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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:13:09 Edit(编辑)
China’s Beidou navigation plan 2015 down 30% market,

China’s Beidou navigation plan 2015 down 30% market,(中国北斗导航计划2015年拿下三成市场,)

China's Beidou navigation plan 2015 down 30% market-Beidou navigation, compass-IT information China's Beidou navigation plan 2015 down 30% market

Construction of China's independent, stand-alone, compatible with other satellite navigation systems in the world--the share of the global satellite navigation system "Beidou", planned for around 2020 global coverage. Yesterday, the new Beidou satellite navigation system provides regional service to be held at an annual press conference, Managing Director of China satellite navigation system Ran Chengqi, informed of the news.

Ran Chengqi, market share by 2015 the Beidou navigation system is expected to reach about 30% after 2020 Compass ' share market will be higher.

Ran Chengqi said, is expected around the end of next year, will launch a new generation, the better performance of the Beidou navigation satellite, global systems group of network construction, estimated time of 6-8, that is, around 2020, built Beidou satellite navigation system with a global reach. "Overall performance based on the existing one or twice times increase, means that now the positioning accuracy of 10 meters, and can reach 2.5 meters".

Su Jie, Deputy Director of the Planning Division of the Department of transportation said that in nine provinces and municipalities in China "two crises" nearly 150,000 vehicles focused on operating vehicles such as truck terminals installed on the Big Dipper. To monitor the illegal operations, illegal behavior, such as driving, improved security management. Through the implementation of demonstration projects, has driven hundreds of terminals into the Big Dipper area, creating an output value of 200 million Yuan. Big Dipper core chip prices have fallen sharply, promotes the industrialization of Compass application and promotion.


中国北斗导航计划2015年拿下三成市场 - 北斗导航,北斗 - IT资讯






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