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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:54:13 Edit(编辑)
Addressing cadres of 443 people in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, collect auction cars 25

Addressing cadres of 443 people in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, collect auction cars 25(湖北荆州处理党员干部443人,收缴拍卖车25辆)

Party cadres in Jingzhou, Hubei Province Jinzhou | 443 to collect the lot 25 | eight | _ under News

Xinhuanet, Wuhan, November 16 (reporters Liu Ziling and and Liang Jianqiang)-supervision Bureau of Jingzhou city, Hubei province recently issued a message: this year, follow-up of Jingzhou city "eight rules" supervision and inspection of 236 times, cadres of 443 people.

It is understood that the Party Central Committee's "eight rules" after the introduction, Jingzhou city, Hubei Province, party committees, Governments, and discipline inspection and supervision organs to study hard to grasp, planning measures, and efforts to strengthen supervision and inspection, strictly called responsibility. This year, the total implementation eight provisions of the supervision and inspection of Jingzhou city 236 times, investigated and dealt with the issue 269, 443 people party cadres, cadres at the county level to 5.

Punch in the city regulation public eating and drinking problems, and resolutely "wasted on the tongue"; strengthening official cars equipped with management, no excessive distribution vehicles, gongchesiyong is strictly prohibited, and collected and public auction exceed 25 units.

Meanwhile, in order to deepen the rule goes, build the best development environment of accountability this year, discipline inspection and supervision organs of Jingzhou city has increased the strength of the NT $, omission, chaotic and slow as detrimental to economic development, such as environmental acts were severely punished.

Jingzhou city supervision Bureau, State Council Office for Rectifying the Organization review Department asked media governance and evaluation of activities, activity continues deepen democracy comment caught wind.

(Edit: SN064)
November 16, 2013 The website
湖北荆州处理党员干部443人 收缴拍卖车25辆|荆州|八项规定|处理_新闻资讯

  新华网武汉11月16日电 (记者刘紫凌、梁建强)湖北省荆州市纪委监察局近日发布消息:今年以来,荆州市开展落实“八项规定”情况监督检查236次,处理党员干部443人。






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