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published in(发表于) 2013/11/11 23:59:35 Edit(编辑)
18 after a large anti-corruption: a new strategy for networks to report land area

18 after a large anti-corruption: a new strategy for networks to report land area(十八大后反腐新思路:网络举报辟专区)

18 after its anti-corruption: a new strategy for network visited report designated area | | | anti-corruption corruption _ news

People's daily, November 11 (Xinhua Li Ye) on November 10, the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision Web site once again launched the "into the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision" reported that the series is intended to introduce the organizational structure of the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision reports and petitioning, case screening procedures, has introduced 6 issues. Two days ago, the site launched a clean government poll, collecting user view on clean government and anti-corruption work and evaluation. Since its opened on the line, the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision Web site to maintain a high frequency of updates, pay attention to communicate with users, their practices have been friends, was very well received.

In late September, with the units patrol around disclosure 2013 end of the first round of the central inspection work. Central inspection group a second round of inspections has been launched in the end of October, sent ten inspection group again. Vice President of China University of politics and law when Ma Huaide peoples network reporter in an interview said that after 18, the Central discipline inspection and supervision work of openness, transparency, and have relatively large initiatives. In particular visits also constitutes a deterrent, "such effects may be used to inspect inspection scheme does not, party committees and Governments, the various units, particularly leaders, has comparatively strong supervision".

  Stepped up patrol and reflects central strictly administering the party is determined to curb corruption spreads

18 since the Politburo Standing Committee in less than half a year's time, twice to listen to consideration of report on inspection work, which was previously planned. At the same time, "inspection" has become the Buzzword on the Internet.

Central discipline Deputy Secretary Zhang recently in Central discipline wing website on "improved visits work, strengthened visits supervision" and netizens online Exchange Shi said, everyone height concern visits work, description style clean government and anti-corruption struggle situation still grim complex, masses urgent look forward to we party take strong measures, on "four wind" and corruption phenomenon be curb, and hit a Meng Palm, strongly punish, eradication breeding corruption of soil, advance clean construction, this is a causes. Secondly, the high expectations pinned on the inspection work of the people, this is a special form of supervision, want to visit the group identified "Tiger" and cut out "the fly", so that they were dealt with by party discipline and the law of the country, forming shock against corrupt elements, potentially corrupt, corruption spreads. Third, since the party's 18 large, with comrade XI Jinping as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major decisions to deploy to improve inspections, and through the first round of inspections of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, practice shows which aren't quite right, adapted to the realities of the current situation in the construction of clean and honest Government and the struggle against corruption needs, reflects the requirements of the strict administration of the party, won the party morale.

Inspectorate, Ma Huaide pointed out, this is an up close monitoring system, patterns are changing. "Once a mandate, for example, head of the inspection group, is to extract, not fixed itself it will not form the so-called watchdogs were monitoring the ' prisoners ' possibility. In addition, such monitoring is very serious, not the moves, last longer, and its transparency is relatively high, all visited sites, inspect objects, Deputy head, head of the inspection group, covering both the Inspection Office, examining the final report, examining the results, both to the public and transparency than before, the effect is more obvious. "

  18 corruption after new ideas more than four characteristics investigated and dealt with more than 10 provincial

The Central "eight States that" since the enactment of discipline inspection departments frequently: containment "tongue on corruption" over "corruption on the wheels" to punish "the corruption in the moon cake box" prohibitions "corruption on the cards". Analysts believe that this indicates the central anti-"four winds", "think big start small"; on anti-corruption, "line caught, without leaving any dead ends" working practices, "has held both watermelon and picked up Sesame".

After Ma Huaide 18 big new ideas summarized in the four areas of the central anti-corruption:

Is adjusting the relevant institutions to make it function better. "The Commission is to remove the two, merged the two, adds two new monitoring, internal organs have some adjustments. In addition, clean up the deliberation and coordination agencies, the deliberation and coordination agencies of the Central Commission for discipline inspection for comparison, the original was reduced from 125 to 38, cut rate reached 70% per cent. Solved the problem of generalization of functions, business offside mismatched. Function position clear of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, supervision is a discipline of the practice, one is accountable, investigate and deal with major cases, implementation of the party Constitution, dangguidangfa and related laws and regulations, the accountability officials, functions more aggregation, focusing, fixed position more accurate. "

Two are seriously investigated cases of violations of law and discipline, "Tiger", "fly" together. After 18 consecutive destroyed a dozen provincial and ministerial level cadres, in terms of some mega-disaster, accountability for those responsible. In particular the implementation of the "eight rules", including interviews with heads of agencies, pay close attention to "eight provisions" implement, investigate and deal with cases of violations of law and discipline, it should be said that there was a significant effect.

Third, strengthen the building of their own. "The strength of the Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision in terms of strengthening self-construction is relatively large, first for card check and return activities, more than 800,000 zero reporting, discipline inspection and supervision cadres did zero reporting. In addition, including a special ombudsman system, employs 40 freelance inspectors, not only supervision and monitoring to better perform their functions, to monitor the discipline inspection and supervisory organs themselves. The most important thing is, in terms of visits, carried out two rounds of inspections, the first round of inspections results would be evident, visited the relevant results are addressed the community in public. "

Four is to increase the openness and transparency of discipline inspection and supervision work. "Establishment of a supervision network, website updates improve the relevant content, especially reporting zone was opened to facilitate public network reported, and announced the discipline inspection and supervision organs of the institutional setting, the corresponding job functions, as well as information about the social issues of public concern. In addition, the site also has opened up in the mainstream press reporting channel and area, receiving reports from all walks. In terms of openness, transparency, and still have a very significant change. "

(Edit: SN089)
November 11, 2013 People's daily online

  人民网北京11月11日电(记者 李叶)11月10日,中央纪委监察部网站又一次推出“走进中央纪委监察部”报道,该系列报道意在介绍中央纪委监察部的组织机构和信访举报、案件检查等工作程序,已推出6期。在此两天前,该网站推出了党风廉政建设民意调查,收集网友对党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的看法和评价。自开通上线以来,中央纪委监察部网站保持较高更新频率,注重与网友交流,其做法受到网友普遍好评。


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