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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/15 21:54:54 Edit(编辑)
Ballmer Pro-v: 5 management skills, be sure to apply what they have learned

Ballmer Pro-v: 5 management skills, be sure to apply what they have learned(鲍尔默亲诉:这5条管理技巧一定要学以致用,)

Ballmer Pro v: management techniques must apply article 5-Steve Ballmer, Microsoft-IT news Ballmer Pro v: 5 management skills must be learned

Had helm Microsoft CEO up 13 years of long, has active for Bill Gates hard of abalone, implied, is began themselves of retired plans, recalled past of time, Ballmer also summary:Vista is regrets, Xbox is important , but throwing opened these merits, as one management personnel, Ballmer also is left new old management personnel, 5 article valuable of management skills, warned everyone must to apply what they have learned.

Ballmer five management skills:(English version)

1、Make sure you see the whole playing field

//Make sure that you see the full game

2、Don't pin hopes on a single individual or "dream team"

//Do not hope in an individual or your own dream team

3、Realize there's no perfect business model perfect for every era

//Need to understand that there is no perfect business model that can be used at any time form

4、Don't place only long-term or only short-term bets

//Don't play long or short term bets only goal

5、Know your limits

//Know your own limit

Of course, management positions really bad when,IT news readers, how do you think?


鲍尔默亲诉:这5条管理技巧一定要学以致用 - 鲍尔默,微软 - IT资讯



1、Make sure you see the whole playing field


2、Don't pin hopes on a single individual or "dream team"


3、Realize there's no perfect business model perfect for every era


4、Don't place only long-term or only short-term bets


5、Know your limits




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