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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:21:17 Edit(编辑)
Court of Guangxi carrying cases involved people’s livelihood, 32 detained deadbeats

Court of Guangxi carrying cases involved people’s livelihood, 32 detained deadbeats(广西法院集中执行涉民生案件,32名老赖被拘留)

Performed centrally by the court cases involved people's livelihood in Guangxi Guangxi, 32 detained deadbeats | | deadbeats | livelihood _ news

Staff writer, Nanning, January 15 (reporter Xie Zhenhua)-a few days ago, held court system of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the livelihood of cases special focus on implementation of the action, to a total of 605 cases 4,087 applications implementation of grant implementation 84.8185 million, Justice Gold 1.925 million Yuan, 32 "deadbeats" in detention, 34 were executed men were sealing up, distraining, freezing, forced to move out of such coercive measures.

"The remuneration related to people's livelihood, such as the case of recourse, in a district-wide implementation cases occupy a considerable proportion of the crowd response. "Guangxi Vice President Lin Yutang described the High Court, State courts have traditionally attached great importance to implementation of the cases involved people's livelihood in 2013, holding knot 8,786 cases involved people's livelihood, they knot of 325 million dollars to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups. In 2013, the District Court through the implementation of a judicial inspection system, 127,509 accounts total queries, queries to 1.295 billion yuan, involving the person subjected to execution 17,520 people, resolve cases 11,342.

"Never let ' deadbeats ' eating and drinking, and free play, must not allow difficult creditors went hungry, lived a hard life! "Lin Yutang said.

(Original title: Guangxi performed centrally by the court cases involved people's livelihood)

(Edit: SN098)
January 16, 2014 People's daily online-people's daily
广西法院集中执行涉民生案件 32名老赖被拘留|广西|老赖|民生_新闻资讯

  本报南宁1月15日电 (记者谢振华)日前,广西壮族自治区法院系统举行涉民生案件专项集中执行行动,共向605个案件中4087名申请执行人发放执行款8481.85万元、司法救助金192.5万元;32名“老赖”被拘留,34名被执行人被采取查封、扣押、冻结、强制迁出等强制措施。





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