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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 7:47:36 Edit(编辑)
China’s “Hag“ foreigner crazy

China’s “Hag“ foreigner crazy(中国“腐女”让老外疯狂了,)

China's "Hag" foreigner crazy-Hag, pop words on-line-IT information China's "Hag" to foreigners crazy

BBC dramas of the British theater to the detective Sherlock yesterday has been airing the second set in the third quarter, although already spoil before being broadcast, but many domestic Hag any fans still weary of looking for the play "selling beancurd" possible details.

Domestic "rot female" forces of Dalian outside vector are surprised was, in God exploration Shylock under in played Shylock of Benedict Cumberbatch has been was numerous female fans were called "male God",BBC China blog Shang also hereby in the translation British new made has "male God" a word , drama in the of Shylock and Watson was joked for "volume Fu and peanut", the blog said many China fans like will "volume Fu" and "peanut" portrayed into is "pair", God exploration Shylock under Screenwriter and even two people come forward to dispel the play really is not gay!

Apart from the BBC, and a recent issue of the United States magazine is also concerned about China's foreign policy, "rot" culture. Mentioned in the text, many in China "is gay" network of countless episodes of the novel is "volume blessing" and "peanut" imaginary, many novels are big-scale depiction of sex.

It seems China "Granny", Chinese "Hag" has also been successful overseas.


中国“腐女”让老外疯狂了 - 腐女,网络流行语 - IT资讯


国内“腐女”势力之大连外媒都吃惊不已,在《神探夏洛克》里饰演夏洛克的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇一直被众多女性粉丝们称为“男神”,BBC中国博客上还特此中译英新造了“male god”一词,剧中的夏洛克和华生被戏称为“卷福与花生”,该博客表示很多中国粉丝喜欢将“卷福”和“花生”描绘成是“一对”,《神探夏洛克》的编剧甚至出面辟谣剧中的两人真的不是同性恋!




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