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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:37:48 Edit(编辑)
Li met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, and four countries in the Middle East

Li met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, and four countries in the Middle East(李克强分别会见黑山等中东欧四国总理)

Li keqiang meets with Montenegro and other Central and Eastern European countries in Eastern Europe _ Prime Minister Li keqiang, | | | news

China News Agency, Bucharest, November 27 (Xinhua open Ouyang Yu) Chinese Premier Li keqiang in Bucharest local time on the morning of 26th and 27th, respectively met with Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister of Macedonia Nikola gruevski, Slovenia, Prime Minister of bulatusheke and Albania Prime Minister Rama.

When meeting Milo Djukanovic, Li said that the Chinese Government attaches importance to developing relations with Montenegro is willing to further consolidate the good political relations between the two countries, strengthen cooperation in railways, shipbuilding, tourism and other fields. China supports its enterprises to participate in the North-South highway, thermal power plants and other infrastructure projects in Montenegro and is willing to expand its import of black superiority products to promote bilateral trade in dynamic balance, more results in bilateral cooperation.

Milo Djukanovic appreciated Li's principles and recommendations for strengthening EU-China cooperation in the Middle East, said with China's cooperation is conducive to the economic development of Montenegro. Dark side is willing to work with China to implement cooperation projects, such as roads, electricity, and actively explore cooperation of railways, ports and other infrastructure to promote Europe-China cooperation achieve more results in the Middle East.

When meeting with Nikola gruevski, Li said that this year is the 20 anniversary of establishment, set off a new upsurge of bilateral exchanges and cooperation. China is ready to work according to demand, actively involved in large construction projects such as roads, power plants, while expanding cooperation in trade, investment, building materials and other fields and push bilateral relations to a new stage.

Nikola gruevski said that roads, electricity projects, promoting cooperation continues to expand. Malaysia wishes to build economic zone of China, to facilitate Chinese enterprises and goods entering Macedonia and Europe, greater cooperation with China.

When meeting with bulatusheke, Li said, a good relationship and fruitful cooperation. Chinese Government supports Chinese enterprises to expand investment and actively participate in rail and port infrastructure construction, such as rebuilding, together with the country to promote European transport network construction in a country in the Middle East.

Bulatusheke said the Slovenian side welcomes Chinese enterprises to expand investment and actively participate in the privatization process and the construction of railways, ports, and willing to work with China to strengthen financial cooperation, high technology, tourism.

When meeting with Rama, Li said, Sino-Arab Friendship is deep, is the precious wealth of the two countries. China is ready to work with Albania to strengthen the cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure, agriculture, resources, and encouraged Chinese enterprises to participate in the national rail network reconstruction and construction, such as roads, power plants, ports, translate into more traditional friendship and cooperation, to better serve their respective developments.

Rama said Albania has a long history of traditional friendship and solid foundation for cooperation. Alfonso supported the Chinese side put forward proposals for cooperation, willing to work with China dig potential, taking advantage of the location, expanding cooperation in areas such as roads, railways, ports, electricity, open up a new chapter in the bilateral ties and the Middle East and Europe-China cooperation. (End text)

(Original title: Li keqiang met separately with Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Albania four Prime Ministers)

(Edit: SN064)
November 28, 2013 China News Network

  中新社布加勒斯特11月27日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)中国国务院总理李克强当地时间26日下午和27日上午在布加勒斯特分别会见黑山总理久卡诺维奇、马其顿总理格鲁埃夫斯基、斯洛文尼亚总理布拉图舍克和阿尔巴尼亚总理拉马。











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