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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 10:05:48 Edit(编辑)
Mobile phone sticker touch-screen rechargeable

Mobile phone sticker touch-screen rechargeable(这膜会火:手机贴膜触屏可充电,)

This film will be hot: mobile foil rechargeable-charging touch screen foil, mobile films and to charge mobile phone-it news This film will be hot: mobile film touch screen and rechargeable

Guangdong University of technology, has designed a new rechargeable foil, put their cell phone screen, touch will be able to generate electricity, to achieve "full". Main designers, graduates of the school Cai Jinbo said, although the design did not enter production stage, but if the materials mature, and soon someone will do.

This is what how does it work? Design team leader Cai Jinbo, Guangdong industrial University graduates told reporters that the cell phone films have a special two-layer film, used to generate electricity, another layer is the absorption calls. Power film has a special material, this material has been developed. Cai Jinbo 2012 graduated from the Guangdong University of technology, industrial design, design company now operate a venture, it is he, together with a number of Guangdong University of technology students design is complete.

Cai Jinbo said, this film uses a piezoelectric effect to produce the electricity, post it on your cell phone screen, and every time we were in touch by phone, it will generate electricity, membrane at the bottom there is a charging interface, connect to the phone's charging interface can be "filled".

"30%~40% can use power generating capacity. "Cai Jinbo estimates that cell phone use during foil can be added at any time using energy consumption of about 40%, implying that the film only increase battery life, does not ensure that a long time off.


这膜会火:手机贴膜触屏可充电 - 充电贴膜,手机贴膜,手机充电 - IT资讯






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