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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 15:42:53 Edit(编辑)
The new train diagram 28th will be put on long-distance cross-line train

The new train diagram 28th will be put on long-distance cross-line train(新列车运行图28日实施,将增开长距离跨线动车)

28th by the new trains will operate over long distances across the line train China Railway Corp railway | graph | | _ news

Staff writer, Beijing, December 16 (reporter Lu Yanan)-on December 16, the China Railway Corporation announced, beginning from December 28, China Railway Corp will launch a new train diagram. National railways to operate bus 75, passenger trains reached 2,369, from 4.194 million passenger capacity will be increased to 4.335 million, an increase of 140,000.

As the end of the opening and operation of a batch of newly-built railway lines, railway will operate part of the long-range jumper EMU trains. For example, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, North West North to Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Jinan West EMU trains, West of Beijing to Guilin, Qingdao, Jinan to Guangzhou southern EMU trains.

According to passenger travel demand, high-speed rail is continuing daily, weekends and peak operation diagram. Peak of graph corresponding to spring, summer, golden week, small holiday periods such as weekends running from Friday to Sunday; Monday to Thursday in the daily running.

In addition, the Railway Corporation today announced a student ticket code for discount cards. 2014 spring, railway automatically sold (take) votes machine increased sold (take) students votes features, in automatically sold (take) votes machine Shang purchased (take) students votes, must ahead of to big secondary colleges related sector confirmed themselves of students train votes offers card within has correctly writes four a information: a is name, ershier generation ID number, three is ride interval, four is entrance date. Get when you buy tickets online, you should ensure that information and student discount card at 12,306 information when registering a Web site.

Staff writer, Shenyang, December 16 (reporter Liu Hongchao)-reporters learned from Shenyang Railway Administration: Shen rail staff 2014 spring train graph, 28 additional temporary passenger trains, passengers travel to the maximum extent. Before section focused on, Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun, to the North, in Western Liaoning province and baicheng direction key arrangement; the post to chifeng city, White City, Changchun, focusing on arrangements.

(Original title: 28th rail adjusting train diagram)

December 17, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily
新列车运行图28日实施 将增开长距离跨线动车|中国铁路总公司|铁路|运行图_新闻资讯





  本报沈阳12 月16 日电(记者刘洪超)记者从沈阳铁路局获悉:沈铁组织编制了2014 年春运列车运行图,将加开临时旅客列车28对,最大限度地方便旅客出行。其中节前以大连、沈阳、长春为重点,对北部、辽西、白城等方向重点安排;节后以赤峰、白城、长春等地为重点安排。



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