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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/10 8:14:45 Edit(编辑)
6.05 billion and save personal information exposure: 5 Yuan to buy hundreds of online banking information

6.05 billion and save personal information exposure: 5 Yuan to buy hundreds of online banking information(60.5亿条个人信息存泄露风险:5元可买百条网银信息,)



6.05 billion and save personal information exposure: 5 Yuan to buy hundreds of online banking-personal information-IT information

Five dollars can buy a network of 100 Silver four pieces of information, including user name, account number, password, telephone number, personal information online "selling" becomes an inevitable part of online fraud. Over the weekend, sky white hat meeting, held in Shenzhen, the sky platform release of the 2016 site analysis report on disclosure of personal information (hereinafter the report) according to 2016 the sky platform includes Web site vulnerabilities can lead to the disclosure of personal information was 359, a total of 6.05 billion possible disclosure of personal information. Information security experts said that once identified as being misused, is likely to cause significant harm to user information security.

A single vulnerability greatly increased

According to the data of the report, this 359 site vulnerabilities can lead to disclosure of personal information, a total of 6.05 billion possible disclosure of personal information, up 9.4% from 2015 to 5.53 billion; the average personal information disclosure vulnerability could lead to 16.85 million, 2015, compared with 3.92 million/vulnerabilities increased by almost three times, a single vulnerability greatly increases. Also, data displayed, in 359 a may leaked personal information of website vulnerability in the: about 25.3% of website vulnerability may leaked user of account password information, may leaked account password number about 610 million article; about 58.5% of website vulnerability may leak user of real name information, may leaked real name information number up to 4.23 billion article; about 62.4% of website vulnerability may leaked user of behavior records, may leaked user behavior records information 4.01 billion article.

Five dollars more than 100 information 80% effective

It is understood that sky White Cap Conference hosted by Sky vulnerability response platform, bringing together domestic and foreign well-known white hat, top technical elite, security enthusiasts, and domestic well-known enterprises network security manager, CISO, including 360 Internet security, hacker one, Lenovo SRC over more than 30 companies and institutions were represented.

According to 360-seat anti-fraud expert Pei Zhiyong introduced under the 360 company information monitoring show currently reselling online for personal information is still rampant, with a single type of personal information is very cheap, five dollars can buy 100 of four pieces of online banking, including user name, account number, password, phone, etc. Five dollars on the Internet 100, once validated and found 80% above are valid. Current portfolio information is more expensive, but 700 bucks you can buy all sorts of information, other than four, including home addresses, relatives, on the net, where open records and take flight.

Pei Zhiyong said, because it is not a single source of information, but the combination of multiple sources of information, so the success rate is not very high, so this kind of information is more expensive, sold hundreds of thousands of Yuan.

60.5亿条个人信息存泄露风险:5元可买百条网银信息 - 个人信息 - IT资讯





据悉,补天白帽大会由补天漏洞响应平台主办,汇集了国内外顶级的知名白帽、技术精英、安全爱好者,以及国内网络安全主管机构、知名企业CISO等,包括360互联网安全中心、hacker one、 联想SRC等30多家企业和机构均派出代表参加。



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