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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:54:02 Edit(编辑)
28 democratic life meeting report count

28 democratic life meeting report count(28份民主生活会报告盘点)

28 democratic life meeting report inventory: most of the logic more consistent report | | | democracy _ news

In July of this year, the first batch of educational practice party committees (party) leadership topics democratic life meeting the deployment is completed, democratic life meeting date set for September to November, as of November 7, all 259 units in the most democratic life meeting had been held, of which 31 provinces and democratic life meeting report on Corps has been released. Most of the remaining units of democratic life meeting recently held in the near future, currently only a small number of published Conference reports.

Beijing Youth daily reporter according to the CPC's official website announced the 28 departments reports found that the report describes the process of the democratic life meeting held, detect problems and solutions for the future. Logic and language structure of most consistent, and problems identified in accordance with the "four winds" is intended, more common problems.

  Open meetings are a fool to get prepared?

  Prior to collecting the opinions of the masses

Units through seminars, grass-roots, including visits to collect the opinions of the masses, some national ministries or even nationwide survey

Most of the reports disclosed preliminary preparatory work for the Conference. Among them, the units through seminars, grass-roots or even customized research group visits and other means to gather the opinions of the masses. Some national ministries or even to the provinces and conduct research.

For example members of the leading party group of the Ministry of science and technology devoted to Jiangsu, Beijing, Shandong, Yunnan, Jilin, Shaanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and other 11 provinces and 26 cities and counties in the city of in-depth research.

Many units through letters of comment, suggestion boxes, hotlines, telephone and other forms, to the outside for comment, including departments, large enterprises as well as industry organizations. Such as State-owned assets supervision arrangements held 10 seminars in 5 days and heard 114 Central enterprises and 23 bodies primarily responsible with respect to members of the Party Committee of the State-owned assets supervision and team. Scored by further summarized, for submission to the members of the leading group.

XI General Secretary's important speech spirit and practice of learning activities organized by file content, such as material is also part of the preparatory work, in particular participation in the Standing Committee of the Hebei provincial Committee of democratic life meeting is an important speech team topic. Some units organize thematic Learning Exchange, Exchange, and so on.

  First practice how to write the report?

  28 units released reports an average of 2,500 words

Length is the longest report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, three small title a total of more than 4,800 words and word count is at least an Audit Commission report, only 1100 words

The party's mass line started education activities starting from July. By the end of July, 259 units of the first group to participate in education activities have all been through mobilization of the deployment. In accordance with a previous central deployment, education activities in two groups from the top down, the first batch consists of 31 provinces and cities and Xinjiang production and construction Corps, 106 Central and State ministries, mass organizations, 42 enterprises, 12 tubes in tube by financial enterprises, 31 University respectively, the structuring of the supervision of their respective groups. Central 79 provincial and ministerial cadres chosen also served as Deputy Head of the Central Steering team, and one of the RPIS Minor Works Steering Group under the jurisdiction of at least one agency, most of the Steering Group under the jurisdiction of a number of bodies are responsible for guiding education activities.

Upon request, these units through the holding of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, party (the party), Center, group study sessions, conferences and other means to seriously study and implement the spirit of the meeting.

Current authorization to practice the active content-CPC network released a 119 units and related situation of 31 provinces and cities and Xinjiang production and construction Corps, of which 119 units including Central and State ministries, mass organizations, tube and pipe in financial companies.

According to the current report of the 28 units has already been published, with the words in about 2,500 words on average, the longest of which is the report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, three small title a total of more than 4,800 words, word count is at least an Audit Commission report, only more than 1100 words.

In the 28 reports, though varying, but very similar style and logic. Democratic life meeting first described the preparation of the report.

Part II pointed to discover the reasons behind the problems, issues, and solutions.

Part III is carried out on party criticism and self-an overview of many reports use "some comrades believe that" such parallelism sentences.

Part IV is a steering group leader or deputy leader and head of the leading group unit of education practices statement summary, this section reviews democratic life meeting and reflect on the past and future work requirements.

In addition to logic similar to many Conference reports use ", regular dress, bathe and treat disease in the mirror" and "red flushed face, sweating, anti detoxifying, treating disease", language and style have also remained consistent.

Democratic life meeting reflects what's wrong?

Problems found with "four winds" is intended

Most units summed up 10 or so questions that "the status quo" is mentioned in one of the most words

28 most clearly summarized in the report of the Unit found in the education activities of "four winds" connection issues, and identifies the number of questions. In the report, their formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance of the wind "stubs". While the majority of the numbers at around 10, Communist Youth League Central Committee found that question 10, the Ministry of Commerce has 14 specific performance, Ministry of science and technology "focus on 13 specific issues", the Chinese Academy of Sciences "13 practical", China Telecom has 15 outstanding issues and so on.

On the formalism, too much paper work and meetings to attend to not fundamentally resolve, poor decisions implementing units of the Executive in place is generally raised two questions, which includes not only a number of ministries, companies such as China Telecom and China Construction Bank also raised this issue. China Construction Bank wrote in his report, "form, the light effect on the job, layout, light". Some units also put forward the "combined with inadequate" and "research won't go", and so on. Report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote: "the research problems of the superficial, fly, superficial phenomenon. ”

Bureaucratic problems are concentrated in the weak from the masses, the primary problem-solving efforts and transform government functions, and so on. In addition, the unit also reflects on "big" or "big business" issue, confused situation in sectors, lack of co-ordination, and less efficient.

Ministry of science and technology: "Science and technology funding lax management, ineffective oversight to guide grass-roots innovation work subjective will. "The CAs reflection in the context of issues such as treatment of retired veteran comrades living efforts are not enough. Administration for industry and Commerce: "industrial and commercial system lift insufficient attention to fees, no civilized law enforcement problem, and solutions are not. ”

Hedonism, the "status quo" is the one word most mentioned in the report, many units have pointed out that there are less adventurous, limited to routine work, lack of innovation and entrepreneurship, discourage emotions in face of difficulties are also mentioned in the reports. "Seeking good relations with all and sundry at the expense of principle highlighted and were reluctant to charge can't play" in the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate said of hedonism. And the State administration of taxation and China life were put forward a system of internal competition treatment, where privilege exists and consists of the phenomenon. Publicly acknowledged the existence of China Construction Bank on a business trip abroad (border)-standard reception problems.

Summary for the extravagance of the wind are consistent, and most "liberal" of the term. While some units also made it clear the extravagance of the wind "locations", reception, travel abroad, such as ultra specifications Forum, observances, and travel and Conference costs reimbursed. Reflections on the Chinese Academy of sciences research funds management issues not strictly, and the State administration of taxation, China Construction Bank, China life insurance and China Southern power grid are for above-standard equipped with Office space and Office construction of outspoken.

Text/reporter Luo Danyang

The Supreme People's Procuratorate

Seeking good relations with all and sundry at the expense of principle highlighted and were reluctant to charge not play

State administration of taxation

Competition within the system of treatment, enjoy more privileges and the phenomenon

Ministry of science and technology

Lax management of funds for science and technology, poor supervision and, in the context of issues such as treatment of retired veteran comrades showing insufficient

China Construction Bank

There on a business trip abroad (border)-standard reception problems

China Telecom

Too much paper work and meetings to attend to not fundamentally resolved, decision implementation ineffective enforcement is not in place

China Southern power grid

Above-standard equipped with Office space and office building construction issues

(Original title: democratic life meeting summary of what to do? )

(Edit: SN035)
November 17, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily



  为了开好会议 都做了啥准备?








  28家单位公布报告 平均2500字




















  文/本报记者 罗丹阳















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