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published in(发表于) 2016/7/14 10:58:58 Edit(编辑)
Investors worried about Google’s prospects, the Bank: think more,

Investors worried about Google’s prospects, the Bank: think more,(投资者担忧谷歌发展前景,德银:想多了,)



Investors worried about Google's prospects, the Bank:-Google, banking-IT information

Deutsche Bank AG (hereinafter "the Bank") said in a report to investors on Wednesday, investors have come to the Google "hate and fear", but which also claimed that investor concerns may be "too much".

Last month, an industry report forecasting the global search ad spending will fall under the influence of this message, Google shares fell 3%, and this is what Google's shares declined the most in the last two months.

But Deutsche Bank said, Google is quite optimistic about the prospects for future development. Deutsche Bank claims in the above-mentioned report, "Google has launched mass can be seen as the core search business (but perhaps not known) adjustments and improvements that will help sustain the momentum of recent growth in this business. ”

Deutsche Bank also reported in the United Kingdom from the European Union on issues affecting the company. Deutsche Bank said that "the last two weeks, we on the United Kingdom market of many search engine marketing agencies, publishers, advertising partners conducted a survey, found United Kingdom from the second half of the European Union on Google's expected risk is very limited. ”

Deutsche Bank also pointed out that, in addition to the search business, Google will also focus on expanding their business to areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, and these measures will herald good growth prospects of Google's business, and will provide important impetus for Google's future growth.

In 2014, Google's acquisition of the United Kingdom intelligence startups DeepMind, rumors in the industry say the price is about £ 400 million. Deutsche Bank claims that this is likely in the next 12 months to 18 months during the return.

投资者担忧谷歌发展前景,德银:想多了 - 谷歌,银行 - IT资讯







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