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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 2:36:56 Edit(编辑)
Micro-circle of friends-marketing fire: frequent sell quality doors, backdoors,

Micro-circle of friends-marketing fire: frequent sell quality doors, backdoors,(微信朋友圈营销渐火:质量门、售后门频发,)

Micro-marketing fire circle of friends: quality, frequent back-micro-sales letters, circles of friends, friends marketing-IT information Micro-circle of friends-marketing fire: frequent sell quality doors, backdoors

QQ space, school from a student, to today's micro-blogging, micro-, with the development of Internet era, we are changing the social networking tools. Targeting "acquaintances model" of social marketing, is being more and more micro-platform fires.

"Circle of friends" opportunities blossom

Micro letter made a living, but twenty or thirty friends reply, but a smart bracelet for sale, in a circle of friends at night, hundreds of friends to buy ... ... Not long ago, Peng 芃 with their own micro-accounts start with a second-hand goods businesses for sale, brokering a deal, charging turnover 5% Commission.

"Funds are themselves! "Put up loud slogans, on micro-platforms in March of this year she successfully applied for his second account" NANA ". This account is designed to sell idle Secondhand items of the month, then gives her a sum of more than 3,000 yuan of income. Peng 芃 didn't think his "circle of friends" deal they sleepwalk debuted.

In a pharmaceutical industry Chamber of Commerce has been working four or five years, usually not too busy to luxuriant Pang "bothered". And the micro-business, are due to publish on their own circle of friends at the beginning of a message.

"90% the new Jawbone bracelet, margin of the eyes ' adoption '. "Just use the contemporary fashion sport bracelet just two months, friends in Hong Kong on a business trip and sends exactly the same, try holding mood, accompanied by some photos from different angles, Peng 芃 marketing in the circle of friends.

The news before going to sleep the night before, looking to get a day or two until somebody cares, on my way to work the next day habits "brushed micro-" Peng 芃 scared-of-78 comments! Because this bracelet was not much domestic sales channels, we worried about buying online will have fakes, made news almost as she released one of the most popular messages.

Why is not alone to have a transfer platform?

Using more than two years, Peng 芃, classmates, colleagues, peers, was already saved 1000 smaller one's circle of friends. Himself likes to play with digital products themselves have a lot of spare camera, home game consoles. Peer around the House, there are also many virtually didn't unpack Massager, therapeutic apparatus ... ... Before and after spending half a month, Peng 芃 in micro-50 friends in the circle of friends instantly touched bottom in the Middle, "a seller, a buyer, this business can be done! ”

Never pay to apply for a new account, to come up with extra money to hire men to "shop" dispensers, small second, Hall chaired by Peng 芃 race. Each had a friend sent her information to sell, Peng 芃 charge coupled with a featured article in the account, accompanied by merchandise linked through Alipay middle of her party, after the completion of the transaction volume 5% Commission charged to the seller.

Strength of micro-letter to our lives "invasion", the economics of Peng 芃 is no longer the case.

"Micro-circle of friends recently opened on the screen, ' water, a ' sell, simply acting like Taobao shopping! "People used fine brushes while micro-letter Lady Sun said with some frustration. On the Web, "micro-circle of friends to sell Thailand Buddha image, turnover of nearly 70,000 yuan a day" and "the circle of friends running beauty Eyelash and nail products, monthly sales million" in the two cases is madness reprint, appears frequently in discussions of micro-marketing website.

"Quality" and "sold back"

Flowers everywhere, hilarious exception "circle of friends" business behind, made a half-year business James fanchone (not his real name) is not easy. Taobao shopping service site choose from instantly make progress on their micro-account for sale of goods, her business suffered a credibility crisis.

"Not one month, taping went dead. "" Quite a color, how to counter so much difference. ”…… August early who do purchasing business of Taobao shop in she of "micro-letter shop" in new Shang has several marked for LV of brand package, because is from manufacturers into of tail cargo, Shoppe price probably each only more than 30,000 more block money of high was fell has 9,000 yuan around, cheap of price makes more than 10 over package sold out, can with of and to of is friends circle in get together to chat of discontent.

First encountered this dispute, some fear of God's James fanchone found Taobao shop owners quickly. Although each other, explained that as long as extras, there will be some defects, after several twists and turns, a lot of mouth James fanchone is coordinated to the buyer for the goods. This experience give her a big shadow, "and cooperate Taobao shop, sometimes I don't even need to look at the goods, customer orders, I give the money back, and then shipped by them. Convenience is convenience, but risks too big! ”

Not only that, but the accident has a more direct impact in-store credit. The bitter experience and pay 10,000 dollars on deposit, James fanchone relieved Taobao shop business with. How to take care of your micro-"little shop" business, remains a conundrum before her.

Buy Sony cameras don't know where to go to after-sale maintenance, people Mr Gao ran into a "circle of friends shopping" embarrassment. Look on at a friend's tiny letter a few days ago on a Sony micro-camera, limited edition "local despot gold" color made it look pretty. Because there are no invoices, camera prices are a lot cheaper. Wanted to enjoy the benefits of he accidentally fell through the cracks after the lens cap, although the camera is still under warranty, but it is "no insured."

Meanwhile, more and more product information in the circle of friends are using his followers to be patient. A Netizen named "kite" feeling, can't stand being "painted screens", within a week, he quietly crossed out in the address book of two specializes in luxury goods a friend information.


微信朋友圈营销渐火:质量门、售后门频发 - 微信,朋友圈,朋友圈营销 - IT资讯





















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