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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/27 6:03:18 Edit(编辑)
California knocked a drunk man robot security guard: was arrested by the police,

California knocked a drunk man robot security guard: was arrested by the police,(加州一醉酒男子打倒机器人保安:被警方逮捕,)



California knocked a drunk man robot security: police arrest-robot, California alcoholism-IT information

The evening of April 26, Beijing time news, foreign media reports, a 41-year old man in California zhansen·xierwan (Jason Sylvain) recently was arrested for assaulting a security robot.

Robot startups in Silicon Valley Knightscope the incident in the parking lot. At that time, the company's a K5 security robot patrolling the parking lot are Knightscope headquarters in mountain. But what is surprising is, which was attacked by the humans.

A police spokesman said: "about 8:15 on April 19, we got a warning from Knightscope company, called Terra Bella Avenue 1000th (Knightscope headquarters) was a riot. ”

The police reached the scene, find the so-called troublemakers Hilvan is a 41 year old man. Hilvan knocked Knightscope allegations about 136 kilograms of K5.

A police spokesman said: "we reached the scene, saw Hilvan. He looks perplexed, red eyes in a daze, still exudes a thick smell of alcohol. ”

Knightscope marketing and sales Vice-President sitaxi·Dien·shidifensi (Stacy Dean Stephens), K5 does not provoke the Hilvan.

Stevens said: "the robot is doing what it should do, but soon it detected the man attacks, and immediately called the police. Robot alarm, the suspect tried to flee the scene, but was caught by my colleagues and I. Later, the mountain view police catch up. ”

After the fall, K5 suffered some minor injuries. Stevens said: "the robot's injuries had been repaired, it now goes back to the patrol post, again to assume the defense of our office building and employee safety responsibilities. ”

Robot returned to work, but the attack it Hilvan stands on the event. Police said Knightscope employees had requested the arrest Hilvan and accused him of drinking in public.

Stevens said: "Hilvan claimed to be an engineer, he said this was done to test the security robot. I think he must have the answer (do have a security function). ”

加州一醉酒男子打倒机器人保安:被警方逮捕 - 机器人,加州,酗酒 - IT资讯

北京时间4月26日晚间消息,国外媒体报道,加州一名41岁的男子詹森·希尔万(Jason Sylvain)近日因袭击安保机器人而被警方逮捕。


警方一位发言人称:“在4月19日晚上8点15分左右,我们接到了Knightscope公司的报警,称在Terra Bella大街1000号(Knightscope总部所在地)有人闹事。”



据Knightscope市场营销和销售副总裁斯塔西·迪恩·史蒂芬斯(Stacy Dean Stephens)称,K5机器人并未招惹到希尔万。





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