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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/23 8:59:22 Edit(编辑)
Tangshan village irrigation facilities into furnishings, two years without a single drop of

Tangshan village irrigation facilities into furnishings, two years without a single drop of(唐山一村庄灌溉设施成摆设,两年没流一滴水)

Tangshan village irrigation facilities furnished two years without a single drop of (photo) | | | Tangshan farmland is idle _ irrigation facilities news

In Guzhi District, Tangshan xiaozhaicun Zhuang town, completed nearly two years of irrigation and water conservancy facilities in the village has no water, became "uncompleted". Therefore, villagers in the fields to keep the water pipes and no water. For that matter, Joe from the villagers found effluent from pipe laying, please now, has reflected to relevant authorities over the past couple of years, but still no results.

Text/photo newspaper reporter Tang Yan

  Pump submersible pump does not power up over pipes set

On January 19, under the guidance of the villagers, the reporters came to xiaozhaicun fields. Here to farmlands are neatly divided into blocks, each block generally is 500 meters long and 300 meters wide, from the alley can be seen above the plots of different sizes. On each side of the Massif, there are outcrops around 20 cm, 10 cm diameter metal tube, each tube are between 15-20 meters apart.

"This is the year before in laying pipelines in irrigation and drainage engineering, more than 2000 acres of our village were buried in pipes, also hit ten new wells. "Joe describes," for this project to be completed in April 2012, the villagers heard States to drilling wells, laying water pipes in the village, not to mention how pleased I am to. Allows the villagers don't entirely understand is, project completion by now, pipelines haven't been out in a drop of water, water-saving irrigation facilities became a decoration. ”

Reporter noted that these exposed pipes, no valves or connecting pipe clips, pipe piles up thick soil debris, do not see traces of use, some of which had broken down, deformation. Matched with which the situation is that, from the outside appears to be in good condition, but out of bare wires show that depend on electricity-driven submersible pump has not worked. Top pumping pipes and aqueducts and some of which didn't even connect, to normal water is the question.

"Don't know if it's not ready, or later destroyed by the people, in short, has invested heavily in the construction of irrigation and water conservancy facilities did not come in handy. "Said Joe with a touch of regret.

  In winter large areas of cultivated land idle poor plot shouted when thirsty

Reporters along the block head South, after thousands of acres of land, only found about 30 acres of wheat, large tracts of land lying idle mostly barren.

"We're very good for wheat, winter summer, corn, peanuts, twice a year, don't idle. Draught wheat, villagers are now guarding the pipes no irrigated land, who dare kind anymore? "An elderly villager told reporters that no irrigated land, it's not kind of. Want to eat noodles buy all year round.

"It's a plot of more than 200 acres, wheat is less than 6 acres, most of the winters such shortages. Village more than 2000 acres planted fifty or sixty acres. "The villagers pointed at a Medina said, wheat should pour antifreeze water twice at this time, keep it safe over the winter, but now ground the wheat but could not. He brushed away a young journalist, "you see such seedlings, dry yellow on the tip of the root is black, will be able to live. If the roots have wizened is absolutely dead. "Journalists at the same time, surfaces can be seen everywhere in wheat field in dry cracks.

"Not only does loss of wheat and other crops in continuous cropping have production, species can't live without water, for everything! "Another busy villagers passing by" complaint ".

  Village next to normal water pipes of small walled water tubes do not get "stuck" where

With just one lane away from the xiaozhaicun, is a village next to a child's arable land. Reporters saw the field pipe valve, take over the complete Accessories Kit, it tube orifice visible water marks on the surface. Water not far away, also has an "intelligent water-saving irrigation control cabinets".

"Look at people here, complete supporting facilities, new facilities in our village even without a pump room. "Xiaozhaicun villager admiringly says," children many of the villagers had planted herbs and precious than wheat, counting the money. ”

Xiaozhaicun farm water is "stuck" in where? Zhuang town, the Government official in charge of agriculture said that they xiaozhaicun this project has been completed and has passed inspection. According to the design plan, they just pump, pipe, in charge of irrigation and water conservancy facilities construction, including arable land and the realities are already well, responsible for drilling wells, laying pipe, after acceptance of the village facilities maintenance management, parts are responsible for. Power parts of the facility, the electricity sector is responsible for.

Reporters then contacted xiaozhaicun, and he told reporters that in 2012 to the irrigation and water conservancy projects, is invested by the State, is responsible for organizing the boot only in engineering construction in the village, for information. As regards the problem of acceptance, need to be dealt with by the relevant government departments. Village clerk insists that reflects well the villagers has been someone to fix problems in the village, now water. Many villagers suspect wheat water and electricity costs are too high, so unwilling to sort, this year we have planted more than 100 acres of winter wheat. Now, whatever, planted in the spring, such as corn, peanuts, and then have a problem, we will fix it at any time.

(Original title: Tangshan village irrigation facilities furnishings)

January 23, 2014 Yanzhao evening news
唐山一村庄灌溉设施成摆设 两年没流一滴水(图)|灌溉设施|耕地闲置|唐山_新闻资讯


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