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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:05:59 Edit(编辑)
Google’s hand again, JavaScript acceleration 400%,

Google’s hand again, JavaScript acceleration 400%,

Intel/Google/Firefox in hand, JavaScript speed-400%-Intel, Google, Firefox, Mozilla-IT information Intel/Google/Firefox in hand, JavaScript acceleration 400%

For a mainstream browser , often dealing with JavaScript Web scripts, Firefox, Google Chrome the new browser can handle JS scripts, enhance the efficiency of Web browsing. Now, the hardware manufacturer Intel announced that hands on Mozilla, Google, decided the SIMD architecture into JavaScript.

What is SIMD?

SIMD, all referred to as "single instruction stream multiple data stream," structure, and belongs to the most important modern CPU processor functions. For example, known as SSE, MMX instruction set based on SIMD architecture is suitable for multimedia audio and video processing, but for modern Web pages fairly important JavaScript code, but never to the SIMD instruction set of the processor to increase performance.

But now that has changed.

Recently, Intel announced collaboration with Mozilla, Google, using the SIMD-accelerated JavaScript directly, and SIMD.JS do not need any special plug-ins, or unable to be translated into native code for other platforms. As long as you can do can use JavaScript, Node.JS contains backend will be able to enjoy the benefits of SIMD optimization.

At present, the SIMD. JS API has been applied to the Firefox Nightly midnight Edition, Chromium version browser. Although still in the development stage, but increase overall performance has reached nearly 400%, under certain test conditions may reach 10 times faster.

Finally, Intel, Mozilla, Google is preparing proposals, that future JavaScript ES7 formally bring SMID acceleration technology.

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