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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:41:04 Edit(编辑)
On the dispute between Edison and Tesla’s AC DC,

On the dispute between Edison and Tesla’s AC DC,(论爱迪生和特斯拉的直流交流电之争,)

On the dispute between Edison and Tesla's AC DC-DC, AC-IT information On the dispute between Edison and Tesla's AC DC

"Steve Jobs is the head of our era's greatest commercial, lie next, and we'll remember him. History will place him in Edison and Ford side-by-side in the pantheon. ”

- Walter Isaacson,《Steve Jobs》

If I were Steve Jobs, I'm going to talk about wars of that year that Edison and Westinghouse.

Battle of Edison and Westinghouse Electric current, are two business models to compete, genius system of confrontation.

On one side, Edison and Ford, on the other side was Westinghouse,JP Morgan, GM.

This is not to say that no genius in the Westinghouse company. Tesla before joining Westinghouse, George Westinghouse had almost will bag the United States all research on the AC of talented engineers, needless to say that Westinghouse itself, is a genius inventor.

A lot of people may not know much about Westinghouse of the man. To be honest, he is no less than Thomas Edison, inventor Edison may be even more important.


Westinghouse and Thomas Edison about the same age, but as early as 1869, 22 years old, he, with a genius invention of train brake system, rich and famous, ranks among the ranks of celebrity entrepreneurs. With his invention, to greatly improve the safety of the train, the train also can speed up, with more trunk, increasing capacity, it quickly became standard on all train system. Westinghouse then dedicated to railway signaling system design, the telephone exchange studies.

However, most of Westinghouse boosted United States not know key figures of the industrial revolution. This heavily and Westinghouse on being a low-key about it. However, this just goes to show why, Westinghouse system victory.

Because Westinghouse while he was an engineering genius, but after he became famous, but also become an outstanding behind-the-scenes administrators and mentors. He can put a lot of genius, full of personality, confidence and even arrogant engineer unity in its own, give them opportunities for independent research and power, guiding them on track for project development. Westinghouse road, alone, can bring their theory of abstract ideas, products and designs into practice. When he realized that after the technical advantage compared to AC DC, in 1882, the company began recruiting professional talent, communication studies.

In Westinghouse's view, all in the service of the company, are part of the company system, even himself. So, Westinghouse is not one's own reputation, care about, is whether the company can operate efficient, managed properly, everyone can be the most effective play to their talents. Everyone is loyal to companies, companies also have a responsibility to every employee. The company's success is not the individual results, but that the company's brand success.

Westinghouse is the modern model for technology development and production modes. Under the leadership of Westinghouse, the company formed a ladder very management, responsible, and promotion mechanisms, layers of classification sector decentralization of power, through data management and to cut waste, improve efficiency, and release potential.

In turn, Edison, Edison, GE is a traditional company representatives.

Traditional companies are evolved from small production workshop. In the traditional production of small companies, the company needs, is one more generalists, able to plug-and-play, anyone can feel free to take over other people's work, is a boss for the formation of the radial structure of the Centre. This corporate model, the boss is the Patriarch. He enjoys absolute power, also has a very strong desire to control. As a parent, he is directly responsible for not only details of the production and development of the company, will arrange for specific employee career planning, you can even stay out of private life of staff.

Edison, GE is a completely centered on Edison's company. It is actually a small production workshop mode to zoom in. Though it was a large technology-oriented enterprises, the company's structure remains centered on Edison-radiation. Edison, is that entrepreneurs who have built up the company, Edison was the only star of the show. All the glory belongs to Edison, GE Edison. He wants to control, took control of the company to a great extent every detail.

In other words, the Edison Company, growing up, not like Westinghouse, to achieve structural adjustment, the transition in management, but at last, keeps expanding.


So much for, the House may want to ask, what do these have to do with DC and AC?

Well, the conclusion: Edison, GE corporate model, decided it could only select a DC system, AC systems and no invention; you're so advanced AC technology to Edison, he won't go. So Tesla only go one way.


First of all, Edison, GE Corporation, decided to adopt any technology depends on Edison's own likes and dislikes. Edison sole control of desires and habits, decide it was impossible for him to adopt AC, because he didn't understand calculus, specifically,, there is a fear of mathematics.

Edison was one of those without theoretical training, self-taught test. Higher education, he had not experienced before. He was good at, and can, through their own research and trial-and-error, fumble a bit looking for tips. For example, Edison like shuffling to different test tube experiments, because this chemical stuff, in the then still experimental trial and error as the main mechanism, lack of theory subjects. Edison's light bulb, for him, not a computer issue, is essentially a matter of chemical materials, can be addressed through constant testing.

However, alternating this thing, what frequency and phase one, you'll need some basic mathematics ability. But for Edison, this, theoretical too abstract, too.

Myself can't handle what it means? Means that you have to ask someone else to do it for you. It is better for control of Edison, meant that relinquished control over the subordinates to decide. At the Edison Company, there are many highly educated professionals, but for Edison, they are used to luxury, is Edison's patent application on the mathematical formula, make them look good. Edison did to the others, and often he thinks he can do, but don't have time to work. Edison also can naturally take over research results in the future.

Like Edison, where Tesla, of course, is incompatible as fire and water. Tesla was largely self-taught, but have received a lot of formal mathematical education. And he's incredibly talented, or something you can try is said to be integral, spatial imagination wonders. More importantly, Tesla was chasing people who don't profit, like the upper social circles. Which tirelessly cultivating personal media image of Thomas Edison, of course, is a blatant challenge to its authority, the last straw. So, naturally Tesla a chance, then I broke it.

In contrast, Tesla and Westinghouse said it was hit. From here you can see Westinghouse outstanding management talent and charisma, able to let these talented engineers to join their company. Westinghouse and Tesla itself says is "perfect cooperation", because he feels stronger than theory, and Westinghouse had to know how to put these theories into practice, into products. Later, Tesla left, to a large extent, because this place is Pittsburgh not Tesla had a crush on high social circles. But years later, Tesla still delighted to such cooperation, attraction of visible Westinghouse engineers.

Product Center

Except for Edison's own capacity gaps, Edison, GE cannot accept another decisive obstacle to AC, is the company's mode of operation.

A brain like Edison, GE, everyone is a follower of patterns, so at any given time, only to spin around a key product or service. This of course depends on the owner's likes and dislikes and ability, by ear. For inventors like Edison, which doomed his company is product-centric.

Yes, Edison was an inventor, not a businessman. He's not interested, for products. He only cares about his own invention, and trying to do it perfect, and then sold them. So, Edison, GE sold, is a stand-alone product, you can plug combination set of individual, whether generators, electric light or a DC motor. We know that the low-voltage direct current technology because of its own characteristics, is not suitable for long-distance transmission, and as a result most DC motors, in practical use, its generators on the steps next to distant places.

For Edison, it is not a problem. This product-centric model is a natural extension of his production workshop model. All he cares about, just a perfect product. There are good products, there will be bought. Less, sold as luxury goods, quantity, scale, the better. For example, Westinghouse itself had specifically asked Edison to his house to install a DC electrical system (but was rebuffed by Edison). But in the late 1880 's, Edison for the DC electrical systems have been a bit tired, thinking, are other interesting innovations.

However, the AC system is not a consumer, not so simple relationships of production and consumption. AC power grid construction, while high efficiency, input must have a scale can be made possible. Which means that as the power grid construction, you will need to build a whole range of power systems, from power stations and power switching and transmission, to local power transformation and distribution. This means that the electric company from the perspective of the entire network and operation, the need for efficient management, to sustain its operations in order to create profit. You cannot, as an experiment repeated trial-and-error, the need for theory to guide. One part of the AC grid is required all homes to automatically be connected to the grid, this form of compulsory laying, also facing regulatory pressure, means that companies often require many of the power company and local politicians and administrators, good relations and forming alliances.

These things and sell you something and then I'll just stay out of bad again-back to Edison's business model to fit.

The most typical, was in March 1886, William Stanley for Westinghouse to build large scale powered model of the first remote transmission system. Westinghouse's first reaction is to enable an agent to get European transformers patents related to buy it. Then, Westinghouse's business acumen made him on the same day, get someone started to develop the electric meter.

You know, Edison's DC power for so many years, and no proper metering, Edison's vision, electricity is by the number of bulbs take money. It is all way of selling a simple transfer over. Edison sales model in my mind, is the independent consumer-oriented. AC grid, you need to address the needs of the enterprise. Successfully achieve mass communication network construction, not only technical and application products can also bring these products into a system for unified development and management capabilities. So, Edison, GE is not competent, is naturally impossible choices developed alternating current.

In turn, the early Westinghouse railway brake system can be described as a single successful product, but afterwards railway signalling systems, telephone switching systems, natural gas delivery systems, are large, enterprise-class applications, and behind that is the Westinghouse building more modern business models in transition, its importance was obvious. For example, if there is no telephone exchange, Bell telephone, only is an advanced electronic toys.

Not only on direct current, can be seen Edison's unique iconic invention of Edison, also have this consumer-centered thinking. Player, movie projector.

Edison film projectors, Kinetoscope, a personal viewing devices. He later introduced more people watch the projection projectors, is also thinking of home use. If someone comes up to show in a public places like cinemas, Edison's response was not interested. Clearly, Edison, sell more products and earn more selling what out there, he was no matter.

Cinema business model, much closer to the traditional theatre of lines, the projector is just a cost. Cinema needs businesses understand real estate, financing, logistics, accounting, rows, and so on and is independent of production skills will clearly need professional background completely different people in the company are responsible, through cinemas, economies of scale, lower costs, and won the competition. This, Edison was not interested, or don't play.

JP Morgan

That question is what makes this current war, was so busy?

Great cause, is that JP Morgan side with Edison.

In 1878, Edison formed Edison Electric Light Company, one of the partners Egisto p. Fabbri, and JP Morgan partners. Morgan also became Edison's financiers.

Morgan as the year United States absolute boss of the financial sector, not just money. Or rather, he is not a man simply to earn money earn money. When he died, his assets, combined with art, a total of about $ 120 million, that Carnegie exclaimed, "think about it, he's not a rich man." Morgan, of course, are super rich, Carnegie sent this feeling, because Morgan's assets than he and Rockefeller, was not at all on an order of magnitude. Morgan's influence, he really wanted to make money, certainly not that.

Morgan not only like to make money, and he also likes to change the world, to use its unprecedented power in the hands of, making capital more effective functioning and allowing businesses to produce more profits. Morgan has the power, not only because he was very rich, but because he is the modern meaning of financiers and investors, he will use the information.

19th century United States, in a chaos of market management, information age of wildly inaccurate. No listed companies will take the initiative to disclose their finances, even if shareholders (at that time there is no retail), can no longer obtain from regulators about the company's assets, income, and profit information, issuance of shares is a mind thing, no report, no prospectus. Stock is diluted, insider trading and share price manipulation, abound.

Morgan, then used his identity as a banker, investor, directly involved with a lot of the company's Board of Directors and management team, and therefore control of major companies in many industries and accurate information. This information, as Morgan's biggest capital, so he could have a keen grasp of the business trends and do anything they want on the market. Investors like Morgan, as well as Westinghouse, believe that the power of scientific management. They passed to the collection of information, analysis of data, good understanding of the risk, strong execution, involved in company operations, mergers and restructuring. Finally, by helping their portfolio companies achieve optimal operation model, seizes the market to enhance the scale, maximize profits, and investors get the most, and to take a big, it cost the company to achieve commercial success.

Morgan appeared, Thomas Edison, made up in the business strategies of many weaknesses.

Morgan commercial vision and quick to let Edison bought a lot of related patent, achieving a monopoly on direct current technology. Aware of the cost of laying the grid, Morgan also established a copper company, and attempting to control rubber imports from Africa (but later emergence of a copper syndicate attempted to defeat Morgan. High copper prices, and DC's need for copper was four times times the AC, DC no advantage). Morgan, through their own newspapers, such as the control of the New York Times, like the Edison Media has become the darling of the media. Morgan, through their influence, forced Westinghouse had to pull the wire in most areas, select the air in such a manner (Edison-GE wires, you can have a secure underground), and let the media hype on the aerial wire.

However, different from Edison, Morgan's goal was to create an economical and practical power network and make money with it. Morgan don't care is a DC or AC. In fact, Morgan, from very early on realized the advantages of AC, and tries to convince Addison to consider alternating current. Tesla, was hired by Morgan's men from Europe.

When Morgan realise they are likely going to lose the battle, after Westinghouse was the better collaborators, he was soon to Westinghouse and Tesla held out an olive branch to try to soldier with Westinghouse, the formation of a new company.

That's Westinghouse as an entrepreneur the biggest weakness: he doesn't trust bankers. Westinghouse believes that corporate boards are supposed to be people who know management understand business and bankers in addition to money, nothing will. So he's reluctant to bank financing, he thought it would bring control to the people who don't understand Enterprise. He doesn't like good relations and banking, for which he has been a funding crisis (key in 1892, Westinghouse fell into financial crisis, thanks to several of his original investment bankers offer support, support). He did not realize that modern operations of large corporations had been tied together and deep financial and monetary markets, bankers in the Board of Directors, is not simply to give control. Bankers can bring into valuable information on financial markets to find emergency funds, and investors like Morgan, but also can use their information and experiences, make reasonable strategies for enterprise development to help businesses avoid encounter snags because of volatility in the financial markets.

The result, Westinghouse denied Morgan's request.

Morgan turned in 1892, another Thomson-Houston, and Edison, GE merger (in today's estimate was out of the question, because they have United States 80% of the light bulb market share), that is GE. By Charles Coffin Thomson-Houston boss as head of the new company. Operation of the new company, began to fully mimic Westinghouse. Edison not only are not on the company's name, and actually be undermined. Just because in Chicago in 1893 Colombia exhibition, exhibition for company cannot appear without Edison, Edison left, provided that the Edison light bulb sales revenues of $ one-eighth, but you can no longer attack Westinghouse in the media.

So far, Edison has the equivalent of being kicked out.

At this point, Edison's right-hand men, Thomas Insull left GE. He also chose Chicago, joined the power company, Chicago-Edison (Edison is financed by one of several power companies in various locations). In 1897, the Insull selected the Westinghouse AC system, and creatively put forward the peak time charge with two-tier tariff system (which is certainly a trustworthy metering), power needs to be more stable, power plants will be able to operate at full capacity, own production, customers reduce electricity tariffs, greatly promoted the development of the power companies. Eventually, through a series of acquisitions, Insull was established in 1907, the world's largest power company Commonwealth Edison Co. Modern electricity market.

In 1907, the economic crisis, Westinghouse's inability to cope with and eventually bought by Morgan that Morgan had the last laugh.

Henry Ford

In 1893 another come into view, is the Henry Ford of that year became GE's chief engineer.

Edison Ford's admirers. From a very large extent, Ford-Edison's genius. He was also an engineer, control freaks, focused product much more than business, think good product itself more than anything: what color car you want, we have, as long as it is black.

Ford to maximize production. Several of his revolutionary ideas than ever before to promote United States business modernization, such as assembly line production, a job interview. Behind these ideas, is Ford's control. For example in recruitment, human resources department, to completely replace the traditional community leaders, from the main interview. But at the same time, for the head of any post, Ford not only to interview workers, have to interview his wife. For hired workers, Ford also sent his men into their homes on a regular basis to check, whether the workers live by American standards.

In Charlie Chaplin's film modern times, that constantly monitors the worker's boss on the big screen, is a prototype of Ford. But behind that Chaplin was also Ford's genius, laboured and systems. Chaplin combat system, a Hollywood studio system. And Ford the confrontation, a genius Manager Alfred p Sloan in charge of GM.

For Ford, his dominance, fetish for the product itself, like GM, he would not choose to go to public financing, used cars of different colors and styles to please consumers, on hire to chase everyone's wallet. However, modern enterprise, even if you're a consumer-centric product manufacturers and ordinary people, nor is it possible only with good product alone. Modern market-financial services, manufacturing, culture, fashion, and consumption closely tied together. A modern large enterprises must be able to solve a complex financing, production and consumption chain, which requires a scientific management system.

So, not surprisingly, Ford in the 1920 's, GM go-ahead, itself is in crisis. Ford truly trans, when Henry Ford II took over the Ford after World War II. And the biggest difference between his grandfather was Henry Ford II is not an engineer, but a modern managers. He not only from GM hired several prominent executives from the United States air force, Department of management science operations came with Robert s. McNamara-led Whiz Kids, the achievements of Ford's revival.

Genius system

To summarize, battle of the alternating current and direct current, is genius, buck the system, with the result that, System WINS management is King.

Whole 19 century to the early 20th century, United States business model in such a time of confrontation, completed a transformation from leading entrepreneur mode to Manager mode led. For any business, while growing, are required to complete the build products to create changes in the ecological environment.

This management model, until after the second world war the 60-70, starts to look like a defeat. (Particularly symbolic, perhaps Robert s. when McNamara served as Defense Minister and United States entered the Vietnam war quagmire. )

Focus on management of enterprises in commercial development far more conservative than entrepreneurial companies. Their operations more emphasis on stability, stable returns. That makes businesses more inclined to tap their own potentials on the program, eliminate redundancy, to boost profit margins. In product development, they prefer in quick small updates to the existing technologies to extend existing patents, maintaining technical superiority. On the breakthrough of new technologies, and more through the purchase of small entrepreneurship and new firms, or choose to follow a relatively safe mode.

In essence, a compromise that's creativity and efficiency. When the burgeoning industrial revolution, technology keeps taking off, efficient company with its robustness and easier to win this battle. But when the endless pursuit of efficiency when excessive dampening on personality, they began to bond.

In the information industry revolution began in the 80 's, we see investors, managers, between it and the talented engineer, started a new round of rebalancing. They tries to in venture type technology company development growth of process in the, completed this to modern management system of transformation, and let employees is company still retains full vitality of enterprise culture, in to company injected funds guidelines its development direction Shi, and didn't want to too much took to entrepreneurs on company of control, hopes keep these stars entrepreneurs of personal charm and innovation spirit, not let company prematurely lost its creativity.


论爱迪生和特斯拉的直流交流电之争 - 直流电,交流电 - IT资讯

“Steve Jobs因而成为我们时代最伟大的商业主管,百年之后,我们一定还会记得他。历史会将他置于和爱迪生,福特并列的万神殿中。”

- Walter Isaacson,《Steve Jobs》

如果我来讲Steve Jobs,我一定会讲讲当年这场爱迪生和Westinghouse的大战。



这倒不是说Westinghouse公司里没有天才。在Tesla加盟Westinghouse之前,George Westinghouse已经几乎囊获了美国所有的关于交流电研究的天才工程师,更不用说,Westinghouse自己,就是一个天才发明家。





























最典型的,就是1886年3月,William Stanley为Westinghouse搭建了第一个远程输电的大型供电示范系统。Westinghouse的第一个反应,就是让在欧洲的代理赶快把相关的变压器专利买下。然后,Westinghouse的商业头脑,让他在同一天,马上派人开始研制电表。









1878年,爱迪生成立Edison Electric Light Company,其中一个合伙人Egisto P. Fabbri,也是JP摩根的合伙人。摩根,也因而成为爱迪生的出资人。











摩根转头在1892年,将另一家公司Thomson-Houston,和爱迪生-GE合并(在今天估计是不可能了,因为二者拥有美国灯泡市场80%的份额),这就是GE。新公司由Thomson-Houston的老板Charles Coffin执掌。新公司的运作,也开始全面模仿Westinghouse。爱迪生不仅不在公司的名字上,而且实际被架空。只是因为1893年在芝加哥的哥伦比亚大展,公司展区不能没有爱迪生出现,才将爱迪生留下,条件是给爱迪生1/8的灯泡销售利润,但不能再在媒体上攻击Westinghouse。


也是在此时,爱迪生的得力手下,Thomas Insull也离开了GE。他也选择了芝加哥,加盟电力公司,芝加哥-爱迪生(这是爱迪生在各地出资兴建的诸多电力公司之一)。在1897年,Insull选择了Westinghouse的交流电系统,并创造性的提出了高峰时间分别收费的两级电费制度(这当然也是靠一个信得过的电表),让电力需要更加平稳,发电厂也就能满负荷的运转,自己提高产能,对用户降低了电费,大大推动了电力公司的发展。最终,通过一系列购并,Insull在1907年成立了世界上最大的电力公司Commonwealth Edison Co。现代电力市场,模样初具。






卓别林的影片《摩登时代》里那个在大银幕上时时监视工人工作的老板,就是以福特为原型。但说起来,卓别林也是福特一样的天才,在和体系苦斗。卓别林所对抗的体系,是好莱坞的片场体制。而福特所对抗的,是天才经理人Alfred P Sloan所执掌的GM。


所以,不出意外的,福特在1920年代,被GM反超,自己则陷入危机。福特真正转运,则要等到亨利・福特二世在二战后接管福特。与他爷爷最大的不同,就是亨利・福特二世不是一个工程师,而是一个现代管理者。他不仅从GM挖来了几名重要的高管,还从美国空军管理科学运营部拉来了以Robert S. McNamara为首的Whiz kids,成就了福特的复兴。




这个以管理为中心的模式,直到二战后的60-70年代,才开始呈现出败相。(特别有象征意义的,或许是Robert S. McNamara担任国防国长时,美国开始陷入越战泥潭。)





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