many, Office reported applications, zhihou took with was batch report and detail single reimbursement, once has violation acts, directly to Office asked accountability, "process institutionalized, easy regulatory".

Xu Yaotong believes that "hospitality resource sharing, public reception a unified administration", meaning similar to corporate meetings management mode, specify the designated host organization, "this measure can effectively prevent clubs spending eight entries after the implementation date, reception for individual official transfer to the Club."

"Office space"

Proposed violation with firm terminated


Those who violate the provisions of the proposed office space project, must terminate; anyone who does not follow the prescribed procedures and approval procedures and unauthorized construction of office premises for the project, must stop and confiscate whatever standard, Super Hyper-scale and hyper-investment budget for the construction of office premises for the project, should be based on specific circumstances fall deadline to release excess space or forfeited, auction.

Organs office space construction projects shall follow the principle of simple, practical, safe, energy-saving. Office building of party and Government organs must not create urban landmarks, supporting construction and large squares, parks and other facilities is strictly prohibited.

Violation audit exposure 18 halls and buildings

Starting from 1988 the construction of halls and buildings of the provisional regulations on management, luxury office building governance for 25 years. But excessive luxury office building "women struggled."

Preliminary statistics show that only last 5 years central departments of the National Audit Office published in the annual audit report, exposed violations of halls and buildings, 18, of which 6 standard for Hyper-scale and hyper-, Super-investment budget for the project.


Luxury building in governance over radical wind

National administrative College Professor Xu Yaotong, and Hubei Province statistics Deputy Secretary ye are said, regulations under made of "who Super scale, and Super standard, and Super investment estimates construction of Office with room project, should according to specific situation deadline released back Super standard area or all confiscated, and auction", clear has on "exceeded" Office with room of disposal measures, operation sexual strong, can effective radical Office luxury wind.

Said Xu Yaotong, in 2009 the national development and Reform Commission issued the party and Government organs of office building standard: Minister-level officials, Office greater than 54 square meters in area, and county clerk must not exceed 20 square meters, the section area of 6 square metres per person. After the implementation of the regulation, deadline to release all of excessive withdrawal or confiscation, auction.

Said Xu Yaotong, previously, there was discussion, only exceeded in less than 10 square meters, can "make out", even if separated by a partition, is also not suitable for Office less than 10 square meters of space, instead of wasteful "does not adjust itself, much less give policy a ' cut ' and once ' cut ', easy to shape, going through the motions".

This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Wang Shu

(Original title: office building of party and Government organs built landmarks-ban)

(Edit: SN067)
November 26, 2013 The Beijing News










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  本版采写/新京报记者 王姝



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