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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:38:22 Edit(编辑)
People’s Congress Director of enrollment and employment office checked, has won the advanced worker

People’s Congress Director of enrollment and employment office checked, has won the advanced worker(人大招生就业处原处长被查,曾获评先进工作者)

NPC original Director of enrollment and employment of checked has been awarded as advanced workers | | people's Congress Director of admissions | _ news

The Beijing news yesterday, Press Secretary to Beijing News confirmed at Renmin University, the former Director of school enrollment and employment Cai Rongsheng had to accept the discipline inspection departments investigated last week, investigated but did not disclose the reasons. There are those within the system, it will most probably in college admissions, independent recruitment in particular, "an accident".

NPC news network show, September 27 this year, the tenth central inspection group after visiting the people's University, have feedback in terms of clean government and anti-corruption and construction of punishment and prevention system, especially in areas such as financial management, independent recruitment weaknesses. Inspection group also received reflect the leaders lead.

The past two days, "Cai Rongsheng probed" rumors appear in the public information such as micro-blogging platform.

News that Cai Rongsheng holding a fake passport, ago intercepted intentions from Shenzhen, and account issues such as recruitment, "amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in connection with", fled and left a letter before.

In this regard, the spokesman said at Renmin University, the school confirmed from interested parties, the former Director of school enrollment and employment Cai Rongsheng is the discipline inspection departments testing, but is now known, Tsai, a person under investigation.

The spokesman did not disclose the Cai Rongsheng was checked, whether involving admissions questions.

Renmin University of China Press Center informed, the school's new Director of enrollment and employment last week appointed, presided over and start. As the new Director of enrollment, the school served as the Deputy Director of the Office of Wang Peng.


Cai Rongsheng was rated "Advanced workers for employment"

Cai Rongsheng's master's and doctoral degrees were obtained by the national people's Congress. Serving in Congress during the scientific team, led by he had also won the award last year, and he himself has won the "national advanced workers for employment." But starting in 2010, Cai Rongsheng reported admissions of material corruption network.

July 9, 2004, a notice appears at Renmin University, has been named Associate Professor Cai Rongsheng in the year.

NPC news online news, July 18, 2012, on the national employment Conference, Cai Rongsheng was rated "national advanced workers for employment", as one of the winners selection 5 colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of education, attended to accept recognition.

  Autonomous enrollment research award

Official website of the NPC, recent news and Cai Rongsheng was on October 12, the scientific team headed by Cai Rongsheng, by virtue of the exploration and practice of perfecting the system of autonomous enrollment research, won the seventh Beijing Municipal higher education teaching award.

On November 19 last year, Cai Rongsheng speaking at the Suzhou campus of the NPC said graduates work in the future, always striving to be the "national model, the pillars of society", repaying the motherland so as to return his alma mater.

One student reported at the scene heard Cai Rongsheng memories, Cai Rongsheng with flat head, gave her the impression that "looks very capable, and speak coherent, one can do to a person's aura. ”

Search online, starting from 2010, online enrollment corruption reported that there is plenty of material to the Cai Rongsheng, independent recruitment, early admission and other opportunities for bribes. But yesterday, the NPC spokesman responded did not report the authenticity of materials and details.

 The national people's Congress next year "dream scheme" rules under development

In 2003, the Ministry of Education officially launched the autonomous enrollment reform, later known for independent recruitment, the first batch of 22 universities, including the national people's Congress, at present, the national people's Congress for independent recruitment has 10 years and aimed at the "poor family students," "dream scheme", as well as with the North "featured principal real name system" similar "principals through train".

Yesterday, the current Director of enrollment and employment of the national people's Congress Wang Peng confirmed that fresh graduates of the high school next year "dream scheme" and the "principal train plan" specific details still being worked out, not yet published.

As of last night, University officials have not confirmed that the Chinese people, whether Cai Rongsheng was checked for independent recruitment problems.


Central inspection group: people autonomous existence vulnerability

NPC news network displayed, this year September 27, Central tenth visits group in visits people University Shi, has feedback said in style clean government and anti-corruption aspects, penal anti-system construction, especially financial management, and cadres pay management, and autonomous admissions, aspects exists weaknesses; in Executive Central "eight items provides" and style construction aspects, abroad management not specification, public funds eating, and gift phenomenon still exists; in Executive democratic centralism and cadres singles appointments aspects, For some time the President responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee carrying out insufficient, endless specification of cadre appointment and management.

Inspection team leader Chen Jiwa said on that occasion, visited the Group also received reflect the leading cadres leads, has handed over according to regulations of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department and the relevant departments.

Interviews/Beijing News reporter Xu Luyang Li Xueying a sufficient justification for an intern Wang Fei

(Original title: enrollment and employment of the former Director of the NPC Cai Rongsheng being checked)

(Edit: SN091)
November 28, 2013 The Beijing News
人大招生就业处原处长被查 曾获评先进工作者|人大|招生|处长_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 昨日,中国人民大学新闻发言人向新京报证实,该校招生就业处原处长蔡荣生已于上周起接受有关纪检部门调查,但并未透露接受调查的原因。有系统内人士分析,其极可能在高考招生,尤其是自主招生方面“出事”。







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