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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 8:35:25 Edit(编辑)
Motorola CEO: next year we will have Nirvana,

Motorola CEO: next year we will have Nirvana,(摩托罗拉CEO:我们明年将有必杀技,)

Motorola CEO: next year we will have Nirvana-Moto X,Moto g, Motorola-IT information Motorola CEO: next year we will have Nirvana

This year, Motorola launched Moto and Moto x g market response has been good, company CEO Dennis Woodside, a few days ago in an interview with foreign media, said Motorola's future Smartphone development. He said Motorola will continue in the future with some very unique products.

Dennis Woodside in an interview, the company's mobile phone business partnership with Google, as well as the future direction of the company. He said the company will launch in the next year or not later than the year after the "Nirvana" of a smart phone, these include the unbreakable high-strength plastics design, advanced voice features and support your own wearable devices.

When asked about how to treat the two major rival Samsung and Apple, said Dennis Woodside Moto g successful in providing people with one-fourth money, you could experience with iPhone the same functionality, and Samsung, he said Motorola's Smartphone is different from Samsung.


摩托罗拉CEO:我们明年将有必杀技 - Moto X,Moto G,摩托罗拉 - IT资讯

摩托罗拉在今年推出的Moto X和Moto G市场反应十分不错,日前公司CEO Dennis Woodside又在接受外媒采访时透露了摩托罗拉未来智能手机的发展方向。他表示摩托罗拉将会在未来继续带来一些极具特色的产品。

Dennis Woodside在采访中谈到了公司手机业务与谷歌之间的合作关系,以及公司未来的发展方向。他表示公司将会在明年或最晚后年推出具备“必杀技”功能的智能手机,这些功能包括牢不可破的高强度塑料设计、更先进的语音功能和自家可穿戴设备的支持等。

在问及如何看待三星和苹果两大劲敌时,Dennis Woodside表示Moto G成功地让用户花1/4的钱就可以体验到与iPhone相同的功能,而对于三星,他则表示摩托罗拉的智能手机是和三星有所不同的。


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