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HIV to fix outstanding has been selling real estate in Guangzhou, pollutants have cancer risks

HIV to fix outstanding has been selling real estate in Guangzhou, pollutants have cancer risks(广州毒地修复未完已开卖房产,污染物有致癌风险)



HIV to fix outstanding pollutants has been selling real estate in Guangzhou has carcinogenic risk to pollution _ | | | Guangzhou HIV news

Original title: Guangzhou King still in remediation of contaminated soil with some items on sale

Daily economic news Trainee journalist Wei Qiong

Guangzhou iron and steel city 27.7 billion yuan were sold in Guangzhou "King" behind the glamorous, little is known, this closely watched city, also in Guangdong Province, the largest of the "poison".

According to Sohu finance the periscopic investigation reports, Metro now soil remediation programme is controversial in GIS, soil remediation tenders after only three months, various builders has been building, the public selling.

"Poison" episode, how should companies respond?

  Guangzhou iron and steel town that saved land pollution

In order to find the "poison" of true and false, the daily economic news journalists view the Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau website, statistics, Guangzhou iron and steel town where does land pollution.

In December 2013, gise commissioned Guangdong provincial ecological environment and soil Institute for the preparation of the gise crane block (North), soil survey and repair programme. Results showed that gise block 517,500 cubic meters needed remediation of contaminated soil, North the largest volume volume of contaminated soils near 2/3.

Soil remediation expert Chinese Academy of Sciences, many industry insiders have told the press that, wide steel blocks of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of refractory for 100 years, these pollutants slowly volatile solids mixing other pollutants or pollutants to form aerosols in the air transport, for the residents, especially the elderly and children at risk for cancer.

An interview with the business daily journalist stationed in Guangzhou iron and steel town's developer, said that there were metal soil pollution problems such as excessive, but with all the procedures are run in accordance with Government, government environmental assessment work is done, soil remediation work has been carried out, the repair time is not clear for the time being.

According to public information displays, on May 29, 2015, the Guangzhou iron and steel "poison" fix joined the international tender on May 21, 2015, the Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau approved the gise crane contaminated soil remediation technology programme on May 29, and Guangzhou iron and steel announced "wide steel crane site remediation of contaminated soils a tender notice." Environmental remediation of Beijing construction engineering company limited bid to 439.9 million Yuan, the service period for 443 days, expected to be completed until July 2016 to fix.

According to Sohu finance periscopic reported April 2016, repeated visits to Guangzhou iron and steel block remediation of contaminated soil, found north of 333,000 cubic meters of contaminated soil have been dredging, transportation, staging to Southern District, two giant capsule-shaped inflated film greenhouses, greenhouses are located in former days wide steel coal field. Last December, repair workshop area or open space, fix the plant built, floor construction to repair.

Many domestic soil remediation experts said "the digging is definitely not fixed, even in cases of ectopic repair, also need to be repaired and then developed", as "poison" harmful substances in soil excavation process will be volatile, not digging soil dug out heaps better.

  Fix did not end items on sale

Guangzhou iron and steel building in the new town did not seem to "poison" the slow repair work has not been completed, gise Metro currently has 7 developers to develop North in GIS: sea, Poly, Raffles place, in Zhuhai huafa North, Shenzhen zhenye, resources, Fang Xing, many of these projects have been completed. Sea, Raffles place, gezhouba in the three items into the sales phase, jinmao mansion has opened in Guangzhou experience Center, Peking University resources and Burson-Marsteller 1898 open sales center, is currently recognized the preparatory phase. Hair in Central Park of Guangzhou and Shenzhen zhenye zhenye town north to other real estate site similar in construction.

According to daily economic news reporter understand, wide steel Metro first went on sale of project for in the sea Hua Wan one,, plots Yu February 2014 to 3.949 billion yuan price competing have, distribution built 90000 square meters demolition placed room, equivalent floor surface premium 18471 Yuan/square meters, built 8 building 33~51 layer senior building, including 2 building 51 layer also moved room, and 5 building 49 layer residential and 1 building 33 layer Business Office, building density for 40%.

Hai Hua Wan Plaza in September 2015 opening Sun edge data show that as of May 4, 2016 has sold 900 copies, price 30783/square meters, total unsold units was 3293, go to 21.4%.

Metro the second sale in GIS project for the street into ear in Washington, and financial Street holding into Guangzhou's first project. Marketing Center opened last September and the entity model. NetEase real estate sources, project 8 high-rise buildings will be built, total volume of 1655, the main push 70~110 square meters with hardcover small apartment. Sun edge data shows that sold 189 Raffles place financial spike Washington, price 29985 Yuan/square meter, accumulated unsold 510 units, the overall rate of 27%.

Gezhouba poly City Sales Center opened on May 1, main building is A1, A2, 82~111 square meter of three products with high performance, at the price of 28000~32000 Yuan/sq m, day hundred set, turnover of nearly 200 million Yuan.

NetEase real estate reports indicate, according to poly-related sources, gezhouba poly 51 Manchester City 3 days holiday sales of 500 million Yuan.

The daily economic news reporters to view Sun border to check data, as of May 4, the gezhouba poly Manchester City sold 142 sets prices 28989 Yuan/sq m, turnover of 380 million Yuan, total unsold 354 units, go to 28.6%.

Reporter call heads of Raffles place financial spike Washington project for information, said that he is not available for an interview.

Poly real estate group Deputy General Manager Yu Ying-shih said in an interview with the business daily journalist, EIA has passed, received planning permits require EIA report, land sold by the Government have been fixed, developed in stages. Gezhouba poly location is parking, unloading of the Manchester City project, no shop, the EIA report showed no contamination.

Yu added that soil remediation work in the White House in the Southern District.

Industry-leading real estate experts told the daily news reporters, toxins in the soil through a third party appraisal, clear drug and toxic soil depth, soil remediation to meet the relevant standards, such as has not been repaired for development is not responsible for people's life and health behavior.

Reporter compared Sun margin transaction data found that as of May 4, Guangzhou iron and steel city projects 20% about to go sale, Hai Hua Wan Plaza is gise Newcastle sold the largest number of projects. Soufun data shows that Hua Wan, B7 building, first floor, one time in December 2017, sui Wah Street and thawing time for December 2016, the gezhouba ? poly houses to make room for December 2017 with Manchester City.

Sohu finance reports indicate that gise Metro "poison" fix period provided only 443 days, are available for reference, United States Rafer Canal District "poison" fix the initial results achieved from 1983 to 2004 took 21 years, all the repair work had been completed, fetched only 1/3 inhabitants.

443 days repairing the EIA can pass unknown, first when whether land was safe for the time being is unknown.

"Poison" the news will certainly impact on the real estate sales to some extent. In Guangzhou, there are only 2 items for sale in the sea under high pressure. Guangzhou Hai Hua Wan, one investigator told the daily news that, normal advancement of the project, on the impact of events on sales does not respond positively.

According to view new media report, Guangzhou China shipping sales target for the year to 10 billion yuan, Hai Yu only city and Hai Hua Wan, one of two items for sale from sunlight due April home network check, Hai Yu in town of 95%, which meant 2016 in the Guangzhou sea pressure landed on the sea Hua Wan Plaza.

Reporter view Sun border to check the data, as of May 2, 2016, China Guangzhou two item sales amount of 2.69 billion yuan, 10 billion target gap.

Performance pressure, Hai Hua Wan started number one worry in the market also appears to be reasonable. Hit the "poison" incident, Hai Hua Wan, one might face more selling pressure.

Many famous Guangzhou real estate experts said that "poison" events will have an impact on the real estate sales, but if an open and transparent manner, scientifically, you can quickly remove market doubts. Judging from the past, in Guangzhou, "poison", after after the renovation, real estate sales can proceed smoothly, a detailed timetable for the restoration of the Government, can reduce the impact of real estate sales, the key point is able to come up with strong evidence.

Earlier, Ma Xiangming said Guangdong town planning and design Research Institute Chief Engineer, the old factory to planning for commercial and residential land and soil contamination issues you must consider. In his view, the previous White Swan pond circle plan, Guangzhou iron and steel is the largest land reserve resources, considered to be industrial lands, soil purification, had planned the most polluting plant built the Industrial Heritage Park, instead of providing real estate development.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Guangzhou toxic pollution

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广州毒地修复未完已开卖房产 污染物有致癌风险|广州|毒地|污染_新闻资讯

  原标题:广州地王污染土壤仍在修复 部分项目已开卖

  每日经济新闻实习记者 魏琼












  修复未结束 项目已开卖






















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