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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/11 8:48:38 Edit(编辑)
These incredible pictures

These incredible pictures(这些令人难以置信的图片,)

These incredible pictures-computer-generated images, computers draw-IT information These incredible pictures

With the rapid development of computer technology, more and more artists have been able to take advantage of the modern equipment create many incredible works. For example, film effects, teachers can use computers to produce very lifelike monsters destroying cities or movie clips of humans to fly in the sky.

Recently, the 3D printing product trading website CGTrader set for us to pick out the pictures, is completely computer-generated character, the real extent of these pictures may even make you feel incredible.

Beautiful pictures that are entirely computer-generated.

Note: that is completely computer-generated United States the legendary country singer Johnny Cash (Johnny Cash).

Batman: the Dark Knight in a play by the late actor Heath-Ledger (Heath Ledger) classic supporting role played by a clown.

The figure is made up of one named Alex-Hu Jite (Alex Huguet) artists, Hu Jite due to the quite satisfactory, even once said: "I'm really satisfied with it, I don't think I'll be making any changes to it. ”

Although the figure is entirely by computer-generated, but the character is real, he is Germany famous bodybuilder-Rossl Marcus (Markus Ruhl).

One is smoking Viet Nam farmers.

This is Greece mythology a figment of a satyr Rudolf seiters (satyr), he is the Faun (Pan) and the God of wine Dionysus (Dionysus) brother.

Zbynek Kysela, one artist created this character, and want to make a character that looks as realistic as possible.

Pictures of medieval European soldiers.

Computer-generated images can have the same surreal feeling.

This is an artist in order to create the most realistic human skin via the computer "test image".

The Pirates of the Caribbean Captain Jack Sparrow!

Gruesome images in the movie the shining.

Neirui founding hero Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar).

1993-2003, during the Azerbaijan President-Mr gaidar Aliyev (Heydar Aliyev).

Henry IV.

France writer Hugo creation of police javert in the novel Les Miserables (Javert). Insisting he is just and righteous Bigot, and believe that compassion is the offender's root.

Indigenous peoples in Northwest Ethiopia, who currently races in the world, only about 7,500 people.

Opera is a very well-known Theatre in China, actors often require very heavy makeup on stage.

A complete set of exceptional beauty bath.


这些令人难以置信的图片 - 电脑制作图片,电脑画 - IT资讯




图注:完全由电脑制作的美国传奇乡村歌手约翰尼-卡什(Johnny Cash)。

《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》中扮由已故演员希斯-莱杰(Heath Ledger)所扮演的经典配角小丑。

该图是由一个名为亚历克斯-胡吉特(Alex Huguet)的艺术家创作的,胡吉特由于对于该作十分满意,甚至曾经表示:“我对它实在太满意了,我想我不会再对其作出任何改动了。”

虽然该图完全是经由电脑合成的,但图中的人物却是真实存在的,他就是德国知名健美先生马库斯-罗斯尔(Markus Ruhl)。



一位名为Zbynek Kysela的艺术家创造了这一人物,并希望使这一人物看起来尽可能的逼真。






内瑞拉开国功勋西蒙-博利瓦(Simon Bolivar)。

在1993-2003年期间担任阿塞拜疆总统的盖达尔-阿利耶夫(Heydar Aliyev)。







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