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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:13:23 Edit(编辑)
Hass CAT,4 chip work, revealing the company’s fastest-4G,

Hass CAT,4 chip work, revealing the company’s fastest-4G,(海思CAT,4芯片之功,揭秘华为最快4G手机,)

Hass CAT 4-chip power, revealing the fastest Huawei 4G mobile phones-Huawei, Huawei cell phone, Hass-IT information Hass CAT 4-chip power, revealing the fastest Huawei 4G mobile

Is all the 4G speed is not as fast, which is currently the fastest download speed is Huawei D2 LTE version. While many people also no with Shang 4G, or for more high-speed network of looks forward to not so strongly (after all tariff is your), but we can imagine in 4G universal zhihou, speed necessarily will is one universal action, from a species meaning Shang for, Huawei D2 LTE version actually representative has TD-LTE future development of a direction, so we will track such a paragraph now most fast of 4G phone, its behind of secret is what?

To this end, we have come to the land of its birth, is located in the Shanghai New Jinqiao road, Pudong new area, Shanghai Research Center of Huawei, as head of the 16 global research and development center of Huawei's Shanghai research and Development Center here who were born including P1, P2, P6, D1, D2, Mate, glory glory 2, 3, and so on, many other models.

When you walk into the 5 floors above ground, 3 floors, single family area known as the magnitude and the tallest building in Shanghai world financial center is a behemoth, suddenly feeling like being an aircraft carrier. Huawei's Shanghai research and Development Center with as many as 10,000 people, but when you're at the atrium of the shuttle as far as the eye could reach, but hardly see that too many employees, but here is not as rigid as the Institute, does not even like a manufacturing company, it is a super shopping mall feeling.

Out of a habit, often in this building, I'd pulled out a 4G to carry mobile signals – honestly 4G signal in the city are not very good, Shanghai research and Development Center here doesn't give me too much of a surprise. But Huawei's LTE network build (commercial contracts was ranked first in the world, were involved in the deployment of LTE networks nearly half of the world), not in front of his home some "small privileges", it seems a bit unreasonable.

But when we get to Huawei, a leading provider of MLab, communication of protocol testing laboratory, and found hidden in this one little secret. The case of MLab, here to study of users, terminals and business trends and changes in network architecture, resource efficiency, customer experience, the programme on business model innovation, at present they are cooperating with video sites, mining 4G reallocation problem, so good 4G signal is a must. In this lab, Huawei has set up its own 4G interior systems, signal to bursting, just out of the room, barely looked at the. "Borrow" system, and faster mobile network signal (speed may be beyond the scope of 4G) abound in the building housing the lab, is the "4G Kingdom" boasts.

In next of many laboratory in, we are see has Huawei D2 of figure, while it not latest of 4G products, but for Huawei for is has special of meaning, D2 early in this year 6-July on participation has move test, is first a paragraph obtained network license of TD-LTE products, can said regardless of move also is Huawei, D2 are is a paragraph benchmark type of products, so also on in internal has been followed has, certainly also has also a causes, that is D2 LTE is the word 4G with the fastest download speeds.

Refers to most fast 4G phone this topic, Huawei Terminal phone products line President Kang Ho rather pride, he to we introduced to, D2 LTE version first Yu this year October in Japan listed, is global first paragraph support downward 150Mbps of Terminal products, its used of sea Si chip specifications for CAT 4, and market Shang other TD-LTE phone mostly used CAT 3 chip, to chased Shang this a specifications is needed time.

Huawei's next target had been booked, that's the downside of up to 300Mbps CAT 6 Terminal products, this product will be at the end of this year or early next year in Japan market, there is no doubt that it's definitely the fastest in the industry 4G equipment record once again.

CAT is the Category abbreviation meaning "kind, category" represent the stages of development of LTE, CAT 3 and CAT 4 is 50Mbps uplink peak, unlike the CAT 3 for 100Mbps downlink peak, while the CAT 4 downlink peak up to 150Mbps.

In our field tests, including Huawei G716, Sony Samsung N7108D, M35t, iPhone5s , 4G, download speeds are very close, and no product was particularly striking, but Huawei D2 LTE phone, higher than any other product 20-30%. Although the present carrier network equipment for the base station does not deploy more quickly, and in theory they cannot play Huawei D2 all skill, but even in the maximum theoretical value 100Mbps network environments, the D2 is still able to play Superman, the maximum credit is from Hass CAT 4 chip.

This assertion has been Beijing's official confirmation of the move, in their use and testing, D2 is also best in speed. For operators, in the initial high, medium high density after, 4G speed will also be on the agenda. Actually, according to Beijing Mobile-related sources, that work will be late next year, and early goal probably 200Mbps bandwidth levels, CAT 6 in the next plan with Huawei terminal product line.

Bulk laboratory in the next quest, Huawei D2 were divided into three groups of a total of 240 products load stress test, each Cabinet has run at 80 iPhone cell phone, they would have to scale networks running different programs in order to impersonate a user on Web pages, areas, such as SNS, game-used, so as to assess the performance and stability of network devices. The practical meaning of this experiment is that at major sporting events, concerts, exhibitions and other crowded places, tens of thousands of mobile phones and the Internet bring enormous load stress, if base station carrying capacity is exceeded, operators or vendors call out emergency communication vehicles, and comparable to the small base station communications networks capable of bearing pressure is in fact to be simulated by this laboratory.

In most interesting of reliability laboratory among, can see here on like is University of physical classroom General, various machinery arm are in a unit brain of ravaged phone, while looks is distressed, but such to guarantee factory of phone has in "real" environment in the survival of capacity, such as D2 has of waterproof dust capacity, on needs in this laboratory in the after long time test zhihou to to guarantee.

And like this interesting and harsh of test, also including drum fell test, and press durable test, and load test, and USB interface plug pulled durable test, and distorted test and for touch screen of ball fell, and spring hammer and pulled pulled test wait, can said even is user no thought of using scene, in here also are advance do had considerations has, so from a species degree Shang for, we of phone also is not so fragile.

We also noted that the D2 is a detail, this product does not scale as China Mobile gained TD-LTE licence listing, only parts of the mobile business Hall you can buy, for this one, dubbed "King of speed" 4G products, it seems a bit unfair.

Actually this inside has a very core of technology problem, that is D2 used has CSFB (circuit domain dropped) voice programme, and in TD-LTE this technology standard Shang, mobile used has double standby of voice programme, if to support CSFB on must upgrade core network, this costs overhead will is baiyiji of, and in base station agreement no debugging good of when, CSFB of calls delay and off words situation occur, this orders D2 born on Mongolian Shang has a layer sad love color, Even lost a chance to compete with other dual product.

But orders D2 luck of actually is themselves in phone area of old opponents Apple company, as this year summer Apple CEO Tim Cook to China, China Mobile in CSFB programme Shang of attitude also has has obviously shift, because iPhone 5s/5C using of is CSFB programme, and mobile in iPhone publishing 7 years zhihou, this once is win, so in after transformation upgrade Hou, iPhone 5s/5C smooth and mobile signed sales cooperation agreement, CSFB programme after the transformation the D2 has a larger space for development, so that such a "veteran" products could be sustained.

For D2 LTE this paragraph products for, may many people only see has it in appearance Shang and general version D2 exactly, without new, or just experience to has it of speed Internet, actually this first of title is not so easy on can made of, even is in Shang generation products based Shang of upgrade of for, for manufacturers for is near new of products, all processes are to again to had, especially in 4G commercial of early difficulty more big. After the product completely ready, also have to face the changes in policy and technology trends, fleeting opportunities, as well as competitors ' layout, for product and technical background of people, this, is probably the most difficult thing.


海思CAT 4芯片之功,揭秘华为最快4G手机 - 华为,华为手机,海思 - IT资讯
海思CAT 4芯片之功,揭秘华为最快4G手机

所有的4G手机速度并不都是一样快的,而目前下载速度最快的就是华为D2 LTE版了。虽然很多人还没有用上4G,或者对于更高速网络的期待不是那么强烈(毕竟资费很贵),但我们可以想象在4G普及之后,提速必然会是一场全民行动,从某种意义上来说,华为D2 LTE版其实代表了TD-LTE未来发展的一个方向,因此我们就要追踪这样一款当下最快的4G手机,其背后的秘密是什么?





在接下来的很多实验室里,我们都看到了华为D2的身影,虽然它不是最新的4G产品,但对于华为来说却有着特殊的意义,D2早在今年6-7月份就参与了中移动测试,是最早一款获得入网许可证的TD-LTE产品,可以说无论中移动还是华为,D2都是一款标杆型的产品,因此也就在内部一直沿用至今,当然还有另外一个原因,那就是D2 LTE版是当下下载速度最快的4G手机。

提到最快速4G手机这个话题,华为终端手机产品线总裁何刚颇为骄傲,他向我们介绍到,D2 LTE版最早于今年10月在日本上市,是全球第一款支持下行150Mbps的终端产品,其采用的海思芯片规格为CAT 4,而市面上其他TD-LTE手机大多采用CAT 3芯片,要追赶上这一规格尚需时日。

当然华为的下一步目标已经订好,那就是下行达到300Mbps的CAT 6类终端产品,这款产品会在今年底或明年初于日本上市,毫无疑问它绝对是行业里速度最快的4G设备,再一次刷新纪录。

CAT是Category的缩写,意思是“种类、类别”,代表LTE的发展阶段,CAT 3和CAT 4的上行峰值都是50Mbps,不同的是CAT 3下行峰值为100Mbps,而CAT 4下行峰值则达到150Mbps。

在我们之前的实地测试中,包括三星N7108D、华为G716、索尼M35t,甚至iPhone5s在内的4G手机,下载速度都相当接近,并没有哪款产品表现得特别突出,唯独华为D2 LTE版这款手机,能够高出其他产品20-30%。虽然当下运营商在基站端并未部署更快速的网络设备,理论上也无法发挥出华为D2的全部功力,但即便是在上限理论值100Mbps的网络环境中,D2依然能有超人的发挥,最大功劳就是来自海思CAT 4芯片。

而这一说法也得到了北京移动的官方证实,在他们的使用和测试中,D2也是速度表现最好的产品。对于运营商来说,在初期的高覆盖,中期的高密度之后,4G的提速也就会被提上日程。实际上据北京移动相关人士透露,明年中后期就会会开展这项工作,而初期的目标很可能是200Mbps的网速级别,这也与华为下一步计划中的CAT 6终端产品不谋而合。






但是令D2时来运转的居然是自己在手机领域的老对手苹果公司,随着今年夏天苹果CEO蒂姆库克来华,中国移动在CSFB方案上的态度也有了明显转变,因为iPhone 5s/5c使用的也是CSFB方案,而中国移动在iPhone发布7年之后,这一次是志在必得,因此在经过改造升级后,iPhone 5s/5c顺利与中国移动签订销售合作协议,同时D2也得以在CSFB方案改造后有了更大的发展空间,令这样一款“元老级”产品得以延续。

对于D2 LTE这款产品来说,可能很多人只看到了它在外观上与普通版D2一模一样,了无新意,或者只是体验到了它的极速上网,实际上这个第一的头衔并不是那么容易就能取得的,即便是在上一代产品基础上的升级之作,对于厂商来说也是近乎全新的产品,所有工序都要重新来过,特别是在4G商用之初难度更大。而产品完全就绪之后,还可能要面对政策和技术趋势的变化,稍纵即逝的商机,以及竞争对手的布局,这对于做产品和技术出身的人来说,可能是最难把握的事情。


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