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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/5/10 21:36:45 Edit(编辑)
Three men build websites that offer nude chat, swindling more than 1 million are being sued,

Three men build websites that offer nude chat, swindling more than 1 million are being sued,(三男子建网站称提供裸聊,诈骗100余万被诉,)



Three men build websites that provide naked chat fraud more than 1 million were v-fraud, naked chat-IT information

On May 9, Jilin one unemployed man for scam, recruitment on the Internet pretending to be a woman anchor on its promotional Web site for nude chat or any other means to lure Internet users top consumer, thousands of Internet users were impersonating more than 1 million Yuan. Recently, Wang and three others on suspicion of fraud prosecuted.

Defendant Wang Department of Jilin unemployed. To get money, beginning of October 2015, Wang Internet users make this production opened a Web site, be responsible for back-office technical support. Web sites are "friends in the same city", "FriendFinder", "beautiful anchor" page. Hou King a and in website released advertising recruit promotion webmaster and beauty anchor, will "with city dating" registered page links to promotion webmaster, let its plug-in in QQ game, for promotion, netizens customer on through registered into "dating center", again into "beauty anchor" page and acts as a beauty anchor of keyboard hand chat, keyboard hand to has nude chat and door service, false content lure customer recharge consumption, customer recharge Hou through paid links transfers cheat money. Wang hiring Huang, after promoting AdSense. King a through QQ and yellow a contact, yellow a in Internet purchase large QQ account, through plug-in software hanging machine QQ game video bucket landlords, will QQ account information modified into "nude chat", vocabulary, netizens click registered Hou into promotion of website, by tips need recharge to enjoy nude chat, erotic video service, recharge amount for 10, and 298, and 600, and 888 Yuan, ranging, and actually recharge Hou and no its by publicity of video nude chat service. Huang, constantly changing site domain name to promote their Web sites and QQ account, an appointment with the King of Internet registration charge amount is divided into.

Public security officers after Wang and others arrested. Due at the time, thousands of people have been lying to recharge amount is underway, which has more than 1.05 million Yuan.

(Originally entitled a man pretending to be a woman naked chat inducing Internet users more than 1 million yuan of public prosecution of consumer fraud)

三男子建网站称提供裸聊,诈骗100余万被诉 - 诈骗,裸聊 - IT资讯





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