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Twitter will push new feature: secret black without each other’s knowledge,
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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/24 6:42:59 Edit(编辑)
Camera reveals bitcoin Christmas presents, immediately stolen,

Camera reveals bitcoin Christmas presents, immediately stolen,(镜头前显露比特币圣诞礼物,立即被盗,)

Camera revealing coins for Christmas-immediately stolen coins, QR-IT information Camera revealing bitcoin Christmas stolen immediately

Foreign media reports, Bloomberg television presenter, Matt Miller has received two $ 20 worth of coins foreign exchange certificate. Each coupon with a QR code produced by Lazzerbee company. It is unfortunate, Miller revealed the voucher private key in front of the camera, but he doesn't know he has will contribute its own coins to others. Soon after, coins changed hands.

Bitcoin after community since the emergence of virtual currency in 2009, bitcoin theft becomes increasingly rampant. So this is why we must first understand how does bitcoin work, and then try to use the bitcoin is of great importance.

A transaction the user named "milkywaymasta" demonstrate responsible for the digital robbery and conspicuous, said it was "exciting". He (or she) also promised funding back to the money, as long as the anchors, on the other a bitcoin Exchange certificate to open an account.

He (or she) also said that "this is a very good safety education of the bitcoin do not divulge private and BIP0038 (password encrypted private key) purse is of great importance. This compensates for the loss of money. ”


镜头前显露比特币圣诞礼物,立即被盗 - 比特币,二维码 - IT资讯






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