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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/22 18:55:49 Edit(编辑)
Shijiazhuang haze first motor vehicle restrictions

Shijiazhuang haze first motor vehicle restrictions(石家庄雾霾持续首次开始机动车限行)

Shijiazhuang haze first vehicle Shijiazhuang | | haze | limit row _ news

China News Agency, Shijiazhuang, December 21 (Xinhua Chen Lin) 21st of Hebei provincial capital Shijiazhuang still is shrouded in haze. At 10 o'clock in the morning, Shijiazhuang embarked on heavy pollution weather grade alert emergency response, urban area within the third ring road tail number limit line 1, 6 vehicles.

Shijiazhuang city, this is the end of October this year, the heavy pollution weather emergency plan (draft) after the ⅱ grade heavy pollution weather alert has been issued for the first time in the city, was the first motor vehicle restrictions imposed, tail number last digit sequence with license plate letters and orderly implementation of the limit line. The army, the police, first aid, emergency response, human security, such as vehicles, except for buses, taxis.

Shijiazhuang urban roads, open vehicle fog lights slowly forward, traffic police on duty in the haze. Shijiazhuang website CEO Geng Haitao believes that limit line is not convenient, but expressed their support. He said Shijiazhuang days of fog and haze, his community many owners have begun to carpool to work, reducing auto emissions.

Shijiazhuang Yuhua road, high speed, due to the fog and haze on the crossing has been closed, take your family to the airport Shijiazhuang white e anxiously asking other bypass roads. A large number of vehicles in the traffic police under the guidance of detour. Shijiazhuang, high-speed traffic Police Brigade of four police on duty Cheng Lihui said that owing to the continuing haze, high-speed frequently closed in recent days, crossing on the 20th to close so far.

Hebei high-speed traffic police command center, 21st, revealed that the current fog has not improved, there are still 13, such as Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao, Beijing-Kunming highway is closed. Mainly concentrated in Shijiazhuang, Baoding, hengshui, xingtai, Handan, Hebei.

After boarding the bus, to work in chenqiaoyiran in preventing haze masks. Every morning, he'd be through phone queries on air quality, if severe weather pollution will wear a mask, this week has been for a long time. "This day more vehicle accidents, the company increased staff, we continue to work over the weekend. ”

Hebei provincial meteorological station on 21st at 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock respectively issued Orange warning signs and the fog and haze of yellow warning signals, expected on 21st morning to morning, Baoding South Eastern Western, Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, hengshui, xingtai, Handan East fog, visibility is less than 200 meters in some areas. According to the Environmental Protection Department monitors, currently, hengshui, xingtai and Handan, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, is heavily polluted, 21st is expected from daytime to night, those areas with moderate haze, against dilution, diffusion of air pollutants and weather conditions, and weather will remain heavily polluted. (End text)

(Original title: haze in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province started motor vehicle restrictions for the first time)

(Edit: SN095)
December 21, 2013 China News Network

  中新社石家庄12月21日电 (记者 陈林)21日的河北省会石家庄依旧被雾霾笼罩。上午10时,石家庄开始实施重污染天气Ⅱ级预警应急响应,市区三环以内道路尾号1、6车辆限行。







(原标题:河北持续雾霾 石家庄首次开始机动车限行)


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