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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/5/10 21:36:28 Edit(编辑)
Facebook is down, users only to let off steam on Twitter......,

Facebook is down, users only to let off steam on Twitter......,(Facebook宕机,网友们只能到Twitter上发泄不满……,)



Facebook is down, users only to let off steam on Twitter ... ...-Facebook,Twitter Twitter-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information May 9 according to the foreign media Mashable news, the world's largest social networking site Facebook on Monday night after a massive outage affected covering Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Australia and other regions, as well as the United States West Coast, during the downtime users unable to access the Facebook website. Current downtime problems have been solved, and interesting is that Facebook outage in a short period of time quickly becoming the next hot topic on Twitter, Internet users flocked to Twitter to express their "terror" ... ...

"Panic" to describe the point too much, such as users post Bruce Krochman express their "helpless": "Oh my God!!! #Facebook is down, I can't even be told the news in my Facebook friends! "Netizens Chris Hayward were really terrified, shouted:" my mother, Facebook is down! Are riots everywhere, to the end of the world! ”

On Twitter #facebookdown this topic, full post with lots of exclamation points, netizens seems to be very excited, excited, reluctantly, will not help ... ... Of course not spoof ... ...

In addition to the heated discussions of netizens and some official agencies have responded to this, such as the new South Wales Police, Australia Post said: "we don't want to scare you, but Facebook is down!!! How do we know that what do you eat for lunch? ”

Foreign netizens Fryer reflect netizens in the Mainland may be confused, but at least in a foreign country, as evidenced by degree of importance of Facebook for people's daily life, as saying one day downtime QQ, tiny letters, people will go "frying pan" ... ...

Facebook宕机,网友们只能到Twitter上发泄不满…… - Facebook,Twitter,推特 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯5月9日消息 根据外媒Mashable的消息,全球最大社交网站Facebook周一晚间经历了一次大规模的宕机,影响范围覆盖新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、日本、澳大利亚等地区以及美国西海岸地区,宕机期间用户无法访问Facebook网站。目前宕机问题已经逐步解决,而有趣的是,Facebook宕机事件在很短时间内迅速成为隔壁Twitter上的热门话题,网友们纷纷前往Twitter表达自己的“恐慌”……

用“恐慌”来形容可一点都不为过,例如网友Bruce Krochman发帖表达自己的“无助”:“天哪!!!#Facebook宕机了,我甚至都不能在Facebook上把这个消息告诉好友们!”而网友Chris Hayward则好像真的受到了惊吓,大呼:“我的妈呀,Facebook宕机了!到处都是骚乱,世界末日来了!”




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