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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/24 6:43:37 Edit(编辑)
Mobile and Apple today officially hands, dressing gowns for 6 years in love painting period,

Mobile and Apple today officially hands, dressing gowns for 6 years in love painting period,(移动与苹果今正式牵手,6年恋爱长跑画句号,)

Mobile and Apple today formally joined hands and 6 year draw period love run-iPhone5s,iPhone5c, mobile iPhone5s, mobile iPhone5c, China Mobile, Apple-IT information Mobile and Apple today officially hands, dressing gowns for 6 years in love painting period

Today, Apple announced together with China Mobile, the two sides reached a long-term agreement, formally introduced iPhone, this means moving hold 700 million mobile phone users in the near future will launch iPhone contract, the 6-year-old "love" finally drew to a close.

According to the agreement, China Mobile and Apple will be held January 17, 2014 in the Chinese mainland's Mobile Business Hall and Apple retail stores offer iPhone5s and iPhone5c. Starting from December 25, 2013, through China Mobile's official website and 10,086 customer service hotline for the user to make a reservation.

First try the "Apple" taste

On September 11, Apple released a new generation of smartphones and iPhone 5C iPhone 5s. Apple's press release did not mention these two iPhone supports TD-LTE network, but on the Ministry Internet site network access license, TD-LTE standard iPhone and 5s in August 30, had been given a network license, which means moving into iPhone without technical barriers.

After a few months, moving around on when to introduce iPhone rumors were coming thick and, because at that time the Ministry has not yet issued 4G licenses, so most of the rumors surrounding the 4G licensing soon after. On December 4, the miit official handed out three TD-LTE 4G licence, China Mobile introduce iPhone last "obstacles" removed.

After licensing, foreign media rumors began to increase, but move the official Tencent technology always said there was still no agreement. Rumors up to 18th, 2013-moving at the worldwide Partner Conference, China Mobile Chairman XI guohua said Tencent technology exclusive interview in person, "and Apple's negotiations are still in progress, today will not announce the introduction of iPhone. ”

Tencent technology, according to people close to the disclosure, announced delays, mainly because both sides remained divided on the subsidies into. It is well known that Apple's handset subsidies for carriers have always been demanding, and these subsidies will cost operators a lot of costs. Such as China Unicom, China Telecom in introducing iPhone subsidies are small, and the final outcome proved, it is simply "loss making" of trading.

This person also revealed that Apple made some concessions this time, known as the lowest in history and China Mobile signed a resale agreement, specifically how much is still unknown, but China Mobile sitting on over 700 million users, Apple could not turn a blind eye. At present, related products and contract packages being prepared.

IPhone how much damage? China Unicom is first to introduce iPhone as an example, after introducing iPhone, poor performance on their profit targets, on the face of it, but established a Unicom's 3G reputation, brought a 3G user and data revenue growth in Smartphone sales and pulling the 1000-1500 level. More important is that China Unicom with iPhone development community such as suning and GOME channels available for mobile phones. At the same time, iPhone help China Mobile, China Unicom has poached many GSM users.

3G to say the move was a failure, and 4G if any iPhone so that stars can not only save situations, and can achieve rapid change of traffic operation. In addition, will also bring more users to move, especially the high-end users. According to an online poll Tencent technology, 50.25% users move the introduction of iPhone purchasers will be selected once, ahead of all the options first, followed by 17.83% users choose to purchase the purchase, after the version is 10.29% Unicom Edition and of the telecommunications.

Although not until I moved into iPhone, but services to iPhone users are often kept. Moving around recently launched Hong Kong version iPhone 5s/5C free upgrades 4G's business, after upgrading to TD-LTE experience with the 4G network of high-speed mobile Internet access.

Data showed that China Mobile network, approximately 45 million people use the other version of the iPhone. After the official introduction, they move the contract are expected to upgrade to the version of the iPhone. Market expected to move, in addition to bringing more users, there could be sales of the iPhone helped Apple increase from 20 million to 25 million.

6 years in love running draw period

Apple iPhone is already in more than 100 countries and regions, with more than more than 240 carriers sales, but still before the world's largest mobile carrier, China Mobile did not attend.

In fact, China Mobile fell for iPhone, is Apple at first began to cooperate with domestic carriers. Early in 2007, the iPhone in the United States market, the rage. In November of that year, China Mobile data Minister Gao Nianshu, who came to Apple headquarters, to discuss the iPhone into China.

In January 2008, China Mobile said, has suspended negotiations with Apple. But five months later, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, when Apple CEO says, 3G into mainland China version of the iPhone is expected to be in the year, but still need to wait for regulatory approval. According to people familiar with the situation said, when talks turn Apple concessions no longer adhere to the revenue-sharing model, both sides to resume negotiations.

By the year 2009, China issued 3G licenses. China Unicom Chairman Chang Xiaobing to lead China Unicom negotiating team talks with Apple in the United States, and on August 28 of that year, the two sides announced a 3-year contracts two 3G iPhone mobile phone sales in mainland China, and signed an exclusive distribution agreement, China Unicom, Apple only authorized the sale of telecom operators in the Mainland for a period of two years. Then start moving because of innovation 3G standard TD-SCDMA, Apple said arrangements developed TD design but also a process, but said they would fully support the TD-LTE (4G).

Move through subsequent years never gave up in negotiations with Apple, delay in holding hands is primarily two specific articles, such as differences in income distribution.

But Apple performance pressures forced it to move as soon as possible tie-up. Apple's market share in China in recent years is no small challenge. Third quarter of this year, Apple's sales fell 14% in greater China, only US $ 4.6 billion. According to market research firm Canalys data, a quarter of Apple's Smartphone market share in China fell to 5%, ranked seventh. Samsung share leader with 18%.

In the long term, cooperation with China Mobile in China, Apple may be able to reverse the decline in decline. Institutions predict that cooperation with the move will bring Apple 759 million potential new customers, the company 17 million surge in new customers and revenues of at least $ 3 billion.

4G is also a big factor behind Apple and China Mobile cooperation. 4G license issued, may in the 4G era, both sides bring a better experience for the user, in order to achieve a win-win situation. In other words, the 4G of China Mobile and Apple are big business.

After the honeymoon, their troubles

China Mobile currently has yet to announce the purchase of iPhone packages, but speculation, its basic mode and telecoms, China Unicom will be "converging". In telecommunications and Unicom and Apple collaborate in succession this year, has been significantly increased market penetration of the iPhone, and even in the high-end market approaching saturation. This means move takes more work on low-end consumers contract value needs to be more impressive.

Need a particular rates and coverage. It is reported that China Mobile's initial plan is to provide 600M/50 Yuan, 1G/70 Yuan, 2G/100 Yuan, 3G/130 Yuan, 5G/180 yuan flow packages. Although there is a user that, at 100Mbps network speeds, these flows will be used up soon. Even in the actual rate, such flows is clearly insufficient, coupled with charges too high will inevitably affect the iPhone user experience. On the cover, although in the 4G network in the race, but the network also needs a long time. China Mobile on 3G on the same starting line, but because of the quality of the network, user wastage.

Second, 2014 for move, should is expenditure heavy of a years, move target is to built global maximum of 4G network, currently is accelerated advance network deployment, next year construction base station over 500,000 Department, years in the is expected to has 100 a city has 4G commercial conditions, to next year end of will expansion to over 340 a city, plus to universal 4G, on thousand Yuan phone commercial of subsidies, mobile how balance purchased machine subsidies and network construction inputs Xia profit declined of potential dangerous is future faced of maximum problem.

For Apple, after the agreement reached between the parties, there are bound to be the initial iPhone sales surge, but rapid growth is temporary. In the long run, determinants of operators subsidies is not the iPhone WINS, Apple continues to fierce market competition with Samsung and other mobile phone companies. As the representative of China, millet for emergence of China-made mobile phones, especially domestic brands thousands of 4G mobile phones in the first quarter of next year to market, these products are more or less affect iPhone sales.

In addition, the Chinese smartphone market is saturated, the domestic Smartphone costs much lower than foreign products, which are very attractive to people two or three cities. According to data from Analysys shows that over 88% in the third quarter when Chinese consumers to buy smart phones cost less than $ 3,000, while Apple's iPhone 5s price in excess of 5,000 yuan in China, 5C price exceeds 4,500 Yuan.

However, for mobile users, and was looking forward to for a long time the boots finally fell to the ground, then look at moving moves.


移动与苹果今正式牵手,6年恋爱长跑画句号 - iPhone5s,iPhone5c,移动iPhone5s,移动iPhone5c,中国移动,苹果 - IT资讯




9月11日,苹果公司发布了新一代智能手机产品iPhone 5s和iPhone 5c。虽然苹果在发布会上并未提及这两款iPhone是否支持TD-LTE网络,但在工信部入网许可证查询网站中,TD-LTE制式的iPhone 5s和5c在8月30日已获得了入网许可,这也说明中移动引入iPhone已无技术障碍。

此后几个月,关于中移动何时引入iPhone的传言铺天盖地而来,由于当时工信部还未发放4G牌照,所以多数传言围绕在4G牌照发放后不久。12月4日,工信部正式发放了三张TD-LTE 4G牌照,中移动引入iPhone的最后一道“障碍”消除。






尽管中移动之前始终没有引入iPhone,但为iPhone用户提供的服务却经常不断。如近来中移动各地推出了港版iPhone 5s/5c免费升级4G的业务,升级之后即可在有TD-LTE的4G网络下体验高速移动上网。






到了2009年,中国发放3G牌照。中国联通董事长常小兵带领中国联通谈判小组赴美与苹果谈判,同年8月28日,双方宣布达成为期3年的合约在中国大陆销售两款3G iPhone手机,并签订了独家经销协议,中国联通成为苹果在大陆的唯一授权销售的电信运营商,期限为两年。当年的中移动由于开始运营自主创新的3G制式TD-SCDMA,苹果方面表示安排开发TD制式还要一个过程,但确表示会全力支持TD-LTE(4G)。










此外,中国智能手机市场正在趋于饱和,国内智能手机的成本远低于国外产品,这对二三线城市的人非常有吸引力。据易观国际的数据显示,在第三季度超过88%的中国消费者购买智能手机时花费不到3000美元,而苹果的iPhone 5s在中国售价超出5000元,5c售价超出4500元。



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