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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:20 Edit(编辑)
Car has been submitted to the State Council of the new deal: private cars without the showmanship to tragedy,

Car has been submitted to the State Council of the new deal: private cars without the showmanship to tragedy,(专车新政已上报国务院:私家车私自揽客要悲剧,)



Car has been submitted to the State Council of the new deal: private cars without the showmanship to tragedy-car, car-IT information

Recently on the Internet booking taxi service of the interim measures for the Administration (hereinafter "the method") "put on hold" and "fastest early May" two completely opposite news almost at the same time reported. The China business newspaper reporters from approaching the Ministry was informed by the people, through last October, after consultation, the Ministry will adjust and modify the policies, the revised programme has been finalized and submitted to the State Council. It is understood that, compared with the draft for comment, the way only on the net about platform licensing process made some minor adjustments, and overall change is small, private car need to be changed to commercial vehicles the requirement will not change.

The final game

Close to the Ministry of communications told reporters, after the comment was published at the end of last year, after collecting opinions from all sides, the Ministry will adjust and modify the policies, the revised programme has been finalized and submitted to the State Council, when at present are not yet available.

"There are some changes, but little change. "Those close to the Ministry said modified content is not disclosed.

On October 10, 2015, the Ministry issued a circular on deepening reform, further advancing the healthy development of taxi industry guidance (draft for soliciting opinions) and the interim measures for the administration of network booking taxi business service (draft for soliciting opinions) (hereinafter "drafts"). Files on special issues such as location, quantity control, causing the economics profession, the legal profession, the transportation sector debate.

For draft sparked more controversy in the net about the car must go to the county or city level apply to the Transportation Department to obtain the appropriate license terms during the two sessions this year, the Ministry of Transportation Secretary Liu Xiaoming has said, this work has been optimized. "Our preliminary idea is that work levels, level license. Rental service is a combination of online and offline now, this part of the platform is located on the line provincial transport authorities, is the road transport administration for permission, get the license the entire network traffic, the rest of the country does not need to be licensed. Entity services below the line, you license service in Nanjing in Nanjing, you license service in Hangzhou in Hangzhou. ”

Recently, some media reports, the Ministry of the approach has made some modifications to the original, which had a modified was removed in the original draft practitioners hold promotions, incentives, provided that provisions of the 10th to society announcements. In addition, the nature of the car vehicle may also be by the registration for "rental of passenger" to require its registration as "booking a taxi", while creating a vehicle.

In this regard, those close to the Ministry said about about vehicle property change is, indeed, Governments and enterprises to discuss more. "Our policy designed to safeguard the security and interests of passengers, cruise taxi travel 10,000 miles a month or so, 120,000 km a year, whereas the average mileage of private cars is much lower, Beijing's case is 10,000 km a year. Car after car, if not the trading standards to treat it, don't set a retirement period, there will be excessive use of vehicles. We cannot relate people's life and health system, and to meet the requirements of these car companies and drivers.

Reporters interviewed a number of private car owners car platform said to operate vehicles, all costs will be much increased. Some part-time owners said, if very strict policy implementation will give up driving car.

Controversy in policy feared hard landing

"It seems to me that policy if you don't come, always controversial, after the introduction, becomes an assessment of the implementation of the existing system, disputes would be less, don't imagine all things not implemented now, should come first. The emergence of new problems the local level can also be adjusted. "Those close to the Ministry said.

In fact, traffic levels have repeatedly publicly hoped that policies can be promulgated as soon as possible. During the two sessions, Transport Minister Yang asked car Management introduced the plan at the time said, "I hope the sooner the better."

Many taxi companies charge in an interview with reporters also expressed expectations of the new deal, "don't come to our day even more bitter. ”

But it seems to propagation method of CUPL Zhu Wei, Deputy Director of the Centre, after the consultation, the number of supporters and opponents, that was highly controversial, 6 million taxi drivers on the one hand, on the one hand is tens of millions of car drivers, if imposed, the effect will be great. In addition, the "Internet +" something no one can see, something new and there is no need across the country. "I suggest that due consideration should be given special introduction content and time of the new deal. Administrative power in respect of ' trial and error ' is that it should be allowed, however, in considering the overall interest of the community, should as far as possible to bring the cost down to the lowest point, in line with the minimum damage and the principle of proportionality. Car deal is the best way, first to individual urban pilot first, lessons learned and then rolled out to the Community approach is more appropriate. ”

Fu Weigang, a researcher at Shanghai Institute of finance and law predicts that policy was launched, may lead to a situation were irregularities in all travel in accordance with the request of the Ministry, the black car would revert to the previous state. Was after this two years car platform of development, now black number has rarely also no market competitiveness, once Ministry forced requirements cars exit car, black on will again grow, consumers of experience only will more poor ; another a situation is policy suffered implementation problem, all car platform and car driver and Government play "cat rat game", you the caught on caught, I the how operation also how operation, caught say.

Local cut

Car, traffic, due to controversial new policy, many people are pinning their hopes on the Government. Exposure draft provisions, competent transport authority is responsible for directing the national network of booking a taxi management. Transportation departments at all levels under the leadership of the people's Governments at the corresponding level, responsible for the administration of network booking taxi management.

Yang said, "based around actual localities may have some different approaches, which gives local governments a large space of innovation and development. ”

In fact, some areas have started to make attempts. As of September last year long rental company in Beijing, first automobile group and Cheung launched the "first steam about a car" platform that provides ride taxi service. Cheung Dragon Capital Auto own taxi, taxi driver as a line of matching resources. Is similar to the traditional taxi, "first steam about cars" provided the Government license of rental vehicles, Hung Beijing taxi special "Beijing b" licences, and the driver's licence and vehicle provides a unified special invoice for Beijing taxi. First steam about the car was reading first official taxi software in the industry. Besides, the official limousine software "promise" also launched at the end of last year.

"First official car platforms such as steam is about vehicles, eg is not representative of advanced productive forces, culture is too strong, I went to a city you want to download a piece of software, it is not convenient, first steam about hundreds of cars in Beijing, passengers wanted to call the car not to, why to use it. About car must have belonged to a national and even global Internet service, cannot be confined to a small place. "Fu Weigang said, don't believe in the so-called official vehicle platform development.

Last October, the traffic transfer policy draft before the introduction, Shanghai Jiao Tong Wei was awarded to drop fast car platform about car rental network platforms engaged in licensing and introduction of the car of "Shanghai model": divided government and market boundaries, vehicles from tube to tube platform, and approval prior to subsequent regulatory changes. In the view of many people in the industry, Shanghai is a more open economic model of the Internet, but because of the policies of the Ministry announced that Shanghai will have to tighten policy.

Car policy once the formal introduction of the Ministry, whether there will be a possibility of a breakthrough? On this, Fu Weigang said, local Government on taxi management is has is big of autonomy of, approach is Ministry of sector regulations, from legal effectiveness Shang,, sector regulations of legal effectiveness is below place NPC developed of local regulations of, if some city developed introduced himself of legal regulations, and only recognize local of provides, not recognize Ministry of regulations, that Ministry also no approach. This is equivalent to a gaping hole, which provides conditions where adjustment policies, but depends on the extent to which local willingness to accept Internet car model now.

专车新政已上报国务院:私家车私自揽客要悲剧 - 专车,私家车 - IT资讯























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