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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:40:28 Edit(编辑)
Friday: best new CEO in Silicon Valley, Microsoft employees, and in one’s heart,

Friday: best new CEO in Silicon Valley, Microsoft employees, and in one’s heart,(爆冷:微软员工和硅谷人心中的最佳新CEO,)

Friday: Microsoft employees and people in Silicon Valley best new CEO Microsoft, Skype, Bates, Microsoft's new CEO-IT information Friday: Microsoft employees and people in Silicon Valley best new CEO

Microsoft is the selection of Steve Ballmer's successor, recently reported by Bloomberg, Ford CEO Alan Mulally and inside Microsoft responsible for the server software and development tools Division of India-born Executive Nader, become two of the most likely candidates. However, as far as United States BusinessInsider news website, as well as science and technology Web site AllThingsD reported that internal Microsoft employees, and "virtually all of Silicon Valley", has reached a consensus regarding the most suitable Microsoft CEO candidates, Bates that Skype last leader (Tony-Bates).

Bloomberg, Ford's Alan Mulally is the number one foreign Executive candidates, executives within the Nadela is first choice.

But for many people, Mulally is one of people "scratching," Microsoft boss, he wasn't a technical person, the lack of IT vision, it seems there is no long-term solution to revitalize the Microsoft.

Mulally's biggest capital, were at Boeing and Ford Motor Company's outstanding achievements. For now, Microsoft Mobile Internet challenges facing, you need to change in transition, Mulally meets Microsoft's demand for change.

India-born Executive Nader, successfully leading Microsoft's most promising business sectors (developing tools, server software, cloud computing), Nadela emerged as a potential candidate for sensible, in fact, Microsoft is a business-oriented company, so promotion of Nade, predictable.

However, according to sources, Microsoft's internal staff would serve as CEO is in line with Skype to join Microsoft's Bates.

AllThingsD's well-known female journalists Kara-Swisher (TechCrunch and co-founder), also said that she learned of the situation, "almost all of Silicon Valley" is think Bates served as CEO.

Bates, that Microsoft had both an insider and outsider. Says he an insider, it's because he has worked at Microsoft for two years, said that he is the outsider, because he worked at Microsoft long enough. He served as CEO of Skype company, mobile Internet, consumer products, experienced, and he used to work at Cisco systems, understand how big companies and corporate markets operation.

Bates also has disadvantages, he is responsible for Skype's time in less than a year, most of the time its transition is actually helping Skype to Microsoft, he did not lead a scale comparable to Microsoft's large listed companies. At Microsoft, period, he never participated in the major item, "resume capital" sufficiently convincing.

Journalist Kara-Swisher said she contacted a dozen executives in Silicon Valley, as well as a number of Microsoft executives, is think Bates, the most suitable person to take over from Steve Ballmer.

Sources close to Microsoft said, Bates was elected CEO of Microsoft, this means Microsoft's signals to the global technology industry: Microsoft will in the future be more proactive cooperation, communication and industry. The source said Ford CEO Alan Mulally is only in a context suitable for Microsoft's CEO, is that this is an interim CEO.

2011 media Bates admits, I'd have a goal in life, just before the age of 45, and served as the CEO of a corporation. In October 2010, he was appointed May act as Skype CEO,2011 years, Microsoft's $ 8.5 billion US dollars, buy Skype from eBay.


爆冷:微软员工和硅谷人心中的最佳新CEO - 微软,Skype,贝茨,微软新CEO - IT资讯














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