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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:06:24 Edit(编辑)
How to prevent the human flesh? Or simply online? ,

How to prevent the human flesh? Or simply online? ,(如何防止被人肉?或者干脆别上网?,)

How to prevent the human flesh? Or simply online?
-IT-flesh information How to prevent the human flesh? Or simply online?

Privacy is a very sensitive topic, and everyone wants to have in a totally secure environment. 360 and QQ wars because of user privacy, it also means a rise of online privacy to a new level.

Others thought everybody familiar, common social networking sites through search engines or use your QQ number, or phone number you can query your more information such as educational background, work experience, family address, height, how many people at home, several acres of land.

Although, no one doing nothing to check your information, but when someone checked your information, it is generally two kinds of people: the people who hate you, and second, your admirers. So when we mix on the network still need to dial down their information not getting out.

Anti-human collection-the usual Internet access should pay attention to?

1, do not easily leave your contact details on the forums, QQ, lest someone through your QQ number search to your forum account (perhaps is the user name you used), and through the account step by step trace for more information.

2, not in some "needs to leave the mailbox" this post the following mailbox. One day, your sensitive usernames is concerned, your mailbox is also exposed.

3, email, blogs, MySpace not to leave their contact information.

4, write a log does not involve as much as possible their real name, nickname or symbol instead.

5, saying with force Lightning, try to avoid conflict with public outrage at the Forum. Rational reasoning, don't say your dad is official.

6, registered Web site user name should diversify, diversify password.

7, try not to place an intimate photograph of a person, to avoid affecting friends.

8, away from the real-name system network, real-name system was a ticking time bomb, and your information will be permanently stored.

9, in school children to try not to get too inside, your name is on the school's Web site the greater the chances of being meat, the greater the chance of.

10, major social networking sites and privacy rights be designed, only friends can see.

If you can already be human flesh to, what?

But there is such a part of people, there are already a few years online life, did not pay attention to protection of network privacy, a random check can flesh it out, like the author himself ...

Also because of these things, do not realize the importance of anti-human, it is only this tutorial came out.

The first step: you know personal information removal, or set permissions

This information is most likely to stay in places like community platforms: everyone, Sina, QQ Alumni know, watercress, and so on.

All networks privacy permissions set tutorial:

QQ Alumni privacy settings tutorial:

SINA micro-blog privacy settings:

SINA weibo more powerful privacy settings, but not nice, members of the more practical features are needed before they can be used.

Personal website to find real information easily through work, so these sites also need to take into account, here is the qianchengwuyou website, other websites are basically the same.

Qianchengwuyou resume public setting:

Choice of publicly known, watercress is not covered here, please refer to the above modifications.

Second step: human flesh himself, he found himself did not take into account site

If haven't shopped in paste, Forum, these sites may have been used by our forgotten, but we still have the traces of. You can find out by Baidu search keywords are mainly: QQ number, your name, username, phone number, email and so on.

Step three: all-forged information

There is always some websites, we are unable to eliminate information, privacy cannot be set, but we can modify information, like change of identity, with own irrelevant.

The fourth step: contact webmaster

If the information cannot be modified, it is only through the website's contact us contact webmaster or customer service staff for deletion.


如何防止被人肉?或者干脆别上网? - 人肉 - IT资讯


































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