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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/5 21:13:15 Edit(编辑)
University of posts and telecommunications network engine room fire paralyzed Beijing universities network UPS battery, repair completed

University of posts and telecommunications network engine room fire paralyzed Beijing universities network UPS battery, repair completed(北京邮电大学网络机房UPS蓄电池起火使北京多所高校网络瘫痪,已抢修完成,)



University of posts and telecommunications network engine room fire paralyzed Beijing universities network UPS battery, have repairs completed-bupt, University of posts and telecommunications, the fire-IT information

Thanks to information users IT Amazing. Posting of the

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT news, April 5, according to revelations yesterday, University of posts and telecommunications network computer room fire in the UPS room, leading to many colleges and universities in North China including Beijing network outages, went to a number of fire engines on site. Bupt today the University responded, "I have full resurrection of campus network mail". Netizens commented, "this is College Road, College Road carrying handle! ”

According to the University of posts and telecommunications official response, initially identified by the Fire Department, the cause of the Fire Department of UPS battery failure, over an area of one square meter. This incident led some network nodes and temporarily unable to access the campus network, school overnight human arrangement, repair work is 6 repair finish to start emergency power supply, 6:30 networks all connected network node is restored.

Users under the Twitter comments that "let you know who was the College Road, College Road carrying handle! Do not take the bupt, today is the anniversary of your WiFi next year! "" (Bupt) brush between the various colleges and universities in a sense of place. "" (Bupt) is, after all, network management. ”

University of posts and telecommunications network computer room fire in the UPS room information

19:57 April 4, bupt network room UPS (uninterrupted power supply) room is on fire, no casualties, apart from the UPS batteries in central location on the West side is burnt out, no other losses. First cut off the power supply after the school received a report, school leaders and ventricular tachycardia related to the scene, bupt fire emergency plans for prompt start. By the Fire Department initially identified, the cause of the Fire Department of UPS battery failure, over an area of one square meter. This incident led some network nodes and temporarily unable to access the campus network, school overnight human arrangement, repair work is 6 repair finish to start emergency power supply, 6:30 networks all connected network node is restored.

At present, the school set up the cause of the accident investigation unit, and overall school safety inspections, according to the grid management module, and responsibility to the people to the point, subsequent progress will be further informed.

The morning of April 5, 2017

北京邮电大学网络机房UPS蓄电池起火使北京多所高校网络瘫痪,已抢修完成 - 北邮,北京邮电大学,失火 - IT资讯

感谢IT资讯网友 Amazing. 的投稿

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯4月5日消息 昨日根据网友爆料,北京邮电大学网络机房UPS室失火,导致北京等华北地区很多高校网络中断,现场去了多辆消防车。今天北邮大学回应,“我邮的校园网已经满血复活啦”。网友们评论称,“这才是学院路、学院南路的扛把子!”







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