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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 7:48:26 Edit(编辑)
Hackers invade your router, TV, refrigerator ...,

Hackers invade your router, TV, refrigerator ...,(黑客在入侵你的路由器、电视机、冰箱...,)

Hackers invade your router, TV, refrigerator ...-hacker, cyber attacks, the Internet of things-it information Hackers invade your router, TV, refrigerator ...

Proofpoint network security agencies recently said that first discovery involved traditional home appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, large-scale network attacks.

Proofpoint said hackers when household appliances, has not spent much effort, because most users do not have the correct security password, or have been using equipment the default password. Hacker who penetrated more than 100,000 consumer devices, including home routers, versatile Media Center, television sets and refrigerators.

Proofpoint also said that this was the first appearance for household electrical appliances "botnet", and was also first Internet network attacks.

The botnet (Botnet) refers to the use of one or more means of communication, a large number of hosts infected with bot program (zombies) virus and between the controller and infected hosts forming a one to many control networks. As the technology industry here is a new concept, IOT short is home to various devices, including televisions, refrigerators, thermostats and smart meter and door lock was loaded onto the chip, software and connected to the network. But for hackers, these can hack into and completely controlled by computers.


黑客在入侵你的路由器、电视机、冰箱... - 黑客,网络攻击,物联网 - IT资讯






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