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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:32:07 Edit(编辑)
If both programs are doing what?

If both programs are doing what?(如果两个程序都这样做会怎样? )

If both programs are doing what?
-Programmers, computer programming-IT news If both programs are doing what?

The writer introduction

Raymond Chen

Raymond Chen is a well-known Microsoft Windows Shell development team programmers, starting from 1992 joined Microsoft, he participated in OS/2,Windows 95,DirectX has the development of future versions of Windows. His development on Windows, and Win32 programming blog, "The Old New Thing" is one of the most famous blog on the Microsoft MSDN. Author of a book of the same name of the The Old New Thing, Chinese name for the Windows programming book of revelation. Raymond also writes a column for Microsoft TechNet articles.

In his mind, "If", this approach can help you understand whether Windows will allow you to do one thing or another. If such a scenario would clearly lead to a paradoxical situation, conflict or people had accepted the principle of system, so you can clear that Windows does not support this conclusion. (Of course, if there is no apparent contradiction or conflict, is not proof that Windows will support such actions. But in this way you can rule out the obvious is not the right idea. )

Asking "what if both programs are doing? "Is also a very useful screening of a feature or design idea is a reasonable method. With "If", they can become a beautiful combination. Here are a few examples:

"How can I create a window, so it will never be covered by other Windows, even those top-level Windows are not? ”

Assume that if could be, plus if you have two programs to do so. Program a has created a "top-level" window, program b will do. Now users drag both Windows so that they overlap, what will happen? You have to create a logical conflict. It must have two Windows on top, facing down, overturned the supposed "Super top" design ideas.

"How do I highlight the process and let it be notified first/last system shutdown? I think when the system is shut down all other programs before/after you quit doing something. ”

If possible, assume that both programs do. You now have two programs want to do first/last. But you're not the first two, or two last. One of them had to give up. (This can be extended to the other on the first or the last thing people want. )

"How can you guarantee that when a user double-clicks. XYZ file I always associated program will start running? ”

Assuming that it is possible, assuming two programs want to do that. When the user clicks on it. XYZ file, which program to run?

A solution in this case is that the user to choose the program associated with the file, but once the user has decided to let another program to perform. XYZ file, then you have to accept the fact.

For many this "I want to be the best x" type problem, programmers will often come up with some tactics, such as running a timer to periodically check whether the x, if it is not, push it back into the x. Soon you begin to stop thinking, "what would happen if two programs do? "So that this is a bad idea.

If I did, I explained, many people still to no avail. I asked them to think "what would happen if two programs do? They can fight, "and the response I get is," can I get a second program to check first whether the program is running. "They don't understand that the second program is not what they wrote.

When two programs that "blows", we cannot predict which one will win, but we can determine who is expected to lose, 100%: the user.

I remember one time when my colleagues let me see there are two very good commercial software wants to be when the user clicks on it. Is called XYZ documents processes. Because this is no way to guarantee, and provides regular check in software program attempts to solve this problem.

Your first program is installed, it sets you are the. XYZ program associated with the file, it looks fine. Then you install the second program, it has its own settings. XYZ program associated with the file, so the first program came out and said, "no,. XYZ should be up to me to deal with ", and put back the file association. And the second program also said, "no way, I'm dealing with. XYZ file program ", and reset back to himself.

Children at war-game time, users can only help sat there stunned and look. XYZ file icons between the two programs for change. Both programs insist that their own to deal with. XYZ file is for the sake of users.


如果两个程序都这样做会怎样? - 程序员,计算机编程 - IT资讯


Raymond Chen

Raymond Chen是微软Windows Shell开发团队中的知名程序员,从1992年加入微软开始,他参与过OS/2,Windows 95,DirectX已经以后版本的Windows的开发。他的关于Windows的发展以及Win32编程个人博客“The Old New Thing”是微软MSDN上最著名的个人博客之一。著有同名书籍《The Old New Thing》,中文译名为《Windows编程启示录》。Raymond还为Microsoft TechNet撰写专栏文章。

















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