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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:31:53 Edit(编辑)
BlackBerry’s biggest shareholder is optimistic: we will cock,

BlackBerry’s biggest shareholder is optimistic: we will cock,(黑莓最大股东表示乐观:我们必将雄起,)

BlackBerry's biggest shareholder is optimistic: we will up-BlackBerry, Sybase, Prem Watsa-IT information BlackBerry's biggest shareholder is optimistic: we will cock

BlackBerry's biggest shareholder Prem Watsa, interim CEO of Sybase, BlackBerry is expected to save the BlackBerry, as he used to match Beth tide of success. BlackBerry's recent series of actions are also trying to establish a sound image in the past.

On December 4 in an interview with Reuters,Watsa said Sybase was a remarkable leader, will be able to restore the BlackBerry . Watsa helm of Fairfax Financial (maples finance) the inject $ 1 billion into the BlackBerry, there is such a strong financial support, the BlackBerry's comeback is worth the wait.

Watsa spoke "with the leadership of John s. Chen, BlackBerry will continue. BlackBerry has now had sufficient funds to support and testimony to its future success will take time. ”

Obviously, Watsa for BlackBerry is optimistic that under the leadership of John s. Chen. But then again, when he was leading Fairfax to 4.7 billion acquisition of the BlackBerry, also is more positive. As early as September, Watsa has said, "if we acquire the desired result of no confidence, we are not going to get involved in the acquisition of such large amounts of, we believe that the associated financing will work. "Unfortunately, the end result is that banks are unwilling to provide financing, FairFax's acquisition plan ended in failure.

Up to now, the BlackBerry turned down something the Giants hold out the olive branch, no longer distributed for sale, and one after another in an open letter issued BlackBerry surviving life, is expected to continue to grow. Watsa now shareholders have come out in support of Sybase, and says new CEO appointment within one month have started to "substantial transformation".

2013 the second half of the story about the BlackBerry is not positive, not too happy about financial data, a high turnover rate, to try to sell packaging company, how these things going to look like is a successful and stable companies will do, look just like the last gasp random to find salvation.

So, as you can imagine, not many people truly believe that BlackBerry or Watsa.

Analyst Brian Blair Wedge Partner in All Things d interview said, "I feel it is a BlackBerry and Watsa were underestimating the BlackBerry had" for sale "status affected. So once the crisis and was forced to give IT managers more cautious approach to the BlackBerry platform. At the same time, regrettable is that so damaged credibility is difficult to repair, the industry's confidence in the BlackBerry just won't rebuild. Especially in early 2013 Haines is one exciting prospect after a "BlackBerry purchase", who can't believe John s. Chen in late 2013 and calm freely is not a strong hold of? ”

John s. Chen might be able to work miracles, but as Watsa says, all results will also need to look to the future, road, BlackBerry is still a long way.


黑莓最大股东表示乐观:我们必将雄起 - 黑莓,程守宗,Prem Watsa - IT资讯

在黑莓最大股东Prem Watsa看来,黑莓的临时CEO程守宗有望拯救黑莓,一如他曾经在赛贝斯成功力挽狂澜一般。黑莓最近的一系列动作也在努力树立以往的稳健形象。

12月4日在接受路透社采访时,Watsa表示程守宗是一位极为出色的领导者,定将能够重振黑莓。Watsa执掌的Fairfax Financial(枫信金融)此次为黑莓注入10亿美元,有此雄厚的资金支持,黑莓的翻盘可谓值得期待。






Wedge Partner的分析师Brian Blair在接受All Things D的采访时表示,“我认为不管是黑莓方面还是Watsa先生都低估了黑莓一度“待售”状态的影响程度。如此的危机一度,也不得不让IT界经理人对黑莓平台持有更为审慎的态度。同时,令人遗憾的是,如此受损的信誉度很难修复,业界对黑莓的信心也不是一时半会儿就能重塑的。尤其2013年初海因斯一通振奋人心的展望后迎来的是“黑莓待收购”,谁又哪能相信2013年末程守宗的淡定自如不是强撑的呢?”



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