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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:57:22 Edit(编辑)
Tribute to photographer, France’s Liberation newspaper, removing all plan

Tribute to photographer, France’s Liberation newspaper, removing all plan(致敬摄影师,法国《解放报》移除所有配图,)

Tribute to photographer, France's Liberation paper removes all matching image-photographer, newspaper-IT information Tribute to photographer, France's Liberation paper removes all matching image

In the age of everyone is a photographer, photographers into newspapers, magazines and websites are layoffs "preferred". But France's Liberation paper recently published a period without any article of the newspaper, aims to tell people the importance of photojournalism, while still on the post pay tribute to the hard work photojournalist.

No matching image of a newspaper, the rest not only rife with boring text, its story is also greatly reduced, just like a film only sound no picture.

The newspaper front page wrote:

"Both the photographer, fashion photographer, portrait photographer but also a conceptual artist, the liberation newspaper owes them a forever grateful. Our enthusiasm for photography has never been called into question-not because it brings you beautiful, shocking, and description, but because it has mastered the pulse of our world. Select days, held at Paris Photo photography fairs make such a move, represents the commitment of our photography. We didn't bury photography art ... ...

Contrary, our photography are given due respect. Nor should we overlook the danger and rushed in the front line of photographers, especially a living war photographer. ”

Soft-medium Note: the liberation is France national newspaper, was founded in 1973. Photography in the newspaper occupied a very important position, their selection of articles with map very strictly and intentions.


致敬摄影师,法国《解放报》移除所有配图 - 摄影师,报纸 - IT资讯




“不论是摄影记者、时尚摄影师、人像摄影师还是概念艺术家,《解放报》欠他们一份永远的感激。我们对摄影的热忱从未被质疑——不是因为它能带来的美、震撼以及说明作用,而是因为它掌握了我们这个世界的脉动。选择在Paris Photo摄影博览会召开的日子里做出这样一份举动,正代表了我们对摄影所做出的承诺。我们没有在埋葬摄影的艺术……




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