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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:13:47 Edit(编辑)
Listing of Twitter executives did not ring the Bell at the age of 9 years key figures

Listing of Twitter executives did not ring the Bell at the age of 9 years key figures(Twitter上市高管未敲钟,年仅9岁的重要人物代之 )

Listing of Twitter executives did not ring the Bell, at age 9-key figures in the age of Twitter, Twitter-IT information Listing of Twitter executives did not ring the Bell at the age of 9 years key figures

Twitter was listed last night, they were able to get to ring the NYSE opening Bell Award. Twitter's executives did not however go ring the Bell of this symbolic meaning, but chose 3 very influential users to press the button of the opening bell. One person was only 9 years old Vivienne Harr. Although she is young, but has created a lemonade company known to Make a Sound.

After ring the NYSE opening bell before, Harr wrote a note, and it is passed into the hands of Twitter co-founder Biz Stone:

She writes:

"Hello, Mr Stone, I'm Vivienne, is 9 years old. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this very special day!! Thank you for creating the Twitter! Because of Twitter, you don't have to be important to change the world, just like I like it! I set up a company, to bid farewell to childhood. Will you stand with me, please? Thank you very much!

@ Vivienne Harr"

Twitter does allow people to more easily contact the world, Vivienne is a typical uses of Twitter people who change the world.

In this passage, the most important of the sentence should be:

"Because of Twitter, you don't have to be important to change the world, just like I like it! ”

Vivienne, you're so right.


Twitter上市高管未敲钟,年仅9岁的重要人物代之 - 推特,Twitter - IT资讯

Twitter于昨晚上市了,他们获得了敲响纽交所开盘钟的殊荣。然而Twitter的高官们并没有自己去敲响这座极具象征意义的钟,而是选择了3位非常具有影响力的用户去按下开盘钟的按钮。其中一个人,就是年仅9岁的Vivienne Harr。她虽然年纪小,不过已经创建了一个名为Make A Sound的柠檬汽水公司。

在敲响了纽交所的开市钟之后,Harr写下了一个便条,并且将它交到了Twitter联合创始人Biz Stone的手中:



@ Vivienne Harr”






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