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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/11 23:39:59 Edit(编辑)
A stolen shared a bicycle to send students of middle school students as a gift, fathers helpless police,

A stolen shared a bicycle to send students of middle school students as a gift, fathers helpless police,(一初中生盗共享单车送同学当礼物,父亲无奈报警求助,)



A stolen shared a bicycle to send students of middle school students as a gift, father helpless police-shared bicycles, bike-IT information

April 7 at 10 o'clock or so, Zhou Guanghua road qinhuai district police station received the public alarm, said their children had stolen a shared bike gives her classmate, advise children to get rejected in return, expects to help education. Police learned from reporter Zhou, it turned out that Mr Zhou's daughter flower (not his real name) told Mr Zhou, she gave the students a bicycle as a gift. Mr Zhou thought bike quite a lot of money, where daughter of money? Carefully and asked to know, originally sent daughter to ride a bike is the student's birthday, flowers was guilty, also favors, colorful share seen parked bicycles, will give the students a shared bicycle and lock is a girl forced to break apart. Flowers told her father she had seen parked bike lock seems broken, only lock into the half, try holding the psychological broke her broken car locks, but really broke, ecstatic she rode directly to the student's home, they sold bicycles to students.

Weeks after Mr, immediately asked the daughter to return to the bike, flower has been sent to the student, and then going back to face, education daughter doesn't listen to him half a day of the week, only to call for police assistance, hope police can give their daughters to school education. After police's persuasion, flower finally understood, shared is not the owner of the bicycle parked cars, broke locks and rode like the flower is theft. Police, accompanied by flowers from students that want to go back to the car, the police service arrangements so as to share a bicycle lock claims.

About the share cycle this new thing, police encountered a lot of problems, which is like a bicycle is stolen, and many other security issues, the police here are universal tips about bikes.

1. you know the child is under 12 years of age prohibited to ride bicycles?

Police in addressing shared bicycle-related police intelligence found that many minors-related, and most of them are minor age standards of disputes caused by traffic accidents.

According to China's regulation on the implementation of provisions of the road traffic safety law, riding bicycles and tricycles must be at least 12 years of age. Due to the popularity of mobile phones a lot of children under 12 years of age, are also exposed to a shared bicycle and prone to security risks.

2. shared bicycles sweeping hidden code you know?

Police in dealing with cases related to the shared bicycle also found that many people shared a bicycle to sweep yards, leading to their fraud case. Police advise, posted some two-dimensional code, only a shared his bike, often criminals put scam information on QR codes, and resolution methods is actually very simple.

Scan regular QR only 2 kinds of cases, after you use the micro scan code there is no car rental phone rental APP download page of the program, the rental APP software, payment car rental screen using the software scan code will appear, not micro-letter or PayPal transfer screen will appear.

一初中生盗共享单车送同学当礼物,父亲无奈报警求助 - 共享单车,单车 - IT资讯










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