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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:14:06 Edit(编辑)
Use the phone keypad to type the most tired of words,

Use the phone keypad to type the most tired of words,(用手机键盘打字最累的单词,)

Typing at the keyboard using a mobile phone the most tired Word-phone keypad, typing-IT news Use the phone keypad to type the most tired of words

I use an old-fashioned feature phones, typing--for example, with the numeric keypad enter the letter "y", you need to press the numeric key "9" three times. Some words on the letter will focus on a number of key. If this is the case, you have to take the rhythm slower, it is rather annoying. I would like to know, in all the English words, like this focus on a key, which is the most annoying Word?

——Stewart Bishop

We can use this look dismal in the Perl scripting language, plus more disturbing the regular expression to solve this problem, give it a Word form, it can find duplicate key up to the words:

cat wordlist.txt | perl -pe 's/^(.*)$/\L$& \U$&/g' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' '2223334445556667777888999' | grep -P "(.) \1\1\1\1\1 "

Scripts give the result is the word "nonmonogamous (non-monogamous)", it requires you to 7 times in a row by pressing the number key "6" (the word "nonmonotonic" on top, and apparently my wordlist is not all).

Numeric keypad sentences

On a few letters of the word all in one key which used a maximum of only a few letters of the word, such as "Tutu (pettiskirt)". However, these "squeeze on the key" bad words, we can make a few sentences like this: a high def MMO on TV (a HD game TV shows), these words every word is a build to come out.

The phrase, I could come up with more, though some seem a little abstract: High FEE 2 FEED MOM ON MOON (to support my mother on the Moon really expensive)

QWERTY keyboard

The word geek circles, a famous cold-knowledge is the word "stewardesses (flight attendant)" is played on full keyboard phones, tapping out the longest word with his left hand only.

As a matter of fact, using only his left hand on a QWERTY keyboard tapping out a complete sentence is not impossible. For example this sentence: We reserved seats at a secret Starcraft Fest (we have reserved seating at the StarCraft section), it sounds weird, huh.

Left-handed knocked out sentences

Note: deer egg really this stuff, soiled with deer urine cord as bait for Hunter deer hunting, the long cord and put it in an egg-shaped container can carry

Using only his right hand to knock the sentences

Using only the middle row buttons

Using only the top row

Finally, if someone wants to know how did you recently do not appear on the Internet, you can just use the top row of the keyboard, you can pull back and told them ... ...


用手机键盘打字最累的单词 - 手机键盘,打字 - IT资讯


——Stewart Bishop


cat wordlist.txt | perl -pe 's/^(.*)$/\L$& \U$&/g' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' '2223334445556667777888999' | grep -P "(.)\1\1\1\1\1"



很少有单词的字母全在一个键位上;其中常用的最长的单词只有几个字母,比如「tutu(蓬蓬裙)」。然而,用这些「挤在一个键位上」的倒霉单词,我们还能凑出些句子来,比如这句: a high def MMO on TV(一部高清游戏电视节目),这句话每一个单词都是一个建就能按出来。

我还能编出更多这样的句子,虽然有一些看上去有点抽象:High FEE 2 FEED MOM ON MOON(要养活我那在月球上的老娘真费钱)



而事实上,只用左手在QWERTY键盘上敲出个完整的句子也不是不可能。比如这句:We reserved seats at a secret Starcraft fest(我们在星际争霸节上预留了一些坐席),听上去怪怪的哈。


注:真有deer egg这个东西,猎人用沾了鹿尿的线绳做诱饵猎鹿,长长的线绳塞在一个蛋形的容器里携带






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