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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 2:40:27 Edit(编辑)
Secret supercomputer Championship: Tianhe second behind the story

Secret supercomputer Championship: Tianhe second behind the story

Secret supercomputer Championship: Tianhe Tianhe, the story behind the second-second supercomputer-IT news Secret supercomputer Championship: Tianhe second behind the story

From June 2013 as the world's fastest supercomputer, Tianhe second's dominant positions would not be wavered.

On June 23, 2014, the TOP500 organization released the latest ranking of global top 500 supercomputers list, Tianhe second better than second-place United States "Titans" won the Championship for the third time in a row almost 1 time times the speed. (Note: list is published every six months)

Super computer in the world for the third consecutive championship, made about this huge super computer to have a strong interest. They understand the supercomputer development and application status.

Milky way, second birth

Tianhe second national Ministry of science and technology "Twelve-Five" 863 projects of significant development projects, national defense science and Technology University-led research and development work. Nearly 300 research and development team starting in 2011, completed after two years to develop.

In the milky way before second, national defense science and Technology University team has developed out of the milky way, first in 2010 and was accounted for by Chinese supercomputer the world champion for the first time on the podium.

However, only less than 8 months, Japan called "Jing" supercomputer Tianhe the first squeeze the next champion. Zhihou, United States developed "Red Cedar", "Titan" also sits on the world's first Super computer Chair, Tianhe the first ranking slipped to 8th place.

? Second Supercomputing Centre, currently located in Guangzhou, Tianhe district, hosts over an area of 4000 square metres.

In fact, when outsiders also praised Tianhe first won the first in the world when, Tianhe second work has already quietly begun. In June 2013, after more than 280 persons for more than 2 years of painstaking research and development, Tianhe second formally developed and will soon retake supercomputer throne of Championship. So far, Tianhe second has 3 times in a row as the world's fastest supercomputer.

"When I was at school, the most annoying and most proud thing school blackout! "Graduated from the National University of Defense technology of Mu Tong when memories of campus life that often says," School of the ' monster ' when running at full speed, the school will power, whether you're watching TV, playing computer games, you need to accept this fact, even the President is no exception! ”

Mu Tong colossus is referred to in the milky way, second, a surprising power of supercomputers. Mu Tong still remember, that two years, in order to protect Tianhe second research and development work, the University's Party Committee also issued a notice, calling on teachers and students together to conserve electricity.

"In Changsha more than 30 degrees Celsius in summer, principals, Dean of the National Defense Science and Technology University students but also to respond to the call, turn off the air conditioning and other high-power appliances, replace fan. "Recall the scene, Mu Tong's face flashed a proud feeling.

Today, the National University of defence technology freshman who never got to experience this "blackout" pride of, since Tianhe second has moved from National University of Defense technology in Changsha, Guangzhou Supercomputing Center. And as the green power offer, Tianhe n research and development in the future probably will never have the school's teachers and students endure heat of Changsha.

Milky way, second what you can do

Tianhe second study lasted more than two years to complete, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Such a huge investment, of course, ultimately, is to serve the national economic construction, rather than just flaunt how do countries in the field of Supercomputing capabilities have reached heights.

In addition to power Moon exploration project, manned space flight and other government research programs, Tianhe second is gradually applied to civilian areas, such as the design and manufacture of oil exploration, cars and planes, sequencing, etc.

"Milky way, second" row upon row of tall black cabinet, altogether with 32000 main-CPU and 48,000 coprocessor, a good reference guide for calculating a total core. Have so many computing core makes its operating speed is also very amazing.

According to estimates, Tianhe second peak speed reached 549 million times per second, and calculation speed is up to 339 million times per second. Assume that each operation once every second, "Tianhe second" operation for one hour, the equivalent of 1.3 billion people at the same time using a calculator for 1000 years.

According to experts, the traditional means of research and development of new vehicles, usually goes through hundreds of crash tests, which lasted more than two years to complete, and the use of Tianhe second simulated, just 3 to 5 vehicle collision, two months to achieve.

In addition, the Tianhe second may also apply to the entertainment industry, by super computer-generated animation and 3D movies have now become the trend. Film avatar animation rendering took a year to complete. If the milky way, second, only a 1 month to create the effect with the avatar film.

Beijing Research Center, China commercial aircraft design limited use of some 24,000 CPU core for large civil aircraft aerodynamic optimization design of parameters in Tianhe, calculate 6 days, second, completed its own computing platform about 2 years work, greatly increasing efficiency.

BGI Internet support and Development Center official said that second has computing power of Tianhe, with 500 people the size of genome-wide association analysis, for example, BGI 1 year using existing computer using Tianhe second takes only 3 hours. BGI is Tianhe Tianhe, first and second largest commercial customer.

According to the controller, said BGI used bioinformatics software can quickly in the milky way on the second run, you do not need to program another; and second, computing power of Tianhe, you can quickly meet the BGI massive computing resources required to analyze genetic data, save a lot of time.

Up to now, the national Super is the center of Guangzhou's Tianhe second in just a few months of running provides more than 300 for more than more than 120 users a number of typical applications.

Even more important is that Tianhe second copy that can actually be. As disclosed by the Tianhe second Chief Designer Lu Yutong, Tianhe Tianhe, first and second techniques can be used in smaller, can be customized by the user "small milky way" super computer. "In 2010, the Tianhe first successfully developed later, in fact, by 2012, ' milky way ', such a system has been extended to 11 units. ”

As early as September 2013, Tianhe second had just won for the first time when the world's fastest supercomputers, Lu Yutong Sina technology interviewed, but at that time about Tianhe second attention is far higher today.

Consumption conundrum: Tianhe second year consumes millions of dollars

From Tianhe second so far, compute nodes about 18 MW of energy consumption, coupled with the cooling system of the overall energy consumption of more than 20 MW. If run properly, Tianhe second annual electricity bills will exceed 100 million Yuan, annual electricity consumption of about 200 million.

Doubts about outside high power consumption of the milky way, second, State Key Laboratory said Mr Zhang, a researcher at Institute of computing architecture, although Tianhe second absolute value of energy consumption is very high, but it should see its higher performance.

Zhang yunquan of the mean, the outside world should pay attention to this point: Tianhe second achieved per unit of energy consumption calculations faster.

Currently Tianhe second computing power than about 1.90 trillion times per second MW, computing power ranked second and third behind "Titanic" and "the Redwoods", but much higher ranked fourth in Japan "Jing" 0.83 petaflops per second MW and higher than fifth, "Mira" 0.92 petaflops per second megawatt.

"Titan" and "Sequoia" operation energy consumption ratio was 1.95 trillion times per second MW MW and 2.17 trillion times per second, computing power than Tianhe, slightly higher than the second.

Now, second, as the world's top supercomputer, Tianhe district, its theoretical peak performance of more than 500 million times per second, but the future is going to realize 10 billion times per second goal still has a large gap.

Tianhe second with more than 10,000 at present multiple compute nodes, future plans to increase the number of nodes to 30,000 or 50,000. But as the number of nodes increase in management and energy issues will also be completely stand out.

▲ Tianhe second "4 Super" including a super power.

"If present trends that increase continue, 10 billion times per second the ultra system power consumption will reach 400 megawatts, is certainly unacceptable. "Zhang yunquan told Sina science and technology internationally recognized over a standard is 10 billion times per second, power must be controlled within 20 megawatts.

"In fact, this requires the super system of the future architecture, hardware, software, and cooling, and many other innovations. "Mr Zhang said.

Super work the problem: lack of application software

Continuous improvement of computing power is an important issue, but the super computer it appears even greater significance.

China has won four consecutive Laurel won supercomputers, but according to the TOP500 organization in June this year released the latest world top 500 supercomputers list, United States remain with supercomputers than any other country.

On the Fortune 500 list with 233 seats, China 76 super computers in the latest Fortune 500 list, ranking second in the world. Third to sixth place, namely Japan and the United Kingdom, and France and Germany.

At present, the national Super-ICC main Center, Center of Center of Jinan, Changsha, Tianjin, Shenzhen and Guangzhou Super ICC. These super Centre has undertaken the task of Super application is.

According to industry source, run time, resource utilization of domestic Super ICC generally above 70%, some even more than 80%. In contrast, foreign Super ICC usage common in 60%. However, limited by the software development and application support, National Computing resource utilization is low during operation.

Super-ICC Xi Zili, Director of Shanghai in 2012, SINA science and technology said in an interview with Shanghai Super Centre has 200 trillion calculations, but only the undiscovered computing tasks can extend to 10 trillion times, characteristically computational tasks can take advantage of the computing power of less than 2 trillion times. Many computing resources due to application problems are actually using less, causing a certain amount of waste.

The problems behind the application, national 863 project "high performance computing and its core software" Professor Qian Depei has pointed out that the major projects the overall leader, and this for three main reasons: first, China's supercomputer business time is very short and second, supercomputing talent; and, third, problems in the software development system in China due to piracy and so nobody is willing to carry out large-scale application development.

He was revealed, "the Eleven-Five" during a State investment of 940 million yuan in the supercomputer, but the real cost of application development is less than 100 million Yuan. "The bottleneck is a process problem, long-term future this problem will exist. ”

Tide high performance server products group General Manager Liu believes that national Supercomputing application development faster than speed and talent development, leading super computer hardware and application software there is a great divide between. And it is this gap exists, it was more a sense of urgency by domestic enterprises and institutions to train people and develop supercomputer applications.

Attachment: Ultra is the world's top 5

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