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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:35:16 Edit(编辑)
Warcraft zero field advance chip record: Star low profile support, effects, explosion,

Warcraft zero field advance chip record: Star low profile support, effects, explosion,(《魔兽》零点场预排片量破纪录:明星低调捧场,特效炸裂,)



Warcraft zero field advance chip record: Star low profile support, special effects explosion-world of Warcraft, world of Warcraft, Warcraft movie-IT information

The morning of June 8, Warcraft ushered in Premiere, which has 1 billion followers of the film has not been released, it has provoked a "crazy".

According to the data released by the ticketing platform, as of June 7, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Warcraft zero field advance chip 11,858, and breaking of the fast and the furious 7 keep a record, becoming the first. Earlier, the zero-point field scheduled record was 11,000, last released in April by the set of the fast and the furious 7.

7th 23:10, Warcraft zero field advance ticket sale has reached 48.48 million Yuan, more than of the Avengers 2 standings ever second in the Mainland, the funny thing is, the zero-point field box office record at present is the fast and the furious 7 control, 52.47 million Yuan. Warcraft zero field box office could eventually surpass the speed and passion of 7, and then hit another new record? This is an interesting topic.

In fact, the more crazy zeros behind the box office, is a theater to Rob viewers of "dark war". Manager of a large cinema in Chengdu told reporters, accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of cinema, a film created moviegoing peaks in the number of cycle then reduced, in this case, the zero-point field to snatch the more audiences the importance of highlighting.

Zero field into the first

For die-hard fans, of zeros of Warcraft premiere is a rave, this "bounce" movies of the decade the world's 1 billion players eagerly looking forward to. Fans of powerful economic effect, the Warcraft create the craziest of the zero-point field.

According to cat-eye movie data, as of June 7, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Warcraft zero field advance chip 11,858, and records maintained by the breaking of the fast and the furious history first. And 48.48 million Yuan (real time data) advance ticket sale than the Avengers 2 temporarily in the mainland ever second.

"Warcraft the zero-point field we had 5 halls, each Hall 300 seats and now (votes) have been sold out, sold half of the two and a half points. "The Manager of a large cinema in Chengdu told reporters, in her career, the zero-point field so" Grand "is also unprecedented.

Has experienced two consecutive months after the trough at the box office, a theater apparently hopes ' Warcraft ' box office hit a nice turnaround, next capital campaign. According to the "entertainment capital" reported that IDC ume international Cineplex in the issuer did not dock fill and other means to increase the chip rate of cases, to buy derivatives, and pay to do the large spreading light boxes, and so on.

In addition to on the site layout "throwing money", some cinema zero field butt media propaganda, "new media we gave each 5 places, early promotional number will help us to attract more film. "Said theater managers say.

Cinema the focus on zero field sense, high zero-point field seems to be increased significantly in the late of the film at the box office guarantee. According to Zhejiang business Securities Institute reported content displayed, previously of 0 points field box office ranking Qian three methyl, respectively is speed and passion 7, and revenge who Union 2, and transformers 4, they of 0 points field box office respectively for 52.47 million Yuan, and 29.73 million Yuan and 20.85 million Yuan, eventually box office results respectively for 2.427 billion yuan, and 1.464 billion yuan and 1.978 billion yuan, are into has "1 billion +" Club.

"Zero economy" into a sweet pastry

In fact, the theater willing to "tap" pay raise behind the zero-point field, is staking its snatch movie number and, in time of rapid growth in the number of the theater, attendance is not high, profits fall in the single screen Theater of pain points.

"Now theater, viewers choice has a lot, after viewing the number of shunting, probably a large continuous hot cycle 20 days or even a month, but now even the strongest large basic to no audience the next week. "Said a large Theater Manager said to reporters.

According to entgroup 2015-2016 research report on China's film industry, by the end of 2015, the theater about 6,494, screen: 31882 respectively 2014 from 32%, 30%, box office exceeded 40 billion yuan for the year in 2014, representing a growth of over billion yuan.

However under higher box office revenues, attendance of each yard line but is not optimistic. Entgroup study shows top shadow company's attendance average was only 18.7% only Wanda cinema line, film cinema investment, UME cinema group and Shanghai film cinema 5 shadow company attendance challenge 20%.

Worth noting is that most zero-point leading movie attendance also fared well at the box office. In Warcraft, for example, as of June 7, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, cat's eye movies statistical zero field with an average attendance of up to 48.5%, multiple areas there are "difficult to get a ticket" phenomenon. "Now the theater is too much, we have to seize the first time, the best selling time is very short, the zero-point field is a very good sale. "Said a large theater managers say.

Among guests yesterday, in addition to members of the media, critics and senior players, and not a star figure. Xu Zheng and his wife, Huang Bo, Xia Yu and Zhu Zhu is a low profile appears in theaters, then media said with a smile, for Warcraft charm was too big, "billions at the box office" are attracted to join in yourself.

Many die-hard powder of the stars of the world of Warcraft, also to the movie early are the directors of the wildest beast called Yi Xiaoxing. He immediately send longer tweets after the film: "Visual effects shot a large quantity of high quality, as a player for nearly ten years, I see very quickly, lots of familiar names can evoke many memories, Mage and Warlock ultra high degree of skill to restore, and sheep are all the biggest punchline. "He also said to tribe, to Azeroth, he will pay at least three four brushes.

"Billions at the box office" to join non-Warcraft players player rave

Compared to the players, when viewing non-player evaluations get more attention of the guests. Many people praise of Warcraft avatar Visual effects, the magic of Harry Potter, spectacular spectacle, and full of affection, love these sympathetic feelings.

Film critic clownfish Nemo with the "burst" two words to describe the Visual effects of the film, he said: "as the typical Visual control (non-Warcraft powder), really high-energy blockbuster special effects by Warcraft full high, cool explosions, burning to French. 120+ minutes, seconds, seconds are in a State of excitement surging. Delicious cuisine-level Visual effects due to complete one horizon is wide open, brain frequency to wear. Expect also burst at the box office. ”

Heavyweight partners collaborates in joint efforts to create phenomenal blockbuster

Warcraft movies produced include universal pictures, film stock, Tencent, Taiko entertainment and huayi brothers, legendary and Blizzard Entertainment, it is a win. Warcraft is Wanda after the acquisition of legendary, legendary pictures introduced the first project in the country, for the attention and support of the film out.

Warcraft fantasy epic movies of the year will begin formally on June 8 at 0 o'clock landed the Chinese mainland cinemas, IP film from the millions of advocates, real national pastime is bound to set off the summer Carnival.

《魔兽》零点场预排片量破纪录:明星低调捧场,特效炸裂 - 魔兽,魔兽世界,魔兽电影 - IT资讯


























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