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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:53:41 Edit(编辑)
Li dongsheng 16th appearance, 18 2nd Lok Ma Member

Li dongsheng 16th appearance, 18 2nd Lok Ma Member(李东生16日曾露面,系18大后第2个落马中央委员)

Li dongsheng 16th appearance after 18 of the 2nd Lok member | member | | Li dongsheng _ of public security news

Morning News (correspondent Zou Le) Central discipline Inspection Department Web site announced that last night, Deputy Head of the Central leading group on preventing and handling evil cult problems, Office Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of public security, Li dongsheng, Vice Minister suspected of serious violation of law, currently under investigation. Li dongsheng the 18 highest-ranking officials under investigation since the third plenary session, is also under investigation after 18 members of the second, the previous name is former Director of SASAC Jiang jiemin.

Beijing morning news reporter last night landed in the Ministry of public security website, see in the leadership introduced a bar, Li dongsheng's name has not been deleted, ranked second in the Deputy Minister. Ministry site, public information displays, and Li dongsheng, male, of Han nationality, born in December 1955, zhucheng, Shandong people in March 1986, joined the Communist Party of China, went to work in April 1973, graduated from the Journalism Department of Fudan University in Shanghai, university degrees. Current Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, Member of the central political science and Law Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of public security, (at ministerial level), the Deputy Commissioner rank. The 11th National People's Congress.

According to the Ministry of public security website, Li dongsheng last appeared in public on December 16. The day MPs convened an enlarged meeting of the Party Committee, communicate learning of urbanization in the central economic work Conference, and the central working conference, research implementation of public security organs, Li dongsheng attended the meeting.

(Original title: Li dongsheng for suspected serious disciplinary offences an offence under investigation)

(Edit: SN091)
December 21, 2013 Beijing morning post
李东生16日曾露面 系18大后第2个落马中央委员|中央委员|公安部|李东生_新闻资讯

  晨报讯(记者 邹乐)中央纪委监察部网站昨晚发布消息称,中央防范和处理邪教问题领导小组副组长、办公室主任,公安部党委副书记、副部长李东生涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。李东生由此成为十八届三中全会以来受调查的级别最高官员,也是十八大后受调查的第二名中央委员,前一名是国资委原主任蒋洁敏。





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