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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:13:57 Edit(编辑)
Ma go Korea secret meeting Samsung, smart spectacles Act an advance party of Ali,

Ma go Korea secret meeting Samsung, smart spectacles Act an advance party of Ali,(马云赴韩密会三星,为阿里智能眼镜打前站,)

Ma go Korea secret meeting Samsung, smart spectacles Act an advance party of Ali-Humayun Ali-IT smart glasses information Ma go Korea secret meeting Samsung, smart glasses for Ali Act an advance party

According to foreign media reports, the Korea media news, MA departs for South Korea to participate in the second session of the Sino-Korean Internet during the round table, had met secretly with Samsung executives. On both sides during the interview, MA Samsung smart glasses made Ali project needs technical support.

Korea Times newspaper published a report on December 10, Ali, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ma Shen Zongjun, President and co-CEO of Samsung-mobile departments of Seoul (Shin Jong-kyun) conducted a two-hour meeting to discuss the business plan.

A Samsung official said: "Ali Samsung executives and strongly demands met, because they are needed in some support of Samsung. Move with Samsung Electronics, co-CEO and President of the Ma Shen Zong had met at three o'clock in the afternoon on that day to a five-point, Ali raised the network to sell more Samsung products. ”

Korea Herald said Samsung and in-depth discussion of the company, including Ali to build their own "Google goggles" project. The sources said, Ali is in fact secretly developed the smart glasses, planned in the medium to achieve the product business, but need support from several technology companies, including Samsung.

The Herald said Ali smart glasses project wants to achieve breakthroughs, must have the memory chips, monitors, and other hardware. And once Samsung decided to offer this technology, the situation will become very delicate because Alibaba's products will compete directly with Google, but Google is an important partner of Samsung. In addition to hardware, operating systems for Alibaba is a problem. This is because Samsung is not good enough to provide Ali with OS--Tizen platforms.

In addition, the Korea times also disclosed that Ma Korea trip is looking for strategic investors, in addition to visiting Samsung Electronics, Korea Telecom and Internet firm Naver executives met, who developed the popular chat program Line in China.


马云赴韩密会三星,为阿里智能眼镜打前站 - 马云,阿里智能眼镜 - IT资讯


《韩国时报》12月10日下午发表了一篇报道称,阿里董事局主席马云在首尔与三星联席CEO兼移动部门总裁申宗均(Shin Jong-kyun)进行了两小时的会晤,商讨有关商业合作计划。






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