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delv published in(发表于) 2013/10/31 9:30:31 Edit(编辑)
Department of Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province fruit industry Bureau said dyed Orange by unscrupulous suppliers

Department of Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province fruit industry Bureau said dyed Orange by unscrupulous suppliers(江西赣州果业局称染色脐橙系个别不法商所为)

Department of Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province fruit industry Bureau said dyed Orange individual wrongful | | navel oranges in Ganzhou of Jiangxi dyeing | _ News October 30, 2013 (Edit: SN077)

Authorities wide nets of Ganzhou, October 30 (reporter Wu 喆hua) voice of the vertical and horizontal parts of navel Orange news "ripening staining", or even illegal traders with news of Sudan Red dyes. Fruit industry of Ganzhou City Council responded: dyeing are for individual wrongful commercial law, public security authorities have been involved in the investigation, is within the city of Ganzhou city to troubleshoot the processing enterprises of navel orange.

Why dyed Orange hard to stamp out? Who is responsible for the safety of the navel Orange? From field Hill, to the supermarket stores, little oranges went on a road link?

Interview with a reporter recently in Xunwu County of Ganzhou city learned that orange processing plant claimed the native ones can provide dyeing services for dealers, by Sudan red paint in hot water.

Factory: 45-to 50-degree water, adding Sudan red, after the soak and cook three minutes or so. Effects can be so up to you to decide, do you want red or lighter, redder.

Reporters from Xunwu County's two processing plants, brought back after dyeing and waxing navel oranges in Beijing. Dye, an orange and a red Navel orange peel, detected Sudan red, 2nd. Ganzhou fruit market Bureau Chief Liao said, the public security organ has involved surveys of Sudan red dye Navel orange.

Liao says: this must be stopped, and no brakes is not.

According to reports, the middle of November, navel Orange will turn completely red, criminal law is not to Navel orange stain. Therefore, dyeing time normally starts from the end of September for a period of one month. Is this just over a month's time, Chief, Liu said that dyeing dens covert government departments to be very difficult to seize the evidence at the scene.

As early as September 28, navel oranges in Ganzhou city association meetings initiative, could not be sold as early as late-harvest, not ripening is not pigmented. In practice, however, starting from the end of September, sales will start to appear on the market around Navel orange, some also are ripening waxed stain. Fruit industry of Ganzhou city, Ganzhou city, Bureau Chief, Liao also serves as the navel Orange Association Secretary-General. He said Orange Association as a social group, can only make calls, not enforceable but for members to eliminate dyed Orange, ultimately had to rely on self-discipline.

Liu Chief: members don't listen to you, he told me to quit the Association, we can't. Someone not listen, no doubt, impossible associations influence so much, but most people are relatively docile, a industry self-regulation. There are always people who thought he was smarter, doing some shuffling, it is inevitable.

It is learned that the recent Navel orange in the hundred days of Ganzhou city special inspection and processing plant of Ganzhou city is currently under investigation.

Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province has "Orange World" in the world, pure Navel orange fruit is juicy, sweet and sour, which is protection of geographic marks of Ganzhou city. But now, exposed pigmented wax, treat eating like cars in the guts of navel oranges, unable to present not the responsibility of government departments, and industry associations have coercive power, in the navel oranges on sale chain, who is responsible for the dyed Orange, is a fruit, is a processing plant or a dealer?

Recent negative reports about the navel Orange, fruit growers who declined to give his name complained of Ganzhou city, Navel orange harvest rate has gone from a three or four per pound dropped to about a catty, because bosses didn't come to collect Orange, which gets up every day at 5 in the near future, fruit growers have been euscelinae.

And according to the fruit growers say, for farmers who ran the local government market to make the promotion, but the fruit itself is affordable is not much. General distributors through local intermediaries to fruit growers harvest fruit, medium in which you want to make a difference about three cents per pound. In General, dealers will be looking for a local processing plant on navel oranges ripened waxing, prices are generally around 2-4 per cent. Ganzhou, a factory boss says farmers will not require staining, is required for dealer, is selling better because after dyeing the navel orange.

Factory: we do not dye, color sold in the market as much as anybody, and I do not dye your hair dye, then maybe I'll sell fast, prices are high, long, you can't do it. There's no way, I also dyed.

$ 1 $ 3 per kilo of fruit picking, and dyeing and waxing, intermediary fees, packaging costs about 5 cents, including freight, reached the first-level dealers, then cut down to about 5 cents of profit, when Orange's costs had risen to more than two dollars per pound.

Dealers: to market through our dealership, we earn 4.5 cents, dealers have to make money, we transported to new places, to have to buy new, buy whatever you're selling good, him a load of 3,000 dollars, equivalent to costs per pound.

If all goes well, by only two dealers, some places have to go through three or four dealers, every dealer part to earn fees, navel oranges to meet consumer markets or supermarkets. A dealer said the Orange hand per kilo price of 1 block to the fore, and than four or five on the market, even compared to a dozen per pound navel oranges, fruit growers earn too little.

The distributor said, navel oranges don't like apples or bananas, each link is very transparent, middleman and many of the navel Orange, more "opaque". Navel oranges are not very understanding of consumers, often think of umbilical orange peel bright orange is good. Supermarkets, stores will not only take the greater part of profits eventually, demands for distributors, dealers and forced fruit farmers, factory, seemed impossible to irradicate cause staining on ripening of the navel orange.

Distributor: because our supermarket, must require waxing, why the ACO? Because supermarkets can send goods does not require us to have green heads, not green, then there's no way forced only ripened. Navel orange brand well, dealers are making money, trying to make the market more, trying to grab the market, so they have ripened waxed stain.

Fruit industry of Ganzhou city marketing Bureau Chief Liu yesterday admitted that in order to completely eliminate dyed Orange, Ganzhou power alone is not enough.

Liu Chief: some people like this, not in our region, is not within our scope of Ganzhou city, went to Guangdong, Fujian, the place to go for this stuff, we have in our city, but in other provinces and cities, our Navel orange staining, we could do, said frankly. As far as we know, Fujian, Guangdong, in their local markets also are you like in jiaxing, Zhejiang, there are some relatively large domestic market.

How should better preserve the brand of navel Orange, protecting the interests of farmers, the complete elimination of dyed Orange?

(Original title: police to comb through the Sudan red navel oranges in Ganzhou dealer tamper is killing farmers)

China broadcast network




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(原标题:赣州公安彻查苏丹红染色脐橙 经销商动手脚害苦果农)


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